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Posts posted by made2beme

  1. yeah - I have all of my paperwork turned in, but there is nowhere for the Dr. Garcia to sign. alma did tell me that once he looks over the medical history she would let me know and maybe that will have something from him?

    Oh well, I am sure I am just being paranoid....its just different than going to a Dr. here in the US where you know you are scheduled...usually you would receive paperwork or somethign in the mail, phone call, etc. with appt date from Dr. office ya know.

  2. Just curious - have either of you with Dr. Garcia received any type of written confirmation of your scheduled surgery? I dont know why, but I just started thinking what if I get all the way there and I am not actually scheduled. I mean, we pay our deposit and trust a coordinator that just says we are scheduled.....

    Im sure its fine, just wondering if anyone else has received or requested a confirmation of any sort?

  3. My surgery is scheduled for aug 3rd with Dr Garcia as well & I couldn't be happier with my decision. Just about a month ago, I was where you are....did not want to go to Mexico & was looking into insurance covering it. The plan I have has an exception, no WLS coverage no matter what. My husband is on the verge of getting a job where his ins would cover it....so I was gonna stick it out.

    Then did some research & realized my copays & deductible would be most as much PLUS the hoops I'd have to jump through....all while my health is suffering.

    So, I became addicted to this board....you will find so much support & info here. There is also a Self-pay Mexico forum....you should join us there!

    I know it's not what we may have imagined, going to another country for surgery....but I have complete peace with my decision !

  4. I know im a wierdo to even think about this, but can not remember from past surgeries..are contacts a No-No during surgery?

    I've worn them daily for over 20 yrs & am just so used to it. But if I have to wear glasses for surgery I'll just leave the contacts at home & wear glasses the whole time...it will be easier in the long run.

  5. Oh Praise the Lord....is it really possible Menopause symptoms can get better or go away?? I had a total hyster at 32 and have been on HRT, finally with a combination of Estrodiol & Effexor I feel human again, but still constantly burning up, sweating constantly & still drench the bed when sleeping.

    I was afraid my HRT may hinder my weight loss....but never thought about the symptoms getting better ;-) yeah for VSG!!!!

  6. Hey fellow sleevers,

    I've just started thinking about the fact that I am on Estrodiol for hormone replacement (total hysterectomy at 33) and also Effexor for mild depression due to hormonal changes & to help with hot flashes. BOTH of these are known to have side effect of weight gain which is no doubt why I was able to put on over 100lbs in less than a year (that's way faster than normal).

    So just wondering from personal experience if weight loss has still been good if on either of these or has it not even been an issue. Also have Hypothyroidism which didn't happen till after Hyster also.....

    Thanks for any experience....

  7. Still so overwhelmed by all of the brands/flavors/types....pre-op but trying to be prepared. Plus have 2 wks pre-op diet and I am thinking I may do 3 wks just to get that extra push of weight loss.

    Anyway, while looking I found the BSN - Lean Dessert Protein shake for 1/2 the price at imedmart opposed to BSN website and just thought I would share. The flavors sound delicious.....


  8. I have been speaking with Dr. Garcia's coordinator alma as well - really love her. She is extremely quick to respond and has answered her phone each time I have called. I sent her an email with lots of very specific questions and she called me almost immediately to answer all of my questions...she just went down the list and knew what she was talking about.

    I am still pre-op and havent been down there but I am not really understanding what the "aversion" is to dealing with a coordinator. Alma has given me Dr. Garcia's email and I can also speak with him personally if I would like. I really think it depends on the surgeons preference. Maybe the surgeons that use a coordinator simply like having someone to help in all of the details.

    You're going to Mexico to have surgery, not sight-see. Some coordinators take the patients around nearby shopping areas to pick up souvenirs. Really? You can't live without that for two days?

    Wow...thats a little harsh. I personally could care less about sight seeing and purchasing souvenirs but why is that a horrible thing if on day 3 you want to get out of your hotel room and instead of paying for a taxi you have a coordinator take you around? Also, I have seen a number of people come from all over the globe to Mx....maybe they want to pick up a little something because they may never be back.

    The coordinators take roughly half of the doctors fee. That's insane. No wonder Dr Kelly didn't need one anymore. He was a very caring, qualified surgeon. I'm very happy I chose him.

    Really - is there proof of this? They take roughly half of the doctors fee, maybe I should apply for a job then. To me this also suggests that if your surgeon uses a coordinator they are less competent, not caring or qualified as Dr. Kelly is.

    I apologize in advance, I rarely ever would post any type of response but this one really struck a nerve with me. The original poster lynnz asked if you could book without a coordinator? The responses she received (if I were just starting to research) would lead me to believe a surgeon that uses a coordinator are not as reputable or as good of a choice.

    Maybe I am just crazy......wishing the best for everyone, no matter who they chose and for what reason.

  9. Awesome - thanks....I think I will vlog also along with written blog I will be keeping up with. I think watching my (in your case, your) own vlogs will be awesome as we shrink!! What a great way to document the journey of a lifetime.

    How much are you paying for Dr. Gonzales again? How many nights in hospital and how many in hotel? I know you have posted this already, but I can not seem to find it.

    Good luck on your pre-op diet....not looking forward to it, but i AM looking forward to the weight loss that happens during it!

  10. Looks like I am first so far - I will have to keep you ladies updated and let you know how things are going. I am not sure about bringing my laptop to Mx, just because of weight and size....trying to pack as light as possible. I'll have my phone and can post on the app, wondering if I will incur international charges?

    I can not wait to post from the hospital AFTER the surgery is done!!!

  11. Hanging in there! Can't go fast enough for me! Bags are still packed and waiting in the hall. Just gotta put make up brushes, nook, iPhone in it! Lol. It's gonna be a vacation for me, too. To get away from home stress and just have peace!

    Ahhh yes, time away from the kids :D Its just gonna be hubby and I in Mx for 6 days, wow....what a nice vacation huh? Relax, get away, no work and begin the rest of your life all at the same time....can not wait!!

  12. All good suggestions, I am a MAJOR list maker (on the obsessive side, lol) so I have been compiling every list I can of what to expect, what to take to the hospital, what foods to purchase before hand, etc. I have been keeping a list of mini goals I will have as I loose, starting a blog so that I can remember each day and how I am changing plus it will keep me more accountable, etc.

    Even though I am almost 2 months from surgery, I have started trying to limit my sugar & carbs, up my protien, I am reading everything I can get my hands on just so that I am fully prepared for how my body may react and what is the best course of action starting now.

    So, if you are like me....these are some things that will not only keep you busy but really get you ready and have less surprises as you go along.

  13. Seriously - I thought I was already excited...but I feel like a 2 yr old about to wet her pants, lol!! I can not wait for the journey to begin, I a starting a new blog about digging deep to become the ME that God created me to be. Emotionally, physically and spiritually....as we know this is NOT just a physical journey!!

    Hope to meet someone from here, so let me hear ya if you will be there too!

  14. I hope to join you ladies as an August sleever. I have not scheduled my date yet (still waiting to find out where the money is coming from) but will be going to Dr. Garcia in Tijana, Mx and am going to ask for Aug 8th as that works best with my work schedule and best deals on flights.

    My husband will coming with me....I can not wait to just get the date scheduled!


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