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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Blog Entries posted by mokee

  1. mokee
    Here it is the end of month 3. Never thought I would make it this far. Next week I see the surgeon for the 3rd time and he will tell me if I have passed all the tests and can get submitted to insurance.
    I waited till the last week to do the heart doctor who because of my age and not able to exercise very well wanted a stress test. I did it and passed. I am glad they did not find anything wrong with my heart.
    I went to the psycologist for quite a few visits and I think I had enough of that. She was very nice but I still don't know why I use food as a comfort.
    I have been to 4 support group meetings, went to lung doctor and he said I had a touch of asema. My PCD went on to greener fields and I had to get a new PCD. That was not easy for me after many years. I guess I like him as well as any. It is hard to find a good doctor that you can get along with. One week in this 3rd month I had 4 doctor appointments in one week. I changed endo doctors also in month 2.
    I pray that I am making the right decision to have this surgery. I know the life I have now is not good. I want a better life. I want to be able to be off of insulin and putting holes all over my body. I am tired of testing and taking insulin. I blame myself for getting diabetes but they tell me it is not my fault. I have been overweight almost all of my life, even as a child. As soon as I started kindergarden I ballooned up to obese and was that way until the 8th grade when I starved myself for 4 months and lost 40 lbs so I could get a dress for graduation. I wanted so to look like the other girls. I managed to lose another 20 lbs over the next 4 years and stayed there with 10 lbs up or down. Then I got married to someone who was overweight and immediately started to gain. I also got pregnant and gained back the 60 lbs which I never could lose. Over the rest of my life I gained another 70lbs and because of the insulin and the pain I have to keep me seditary it will probably continue to rise.
    Well this is my weight story. Sorry if I bored you all, but you all mean so much to me. I read every post and blog. I feel your pain and also get joy from your accomplishments. I think we are like a family here. Too all the ones that are doing this at a young age I say GOOD FOR YOU. It is a good idea to get your life back as soon as possible. I have missed so much over all the years because of weight.
    Best of luck to everyone. I will let you know what the outcome is with the doctor next month. I hope it is good news.
  2. mokee
    2009 I considered doing the lapband. I signed up for it and backed out at the last minute.
    2012 I started going to weight loss meetings to see about RNY even though what I knew about it sounded quite dangerous. I knew a few others that had had it done and they always looked grey and sick. The first meeting I went to I was told about the sleeve. Well this turned my skepticism to a brighter note. This group presented it well and it was a good hospital in my area. The only problem was the surgeon had very little experience.
    Well, I thought, there are others somewhere. I started searching the net. I went to 4 more meetings with different people and finally found one that at least had done a few hundred of the sleeve. I went to him the end of June 2012. Now mind you I am still quite scared. I am older than most and have a lot of medical problems; HBP HIGH CHOLESTEROL INSULIN DEPENDANT DIABETIS THYROID'S BEEN REMOVED NECK AND BACK PAIN THAT ARE DEABILATATING AT TIMES BONE SPUR THAT IS INBEDED IN MY ACHILLES TENDON AND IT IS MAJOR SURGERY TO FIX (HAD THE OTHER FOOT DONE AND WAS IN WHEEL CHAIR FOR 6 WEEKS).
    I see the NUT and the doctor. She told me how she wanted me to eat and to give up sodas(which I have done for 2 weeks now) The list from the doctor was quite long. I did the lung test, psy eval, blood work, went to 3 support meetings, got letter and history from PCP,had all upper GI and colonoscopy reports sent to stomach DR.
    This is how my first month went. Also I forgot that I am online with all you good people here helping me through this. One minute I don't think I can do this and then I hear all you tell me how it has changed your life. So whenever I think of just forgetting the whole thing I come here for support.
    I went to my second Dr appointment yesterday. The NUT wanted to know why I did not change the way I eat and I said I had too many other things to do this month and the on and off again mind set I had. I promised I would start next week and I will.The Dr comes in and literaly does nothing. He asked me a few questions and we discused me not having the sleep apnea test. because I do not want to. He said it is required by insurance and I said not mine. Than he got kind of angry and said we can't make you do it but it is needed for surgery . So I guess I have to have it done.
    Got a letter today that said my B-12 was low and to start taking 1000mcg a day. Will do this next week also.
    Well, this is my WLS for the first month. I was told surgery sometime in October. I'm sure I will have more in my next blog!!!!!

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