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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by susie77453

  1. susie77453

    Sleeve Tomorrow! What To Pack?!

    Thanks guys good tips! I'm going minimal but packing essentials! Wish be luck - gosh I'm so nervous!
  2. susie77453

    Sleeve Tomorrow! What To Pack?!

    Oh no! I had forgotten about the gas pain! Might pack my heat pack now! What is gas x??
  3. susie77453

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Thanks guys! I am a big ball of nerves right now :/ Will send you an update as soon as I can Xo
  4. susie77453

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    one more sleep to go until sleeve day! Surprisingly calm at the moment but am sure i wont get a wink of sleep tonight and I'll no doubt be crying before i go in - haha i'm such a wuss but seriously freaked out by going under! i can't beleive I've been waiting a whole year already! A few months ago it was dragging along so slowly and now it seems like I've barely had enough time for it to register! Was unpacking boxes yesterday full of old clothes that were for a skinnier susie a few years ago. I've picked a size 16 pair of gorgeous jeans and a beautiful sparkly top that I used to LOVE! I've hung them up and kept the rest stored (for now!). So now i have a goal to chase and work hard for. I too can't wait to feel comfortable enough in my own skin to get some travel under my belt! I have loads of family and friends all around europe and I would love to go and see/meet them all! Have a great day guys
  5. susie77453

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Oh yeah! Hope everything went well today Lila!
  6. susie77453

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Thanks for the support guys. Somehow made it through yum cha without eating anything. I guess I was just sad to be missing out. It's so silly but after I left I started crying and really wondering if I could give up food. I love cooking and different foods and was questioning my decision. I guess it just pointed out how unhealthy my relationship with food was.. Hoping to be one of the success stories I see on this forum that don't have complications and can still enjoy lots of foods just with smaller amounts, but still feeling pretty negative and that it will all go wrong for me.. 3 sleeps to go! Hopefully I'm out of my funk by then
  7. susie77453

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    I am being tortured right now. Yum cha is my absolute favorite and I'm sitting here with the whole family for fathers day just watching everyone else eat. I just want to cry.
  8. susie77453

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Downer of a day today have still got a nasty cold and am on more antibiotics. Had my pre op appointment and was told that if I'm not better by Tuesday, I'll have to reschedule my sleeve on Wednesday. Just hoping I'll get better soon! I'm depressed and therefor angry at brocollini and asparagus. So frickin sick of no meat or variety in my life! I guess I better get used to it though. Won't be eating anything like I used to for the rest of my life. Sorry for the negativity. Just jack of everything today.
  9. susie77453

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    I can't handle scales... I haven't known what I weighed since year ten. I weighed myself and was at 97kg. i decided i didn't want to see it hit triple digits so I just stopped all together. I just get weighed at surgeon/NUT appointments and make them tell me how much I've lost rather than what i actualyl weigh. Have been on Optifast for just over a week now and am being super strict on it with my sister. We do three shakes a day and two cups of allowed veggies each for dinner. we've had a couple of diet jellies but other than that - that's it. My sister weighed herself last night and she had only lost 800g. Maybe you should try measuring yourself?? I know my sister often wont lose according to the scales but she'll have improvements in her measurments..
  10. susie77453

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    I've been pre-opping for a week today. I was sick all last week and so was at home on the couch! No headaches or any problems but my first day back at work today and I am feeling the lack of calories big time! My new mantra - just a week and a half to go, just a week and a half to go! Chin up Lila - we can do it! Hope y feel better soon
  11. susie77453

    The Stuff They Don't Tell You

    Whoah! They definitely do not tell you this stuff! I'm just over a week away to sleeve day. And reading this thread has me totally scared now! I have been reading up on as much stuff as I could find but the hair loss - never came across that! Ive got such fine hair I'm scared I'm going to go bald :/ and I definitely did not know that your tastes can change so much...
  12. susie77453

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Woo! Congrats on the 13kgs! Gosh that sounds awesome! I can't wait to be in the same spot as you... Week and a half still left til sleeve day but going ok on the Optifast
  13. susie77453

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Best of luck for tomorrow! The sooner it's done the sooner you'll be losing weight and living your new life! I'm super jealous - I still have two weeks to wait Let us know how you go!
  14. susie77453

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Hi jules58, These seen to be a pretty good tool. There are also ones specific to sleevers and banders too... http://www.greatideas.net.au/index.php?cPath=2&osCsid=6218648c15e6ab9cd960cf265e29c0f6
  15. susie77453

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Ooohh crazy! I always thought the new stomach would be just like a straight tube but you've got that little sticky outtie bit.. How cool I hope I get pics when I go in! Two weeks from now I will officially be a couple iof hours post op - getting scary! Day three of Optifast now, feeling a bit hungry still but have had no headaches like last time (knock wood!). The food channel is a no go zone right now - it is torture!! Can't wait for the day when I'm not hungry anymore!!!
  16. susie77453

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Day 1 of Optifast down! Woooo bring on the next two weeks! Quick question - were any of you peeing an extra crazy amount on optifast?? I normally drink about 5 liters of Water a day and I thought I was going a lot then but this is crazy! Lol
  17. susie77453

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    I'm in Canberra so pretty small next to the Sydney and Brisbane siders! Although I'd love to hear from anyone else in the ACT. Mmm diet jelly - I forgot these are allowed! Definitely going to get some of those made up Feeling better flu-wise today and have started Optifast. They weren't as horrible as I remembered so that's good. Feel like eating but not because I'm hungry - this will be the hardest habit to break! But I'd rather lock it down now before the op just gotta keep on chugging along and have faith that this will all be worth it 6 months down the road.
  18. susie77453

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Hi all, Still reading along every day and living all the info and tips coming from you all I have a question, when I was banded I got really awful pains in my right shoulder from the gas they use to inflate you for surgery. I've been told by my doc that it'll need to be done again and I'm so scared of the pain again! Wondering if any of you experienced it? Not sure if it's a common thing or I was just unlucky last time.. Start Optifast tomorrow - bit worried as I've picked up a nasty cold and would normally be fixing it with veg and chicken Soups and lots of honey tea and veg juice... Not so great to have on optifast! If anyone has a good remedie let me know! Really want to get better so my surgerys not delayed. September 5th - eek getting close now! Cheers, Susie
  19. susie77453

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Hi Michelle, I'm still just under a month away from my surgery but my work mate and i found these cool bowls/plates that might be usefull for portion size? http://www.greatideas.net.au/index.php?cPath=2&osCsid=6218648c15e6ab9cd960cf265e29c0f6 I'm nervous about hitting that stage of the process too! Susie
  20. susie77453

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Hi Guys, Wow! all this info has been so helpful and comforting! I'm exactly one month away from my sleeve. appointments with surgeon and nutritionist next week and am thinking about the Optifast phase. I really want to give this the best possible chance and am considering doing optifast for three weeks rather than two.. I found it easy to do before my band last time but was wondering what you all think and reccomend? I'm a bit of an 'all or nothing' girl and am thinking this will give me even more weight loss and more discipline for post op. My best friend has asked me to be in her wedding in Feb and I'm excited about it but nervous about how I'll look - especially next to the supermodels I'm in there with! it will be 6 months after my surgery - is there a rough guide at how much i can expect to lose?
  21. susie77453

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Hi all, Another one from oz. Am booked in for the 5th September and am totally scared! Mostly scared that it won't work and I'll end up dissapointed again (banded 2005 and removed 2010). But also really scared that I'm not going to lose weight. I see everyone else's before pictures and I feel like I'm twice the size of all of them and it will take at least twice as long to get where their after pictures are! Also pretty scared of a tear. It's something that i know i need to do for me to live any kind of fulfilling life but it definitely comes with a 'cons' list. Trying to just think of the me that will be here in a year everytime i think of something negative. This site has helped a lot though. knowing I'm not the only one that's convinced it wont work for me and that is scared makes me feel much better. Especially as I'm too embarrassed to tell anyone of my friends about the surgery and fears etc. Best of luck with your op and journey!
  22. I was banded in March 2005 and had really great success. I lost about 40kg and was happy and living a life that I loved. In 2008 I had a slip. My surgeon and I tried to work with it and see if it was manageable but by January 2010 pretty much the only foods i could keep down were the chips and chocolate. I was unhappy all the time, would be vomiting with every meal and had heartburn like no ones business (turns out I had a hiatus hernia). So I decided to have the band removed. Since then I've put on all of the weight i lost and then some. I've never felt more low. I've been dealing with depression and bi polar disorder for years and years and this added weight has made it the worst I've ever had it. I hate going out anywhere anymore, i hate going to see people or even people coming to see me. I'm scared every day that this is what my life will be forever. I'm considering the sleeve but am so scared about what I've read. I'm worried that I'll not be able to control my eating and I'll have a leak. I'm worried about giving up eating and enjoying food. I'm scared that it will send me even further into my depression/bi polar "black hole". And I'm worried about telling people - this might be dumb and i cant really explain it but I'm embarassed to tell people. Only 1 member of my family knew about my band surgery when it happened. They were hurt that I didn't tell them when they finally found out. I guess I'm on here trying to find out all i can from people's personal experiences. Anything you've got will help me a lot! Are there any regrets? What kind of complications have you had? I don't even know anything about what kind of foods i will and wont be able to eat! Just very scared to make my decision...

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