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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by thehappycat

  1. thehappycat

    Pinterest accounts with recipes

    This link doesn't work. Did you close your account?
  2. thehappycat

    Pinterest accounts with recipes

    Anyone else?
  3. thehappycat

    Pinterest accounts with recipes

    The picture is supposed to be a link to a page with the recipe on it. Sometimes there are dead links or you have to click on another page, but most of them work properly.
  4. In the last 3 weeks I've been sick twice. First it was a sinus infection, then the flu. During the flu part especially I wasn't eating hardly anything. EVERYTHING made me feel sick and I couldn't stomach any Protein shakes at the time. I drank as much as I could to stay hydrated, but I slept most of the time. After I started feeling better I could only eat a few bites here and there. I had a Protein shake and could only finish about 1/4th of it. I'm supposed to be weighed in two days. Any guesses as to what my weight is going to do? Is my lean body mass going to be way down? I'm so upset that I had these two setbacks so close together, but what can you do? I'm going to try to get back to the gym this week. I did some moderate cleaning today and I had to keep sitting down because I felt dizzy. Let me know what you guys and gals think.
  5. thehappycat

    What happens when you get sick?

    Just got back from getting weighed. I lost 7 lbs. I didn't even pay attention to my lean body mass or anything. I broke into the 240s! Celebration!
  6. So I'm 60 lbs down so far and while it seems that everyone around me who loses 5 lbs drops a dress size I've gone from a size 24 to a size 20. 60 lbs and 2 sizes down? WTF? Someone please tell me I'm not the only one with this problem.
  7. thehappycat

    I need to whine - dress sizes

    I didn't know that about plus size clothes. I do feel better now, lol.
  8. thehappycat

    Atkins pasta

    Has anyone tried the Atkins pasta? I got some and want to make it but I'm not sure if I should make something else for the family or if non-sleevers will like it.
  9. thehappycat

    Atkins pasta

    Yikes! Noted.
  10. thehappycat

    Atkins pasta

    I found it on Amazon. I had never seen it in a store before. But they have lots of Atkins stuff on Amazon. I got a few things to try. One of which was chocolate Peanut Butter cups. 2 g carbs and 0 sugar. I can't wait to try them!
  11. thehappycat

    Atkins pasta

    Tried it tonight and it was great! It tasted like whole wheat pasta and was really yummy. I'm getting some more. Everyone enjoyed it.
  12. thehappycat

    For the LADIES Only Please...

    I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about. You lose weight pretty evenly throughout your body, depending on your body type. Can you be a little more specific?
  13. thehappycat

    When can u try alcohol.

    I'm super nervous about having anything to drink. Different doctors say different time limits, so check with yours. Mine said I was fine after 5 months (which was Dec 13th), so I'm going to have some wine at Xmas. I'm not a big drinker at all and have my mother's alcohol tolerance (i.e. none) so I'm going to take it slow and I'm going to be in the house, around family, so someone can call an ambulance if something goes horribly wrong, lol.
  14. thehappycat

    Sticks of butter..

    That's a great visual to keep you motivated. I realized when I lost 50 lbs that that's what our smallest dog weighs. But even better, I can pick her up and snuggle her now that I'm stronger from going to the gym all the time.
  15. thehappycat

    Out of Control

    Having surgery is a huge deal, so a little freaking out is to be expected. If you're feeling really overwhelmed I'd recommend talking to a therapist that specializes in eating disorders and disordered eating. I went to a few sessions with a therapist before my surgery and it really helped me to look at the big picture and take things one step at a time.
  16. thehappycat

    Only down 8pounds !

    Everyone loses at their own pace. Don't feel bad. Have you talked to your doc about it?
  17. thehappycat

    I am trying so hard not to eat :(

    You're so close! Hang in there a few more days. It's not fun, but focus on your goal. The liquid part is so short in the grand scheme of things. Be strong and remember why you're doing this.
  18. I don't know if you guys have seen this before, but I was looking for high-Protein recipes and I found the food websites has an entire section of them. Awesome sauce! I made a salmon recipe tonight and I'm looking at a chicken dish for tomorrow. Check it out! http://www.food.com/recipes/high-protein
  19. thehappycat


    Add me! Thehappycat
  20. thehappycat

    Baked Brie Recipe

    I am in love with Brie cheese and my parents like it too. I want to make a Brie recipe for them when they're visiting this Christmas. But every recipe I find is super high carb. Does anyone know of a good Brie recipe that is low carb or can be altered to become low carb? TIA!
  21. thehappycat

    Baked Brie Recipe

    That sounds good. I will give that a try. Thanks!
  22. I keep seeing Protein bars, but none of them seem quite right. Can anyone recommend a good bar? I got one from the commissary that has more protein than carbs, but not a huge difference. I thought it would be nice to have something to snack on while on the run. Thanks!
  23. So my fiance and I have been living with the in-laws for a few months after my surgery and the whole family is doing so well! I've been doing a lot of the cooking, to take some pressure off my MIL, so I'm making high-protein, healthy meals every night. My MIL has been coming with me to the gym and my FIL will go with me on walks around the property where he likes to scope out the deer and check the wildlife cameras. When I visit my parents, my dad goes to the YMCA with me to swim almost every day and he started using MFP to track his food and exercise intake. Recently my FIL has lost some weight and my MIL's cholesterol is down so much her doctor told her she doesn't need to go on medication after all! My dad had a physical after prostate surgery and he got a flawless bill of health. I'm so glad my journey to better health is having so many good effects on my family. Sometimes we can inspire people around us without even realizing it.
  24. thehappycat

    Ripple Effect

    Thanks everyone! I do have a great support system. They've been so good to me as I've changed my lifestyle. They even ate my soy flour biscuits and didn't complain even though they tasted terrible. Needless to say, the dogs got the rest of them. The dogs liked them.
  25. thehappycat

    Stupid Question

    Mine were itching like crazy so I pulled mine off about a week after the surgery. The doc said that they need to be on for about 3 days and after that, as long as there's no bleeding or pain, you can take them off.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
