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Everything posted by ready4change79

  1. ready4change79

    4 Weeks Out/up And Down With Weight

    I lost 7 pounds in the first 7 days then not an ounce for 11 days. It will happen. I think we all are ready but it will happened.
  2. ready4change79

    Insurance Said, Yes!

    This was one of my most exciting moments my insurance approval. 2nd was gettin.g my surgery date which was June 28. It's easy to be a ball of nerves with every surgery but I must say that it was one of the easiest surgeries I have had. But i know thats not the same for everybody. I just want to say congratulations and wishing you the best. We are all so lucky to have a 2nd opportunity.
  3. Mine was almost delayed due to a high white blood cell count or infection. However, they put me on a high dose of antibiotics for 3 days. Checked it the morning of surgery and it went down. So my surgery wasn't delayed.
  4. ready4change79

    Any June Sleevers?

    I too am having the same problem. My surgery was June 28 and I am down 23 pounds. I am like Brandy lose a few plateau. It gets a little frustrating but we will all get there.
  5. I have no idea why but a majority of the time I wake up nauseas and throughout the day. Has anyone else had this and how did u deal with it if so? And I'm absolutely not pregnant. Lol.
  6. ready4change79


    I've had this several times myself. My question is is it the same thing as Gerd. I've never really had heartburn often. So I'm not sure what is causing it.
  7. ready4change79

    New To Vst.

    Welcome...I am 6 weeks post op. It has been pretty good so far. The pre-op diet was a little trying for me. Afterwards I didn't know what to expect but now that I'm on solids I am doing better. My hardest part was the emotional hunger. You aren't hungry but your head says you are because that's what we are use to. But I have found that this site offers many answers, tons of support, and sometimes a place to just relate. However, one recommendation I would give you is to not compare your sucesses with anyone elses. I have drove myself crazy doing this. Just because someone loses 25 pounds in 2 weeks doesn't mean you will. But our happy moments no matter how big or how small are ours and we should be glad. It is one more step to our goal of being healthy.
  8. The list above is great.... A few other things I did was cut off of caffeine/carbonated sodas. This was a huge deal for me as I was a Dr.pepper addict. -Have a support group in place. This forum is great. However, during the time I was on liquids post-op. I thought what did I do. -Never be afraid to ask questions no matter how little they seem, you need to completely know what is going on with your body. -Drink as much as you can to avoid dehydration. If I get minimally dehydrated I get a major headache. -Last remember everyone is different you will have your own sucesses and they may not be the same as everyone else's or as much. But we all have a goal and we will get there. The last one has got me a few times to the point of tears but I have to remember my body is gonna do what's best for me. I hope this helps if even just a little bit.
  9. ready4change79

    3Rd Day Post-Op, Qs... Is This Normal?

    Also the gas pain is from the gas they blow you up with and gas x or nothing will help. The best thing is to walk walk walk. My Dr also told me some say the gas pain is worse on the 3rd day. It will get better.
  10. ready4change79

    Scared I Might Be Pregnant

    I had brown spotting and was 10 days late. Felt sick to my stomach but was not pregnant. I knew for sure. She told me the morning sickness was probably low blood sugar. I hope everything works out for you.
  11. I'm still on full liquids and things that I use to love, that I thought I would be able to eat....I can't stand. The only thing that has hit my taste buds is potato soup strained. Has anyone else experienced this. It was things I have always ate I just can't stomach. Am I abnormal?
  12. ready4change79

    Drinking Alcohal?

    I was told that because our stomach is so muxh smaller that it absorbs smaller amounts quickly. In the nutritionist words....you would be a cheap drunk and have a lot of empty calories.
  13. ready4change79

    Slamming A Drink...

    I am 5 weeks post op and I can drink like i always have. I couldnt the first few weeks but after that I drink gulps as I am always thirsty. But beware if you drink to much at first it will hurt and can come back up. So just adjust to how you feel.
  14. I had this happened post op. I was so embarassed and to beat it all I was not at home but at my mothers with no spare clothes. My kids thought it was funny...I was humiliated. Considering my mom is tiny i had to wear a pair of men's boxers home. LESSON: always try to go to the bathroom even just to pass gas...lol.
  15. The first few weeks on liquids I never got that full feeling...the I ate enough feeling and I wondered if something was wrong with me. Now that I'm adding solids I feel the "you've ate enough" kick in. My weight loss has been slow which has discouraged me some but I'm really trying to see the whole picture. I'm just so glad I feel what I've been looking for.
  16. I am 4 weeks post op today. I have been sick to my stomach for 2 days. I don't want to eat or drink. I feel like if I could throw up I would feel better. I also am having the gas in the chest pain again. I have no idea whats going on? Anyone else had this.
  17. Mine was the 28th and I'm able to eat that stuff now also. But it just started Thursday and I was thankful. Maybe you can try changing your chicken up or something.
  18. ready4change79

    Possible Popsicle Overdose!

    I love the Edys fruit sugar free popsicles. If you want to change it up. They are rasberry,strawberry, and tangerine. They are great.
  19. ready4change79

    Completely Bummed!

    I feel you. I am just 2 weeks out and lost 12 pounds. But since my 1 week check up I haven't dropped a pound. It was like my worst fear came true. I too saw everyone losing all this weight and while I was so excited for them. I felt like I wasn't doing something right. But after a few tears I'm gonna try to get back on the bus and ride again. We can do this....we may not be as fast as some. But remember even if you run slower you still reach the finish line....Good Luck! It will all work out. :-)
  20. Ok so first off I'm seriously frustrated. I lost 7 lbs in 7 days. Then I've not lost anything. I've cried and been frustrated. Last night I took a small bite of hamburger meat and I've been in pain for 2 days. I'm back to hurting when I drink water. I need some advice.
  21. ready4change79

    Confused :(

    I did not have a 6 month diet either with uhc.
  22. ready4change79

    Confused :(

    Try to get the code for insurance from your doctor and call back with that. I have united healthcare choice plus which I know is different but it may help to have the code...good luck. I will keep my fingers crossed.
  23. I had to have.... A letter of medical necessity 5 yr weight history Attend seminar A psych evaluation 1 nutritional class A pre op with surgeon Full panel of blood work EKG Upper GI
  24. ready4change79

    2 Week Post Op What Can U Eat ?

    I too will be on soft food in between weeks 2-3 as tolerated. Then can try solids. I think a lot of pre op and post op diets are different per your doctor. Some days I can do instant potatoes and other days I can't. Everyone is different. I am also healing quickly and have no other medical issues.
  25. I am so excited for my 1 week check up. I'm ready for full liquids and to know my progress. I'm excited. Wish me well.

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