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Everything posted by DuranFan1969

  1. DuranFan1969

    Bring To Hospital

    Oh just thought of something that I think really helped me in the hospital - ask them to put the nausea patch behind your ear, not every hospital does it automatically. You keep it on for 3 days and believe that it really helped me with nausea control.
  2. I would be surprised if anyone out there didn't have those same thought. Then came the 14 day liquid diet and ... the urge to eat a cheeseburger didn't go away. However, was helped me was the reminder that my liver had to shrink enough for surgery, otherwise the doctor will close you up and won't be able to do it. Just knowing that anything bad I eat could cause me to postpone, that was enough incentive for me.
  3. DuranFan1969

    I Can't Believe It!

    That's awesome, congrats !!
  4. My NUT gave me at least some variety for my 14 day liquid diet. I was able to have low sodium broth (which helped, since it's really the only salty thing I can have), SF Jello, SF pudding, SF popsicles/creamsicles, SF applesauce, Gatorade and 2 of the Bariatric Advantage shakes, but I could add anything SF to the shake (sugar free chocolate syrup, banana, etc). The key for me was to make sure I was getting my Water in, constantly sipping (that will get you prepped for sipping after surgery) and make sure you have something every 2 hours or you'll get the hunger pangs for sure.
  5. DuranFan1969

    Day One Of Pre Diet

    The pre-op diet can seem a bit of an intimidating challenge, but it can be done! I would highly suggest you get as much variety in as your doctor's plan allows you too. I thought several times about cheating a bit, but I kept reminding myself that if I slip up and my liver isn't shrunk enough that they would have to close me up and not do the surgery. That was all the incentive I needed! It'll get easier - just make sure you're having a little something every 2 hours and stay away from people who have really good smelling food.
  6. DuranFan1969

    Bring To Hospital

    You can pretty much go bare bones on what to bring. I took a change of PJ's, undies, deodorant, lip balm socks, Gas X strips, my Kindle and my iPHone. I read a little and of course was able to keep in touch with the outside world via phone, brushed my teeth, used my lip balm a lot and used a little deodorant and that was it. You're going to find that you won't need too much simply because you will be resting a lot. Make sure to bring lip balm!!
  7. DuranFan1969

    Surgery In The Morning, Lucky 6/13

    I'm officially on the losers bench now too! Surgery yesterday went extremely well and have only had minor pain; hoping for my release this morning. Congrats to all my fellow 13th sleever!!
  8. I wouldnt be surprised if you werent losing inches instead of pounds, making your clothes fit differently. My clothes were always my biggest reminder when the scale was being fickle.
  9. I did it !!!! Surgery started around 7:40 this morning, took about 1 hour and in my room by 10:30. I have had minimal pain (being told to stay on top of pain meds was the best advice ever!) and was a touch nauseous in recovery but have felt much better than I thought I would. I've had a popsicle, Water and some broth and doing good there and have already done some good walking. All I know is if anyone ever needs a surgeon in Atlanta, Dr. Hart is amazing!!!
  10. DuranFan1969

    June Or Upcoming This Week Sleeve

    Rocked it!!! Surgery started at 7:40 this morning and was done in an hour. Out of revovery and in my room by 10:30. So far I feel decent given the circumstances -- slowly, very slowly enjoying a popsicle!!
  11. DuranFan1969

    June Or Upcoming This Week Sleeve

    Woohoo I'm at the hospital in my lovely gown and booties -- all dressed and ready to party --- lets roll !!! Good luck today my fellow 13th sleevers and sleeverettes!!!!
  12. I can't believe today is finally here!! I only got about 3 hours sleep ... brain was ready to wake me up and get on with living my new life apparently!
  13. DuranFan1969

    Surgery In The Morning, Lucky 6/13

    Mine is today too -- woohoo we finally get to say it's "today"!!! I couldn't sleep - brain wouldn't let me. I got 3 hours in though.
  14. Yes it is a major surgery but it's also in theory, not that uncommon for a surgery to be done to remove part of your stomach - there are several other medically necessary reasons it's performed. Yes, you will have about a month off regular food. At first it feels weird - you're not chewing anything, but you get used to it. For me, I started with a 14 day pre-op diet (which ends today for me, since today is surgery day - woohoo!!) I was permitted to have the Protein shakes, SF pudding, SF Jello, Gatorade, SF applesauce, broth - things like that. Once you have the surgery, you'll go onto full liquids (same thing as before, but you get to add cream Soup, instant mashed potatoes, things like that), and then it's on to puree/soft foods and back to normal eventually. My doctor says 5 weeks post op I will be back on regular solid food. So yes, you will have a time where your meal habits will change - but they're also going to change drastically after the surgery too as you won't be eating as much or as as much junk.
  15. DuranFan1969

    How Long Are You Off From Work

    I told my work to expect 2 - 3 weeks, but I'm fortunate to be able to work from home in the interim so I don't miss much time from work at all.
  16. DuranFan1969

    I Got Approved...! :)

    Congrats !!!
  17. DuranFan1969

    My Big Day Tomorrow!

    I'm in the group tomorrow too - I'm so excited !!! I started packing and organizing and well, probably over doing anything that's needed (like writing down all sorts of "in the hospital" and "when I'm home" lists for my mom who is taking care of me). I'm a dork - but I have to do something with all the excited energy - I know I won't be able to sleep tonight. Good luck my fellow 13th sleevers - can't wait til we're all on the losers bench this time tomorrow !!
  18. DuranFan1969

    Biggest Nsv Of Alllllll!

    Can't top that NSV and I wouldn't ever want to. Congrats - I hope you celebrate that one !!!
  19. DuranFan1969

    At The Hospital Now

    Woohoo, congrats !!! This time tomorrow, I will be you
  20. Holy crap, my name is on there finally. As weird as this sounds .... that just reminded me it's really happening finally .... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. DuranFan1969

    June Or Upcoming This Week Sleeve

    I've been on the 14 day liquid diet but today sucks !!!! I could only have 3 oz. of chicken this morning (weird that they let me have chicken today) and then it's nothing but Clear Liquids the rest of the day and I'm so excited for tomorrow to be here. This time tomorrow I'll be on the losers bench !!!
  22. DuranFan1969


    Fantastic !!!
  23. DuranFan1969

    Sleep Study Requirement?

    I think it's important to have the sleep test because it will help you in the long run. From what I've been told, it aids the anesthesia department take care of you properly (if you have a sleep disorder) and also when you are post-op, they will put your CPAP on you if you're blood oxygen levels get too low. If you are heavier and have a snoring issue, I would at least have it checked out -- I know my doctor required me to do it, and it aided in exhibiting comorbities to my insurance company.
  24. DuranFan1969

    Liquid Diet Question

    Oh yes, certainly will. The liquid diet I have been on for 14 days now wasn't totally liquid -- I could have SF pudding or oatmeal for example and it has to come out some way!
  25. DuranFan1969

    Crystal Light Margarita Addiction

    I've been wanting to try that one but hadn't heard if it was good. I just have to make sure I don't slip some tequila in it hehe

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
