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Posts posted by made2beme

  1. Maybe a lock would be a good idea - I dont think the room will be left unattended for too long. I am sure that hubby will walk with me until he has to stop going into OR and then, Im guessing he will wait in the room....I dont know the situation for waiting rooms, etc.

    I am also sure I am worrying for nothing, I have not heard a single word about theft being a problem especially at Mi Doctor or with Dr. Garcia and his staff....I just dont think it would be worth their reputation.

    jh5497 - I will barely miss you. We will be leaving on 8/7...I wish you the best and I plan to update as much as possible while there as you are getting ready to come to Mx!

  2. OK, so I already know I will not be bringing any "valuables" such as jewelry and hubby will have any cash we bring in his wallet with him, but we will have iPhones and laptops, etc. When I am in surgery, unless hubby stays right there in room they will have to be left unattended. Also, when walking the halls and any time I may not be in the room, etc.

    Has anyone felt unsafe leaving these things or any advise on where to leave, etc.? I am just winding down these last few days and getting everything in order. I know I wont think of everything, but it certainly helps to have already asked these type questions and seeing responses from those of you that have been there!

  3. OK, I will sooo be taking my sub-lingual B-12 tomorrow...I didnt even think about that for energy NOW, although I do have it ready for post-op,

    Did a little better today - but so far I have been able to have 1 high Protein meal like salad with chicken, turkey, etc. supposed to be for dinner, but I have been switching between lunch and dinner. But, this week is the countdown of last 7 days and it is full liquids, then at 3 days pre-op Clear Liquids only. So, I am buckling down and getting ready I know I am about to be hungry!

    Worth every single hunger pang and vicious stomach growl .....this time next week I will be resting in the hospital bed on the losers bench....woot woot!

  4. Ive waited to post a comment as I see 80 people have viewed and not said a word. There are quite a few things I could say, but just to give information just as you state yours is doing for those out there looking for a doctor and doing research just because your surgeon is less expensive DOES NOT mean he/she does not use "quality" supplies/products or that he/she is not an experienced surgeon.

    The surgeon I have chosen is quite a bit less expensive than Dr. Aceves and I happened to ask the question about the staples and guess what he uses....drum roll please yep "Johnson & Johnson". My surgeon keeps us for 2 days in the hospital, can't say I would call it "state of the art" but there is an ICU and cardiology unit and it is a relatively new hospital. Then 2 nights in a nearby hotel in which you are still being cared for and if any problems arise, taken care of immediately. Personally....I much rather stay in a comfy hotel where I can relax and sleep, walk, ect as I wish instead of a hospital with around the clock nurses and the hustle and bustle going on.

    I am truly happy for you that your surgery went great, you have had so much success and you take great pride in the work your surgeon does. You chose a top dollar surgeon and you paid for his reputation and "name" and the state of the art hospital that for the most part was not even utilized by you..... But, for some of us cost IS a factor. Saying this, I certainly would not chance my health/life somewhere that I KNEW was shady just because it was "cheaper". But, most of us on this board have done extensive research, listening, watching, asking, for some like myself praying and we feel very comfortable with the choice we have made for whatever reason we made it.

    I will say as I have on other posts of this nature, it would be very discouraging to a newbie that has just decided to have the sleeve and is looking at Self-pay/Mexico as an option to be convinced that in order to get good, quality care you would have to pay somewhere around 3,000-4,000 more than some of the other just as qualified, capible surgeons. This honestly may turn some people around into thinking it will never happen for them.....because again, sometimes price IS A FACTOR!

    I have researched for going on about 9.5 months now so I do not take this decision lightly nor am I trying to judge anyones decision on surgeons.....I do believe to each their own. But, in all of my research there is only ONE difference I see in my choice of surgeons and yours and that is years of experience. Yes, to some this is huge....it is a factor to me but I feel like the years of experience my surgeon has is enough for me....may not be for others, but it is worth waiting on my health and literally being miserable and depressed not living any kind of a life to speak of in order to save up the extra $4,000 it would cost to choose your surgeon.....No, not to me,

    From my research and hearing personal experience (no, I have not been there yet but will be going with full confidence next Fri) my surgeon uses top brand staples and does the same leak tests and puts for the the same care, concern and education for his patients as any other surgeon. Oh yes and although I do realize its not quite the same...my surgeon teaches bariatric surgery at a local college also.....but I'm sure not to the extent of Dr. Aceves.

    Again, before all of the backlash comes my way....I am genuinely happy for those of you who were able to choose Dr. Aceves as your surgeon....yes, no doubt about it you were in great hands. But, those of us chosing a different surgeon are in great hands as well......

    Just think about this when wanting to post an "informational" post to help those just looking and researching.....building up one surgeon based SOLEY on his cost. I say this because of your comment "You always get what you pay for" so that IS what its about to a lot of people.

    The last time I checked we are here for support, not competition people. The goal is to be sleeved, be succesul at losing and keeping off weight to be healthy and live a full, active life....who CARES how we got there or if my staples cost more or less than yours.....seriously?!?!?

    Im done.....

  5. Whew, I'm glad today is almost over, I've been starving all day. I know day 3 would be bad from doing the HCG diet, but my tummy has been growling like crazy! Only 6 more days to go. 0_o

    This is the first time I have heart HCG mentioned on the boards.....so you did it too? I did and lost almost 90 lbs in 7 months and I seriously was the guru in town, I led a support group and convinced about 10 of my friends and church members to do it with me. Talk about looking like a FOOOOOOL when I went into hiding for a while because I was gaining and then seeing these people in public after gaining the 90 back plus 20 in a year. Woah...can you say reality check. Me and my body do not work with crash, extreme diets....thank God for the sleeve!

  6. At work, I use post it notes to help me keep on track. When I finish a Water bottle I write two notes, one for the time 30 minutes ahead which I stick on a snack and one for an hour fifteen ahead which I stick on my Water bottle. That way I ensure I don't refill the bottle until that time ensuring I don't take it too close to the snack. I dont eat the snack until the time either Silly, I know, but it works for me.

    Sent from my iPad using VST

    This totally sounds like something I would do and probably will....Thanks for the great idea! :)

  7. Made2beme - why did you start early? I was thinking about it just to get over the hump earlier and feel like i was doing something instead of just waiting. first 4 days is suppose to be green fruits/veggies & one shake and then 3 days of liquids. I dont' care for fruits/veggies so I'll probably do 7 days of liquid.

    I started early because I had approx 23 lbs to lose pre-op. I was right on the borderline of being BMI 49-50 and it was going to cost more (I am cash pay) AND be more possible complications (which is why they charge more) if I was BMI 49 or over. So, I HAD to lose 23 lbs.....I am 18 down now with 10 more days to go, so I think I will do it. Believe me, if I could have waited and just started this week I would have. But, I am glad I did it....now I can go into surgery hopefully 25 lbs less. Just that much less to lose post-op!

  8. I am on day 9 of pre op (started a wk early) and it DOES get easier. Not saying it gets "easy" but you do kind of get past the hump, a little less groggy, and craby and even hungry. The first few days your body still has the carbs and sugars it is trying to get rid of and you are starving.

    I tried to stay as busy as possible...it may seem like that will not work when you are starving and your stomach is yelling at you, but seriously if you can get your mind on something else you would be suprised how time goes by and you realize you have made it to the end of the night.

    Also, I have been drinking Water like a mad woman....that helps too. Mixing protien shakes with ice also seems to make them "frothy" and even though it is the same amount of liquid if just mixed with water/milk alone....it makes you feel more full and satisfied.

    Even though I feel "empty" and have fleeting moments of eating one last taco or something small I already feel healthier and believe it or not, seem to not be huffing and puffing as much as before. No crappy food in my body feels pretty good!!!

    Just my thoughts.....you can do it and it is SOOOOOOOOOOO worth it!

  9. Dr. Kelly in TJ. Can't wait. Nervous too. Going it alone (can't leave the teenagers home alone)

    Hey there - I will be there with Garcia, but sleeved on 8/3 also. So, know you will NOT really be there alone (at least in TJ and going through the same thing). I know, its getting so close....I am nervous but way more excited that it feels like nerves.

    Its almost unbelievable and not real sure I will believe it until I am in the actual hosptial! You will do fantastic.....

  10. I would stick to your doctors instructions, there is a reason they issue them. If you are serious about this journey, than stick to the plan:)

    I plan to completely - I have no intentions of eating a "last meal" I already did that about a month ago. I honestly am like some that have responded, so ready I dont really care. Although I am hungry (cant deny that) I actually am feeling 100% more healthy and feel great otherwise. I have lost 17 lbs so far and still have 11 days to go....so I dont want to take any chances.

    I agree with those that have posted it would take more than 1 meal to sabbotage and actually affect your liver....I am sure that is pretty true, I mean it makes sense it would take more than 1 single meal to cause complications. But for me....its more of a mental thing I guess. I am a all or nothing person (sometimes that is no so good) and if I have it in my head that I am going to eat this humongus, fatty, greasy meal before surgery it gets my head out of the place it is now which is not eating just because it tastes good.

    No judgement for those that have done it - frankly I wish I were courageous enough to do it....but Im not, what I wouldnt do for a huge plate of Mexican food...my mouth is watering just thinking about it. But, I just like to stick by the plan and do what I am advised to do....that way I know I have done all I can do to get where I need/want to be.

    The post was just about curiousity of what everyone else has done and why.....thanks guys!

  11. Just curious, I have read several surgeons (all from the Mx forum) that allow a "last meal" literally the night before surgery and even recommend a great resteraunt to go to. I didnt think we could do this. My surgeon in Mx. has me on a strict 2 wk pre-op diet which includes the last 3 days to be Clear liquids only and no eating after midnight. I dont think he would approve a "last meal" seeing as you may go overboard and stuff yourself.

    Just curious as to what others have done and why this would be ok, obviously it is as those that have done it seem to have no problems.

  12. My fantasies are pretty simple....just to be able to change in front of my husband, get in or out of the shower with him in the room, be excited about going on a tropical vacation and wear a swimsuit (maybe not even a bikini) and be able to book one of the nice, romantic hotel suites with the jacuzzi tub we can both fit in.....Ive avoided all of these since the day we got married (almost 4 yrs) just want to be able to enjoy these things with my hubby!

  13. Thank you for sharing.....truly left me in tears. After spending the weekend with my parents that do not understand why I have to have WLS as opposed to just "doing it on my own" this was so the encouragement that I needed. I know that God was in every single step to making this decision as even as Bart said....I went through about a year of dealing with emotional issues, some of the hardest of my life to get to this point and it was all a part of Gods plan.

    To hear the words come out of someone elses mouth that I feel completely......really a blessing today!!

  14. I'm going to be there July 30. Had a friend refer Dr. Garcia to me! Nice to hear others have had similar, awesome experiences with him!

    Hey there - so you should still be in the hotel when I arrive on 8/2. It will be great to meet someone from the boards that is there and can share their experience in person!

    We are almost there....

  15. I will have to agree with Shangefan....this is a very sensitive subject for a lot of us that have chosen different surgeons than your "top Mexican surgeons" list for various personal reasons. To point out those doctors by name and why they are inferior to your list is not really necessary to get feedback from those of us that have chosen Mexico. You are certainly NOT the only one that has done tons of research and saved up for this monumental decision.

    It is a bit insulting to read a post that suggest our life is not as valuable to us as yours is to you, since we may have chosen different surgeons that those on your list. Also, your response to StrangelyNormal seemed a bit harsh when she was simply sharing her experience. She included her Vlog which may very well talk about in detail the surgeon she chose and why....

    And oh yes, Ive heard of some surgeons operating in a "clinic" setting, small hospitals and large also....but a GARAGE...thats a new one on me.

    Good luck in your search, I hope others can contribute more helpful insight than I.

  16. Dont apologize - really, I was full of all of the same exact questions. I have found so much support and help here....there are LOTS of people that have used Dr. Garcia and I know they would love to answer any questions you have...I know I asked them and they answered.

    One helpful way I found was to search Dr. Garcia in the forums (up top to the right) and then you get all of the posts that mention him. It is a lot of reading..but it is easier than searching for someone that has had surgery and used him.

    I KNOW they can get you in that soon - I have seen them schedule within 3 wks. Some scheduled end of June and have already had surgery or about to before July is over. So, Sept should be no prob!!

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