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Everything posted by Audrey523

  1. Audrey523

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    I have to stop my blood thinner a week before surgery.
  2. Audrey523

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    I would definitely be happy to get away and celebrate our skinny selfs. But we are so spread out, it will have to be mid country. Its a dream that only we as our Awesome August Sleevers can do. Could you just imagine us all walking through Disneyworld in some Amazingly Awesome August Sleevers t shirt, riding on all the rides that we never dreamed we could go on. Getting stares cause we are Absolutely Amazingly Awesome August Sleevers, not for , well, you know. That was fun, but I cannot think of any other adjectives with an A, so I will just sign off now. lol
  3. Audrey523

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    Yes. You are joining my date. I'm in NYC
  4. Audrey523

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    I'm in queens. Getting sleeved on 20th. Woohoo
  5. Audrey523

    Praying The Sleeve Helps With Diabetes...

    Hi missjenny. I too am type 1. Having surgery on August 20. Are you on a pump? How did the hospital handle your diabetes. Where you able to self monitor? Sorry about all the questions. I was told to take off the pump before I leave for the hospital in the morning. So scared about that Nervous about adjusting my basals during liquid diet ( only 24 hours) and during the post op period. I know, monitor, monitor monitor. But ivealready have had more lows then normal just reducing my carbs. And when I drop, I raid the fridge before I come back to my senses. Well, that's it for now. Tanks for listening.
  6. Did your doctor instruct you to stop your mess? I know that when we are hungry and donot eat, our liver thinks we are starving and will produce glucose as a survival mechanism. Small frequent meals are best. It make sense on a long clear liquid diet, your body is reacting. Of course I too am not a doctor, just a type 1 diabetic on an insulin pump. Dealing with this for many many years. This happens to me overnight. I wake up high. Good luck to you.
  7. Audrey523

    A1C Level To High For Surgery

    That is worrisome. I'm type 1 and have trouble getting it down below 8. I am on an insulin pump and will always be insulin dependent, but WLS is suppose to help me. I get my pre op blood work on August 6.
  8. Audrey523

    Cpap Question

    I have and use the machine nightly. I hated it at the sleep study and cried for weeks about it. But I got use to it and sleep so much better. Cannot really sleep without it now. My nose is extremely stuffed at night. It helps. I've tried nose spray and the breathe right strips but they do not help. I was also told to bring it with me. But I'm hoping to just get along with the oxygen tubes there. We will see. Hopefully after the surgery (8/20) I will not need it anymore! Something to look forward to.
  9. Audrey523

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    OMG. I JUST REALIZED THAT myfitnesspal has a label scanner. Little things make me happy! Lol
  10. Audrey523

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    Thank you everyone who friended me on myfitnesspal. I feel like we are on one of those long long lines for a Disney ride. We are finally at the point where we are under the canopy and can hear the music. Out ride will begin shortly!
  11. Audrey523

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    Finally figured. Out myfitnesspal. Had to use hubby's email though. Please friend me. My username is Audrey52357. Thanks
  12. Hi all. I am a type 1.5 diabetic, which means adult onset type 1. I was diagnosed in1995 and have been on the pump since 2005. I am a brittle diabetic, highs and lows. Surgery date is August 20th. . My question is about basal settings. When should I start changing them. I do not have a pre op diet but need to concentrate on reducing carbs, protein first, small bites, well chewd, no drink with meals, etc. and afterwards, of course I will need little insulin, eating so little. But basals are continuous. I do not want to go back to shots. Maybe I should ask my endo for an insulin pen instead, at least for the first yew weeks. Hmmmm. Lots to think about.
  13. I have afib arrythemia as one of my co-mobitiay. sorry, spelling not my thing! Anyway, I'm using my cardoligist as my pcp since I see hi the most and he give me all my meds. I was lucky that my insurance approval did not take more then 10 days. It is worrisome to get the EKG and chest xray on August 6th, 2 weeks beore surgery. Shouldnt WLS help us with the arrythemia? I've had an ablantion and has been paddled into a regular heartbeat several time. I needed to get a thyroid blood test prior to approval. After approval I needed an Upper GI and 2 weeks prior to surgery more blood work in addtion to the above mentoned. Of course I go into a little afib every time I remember how close the surgury date is getting. Good Luck to you.
  14. Audrey523

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    29 days and counting! I am finding I have a little bit more control as each day passes. I checked out the box of munchkins my kids left out on the counter this morning. Looked inside it. Said no, closed that box, and felt so proud of myself! Little steps up the mountain of New Life.
  15. Audrey523

    Having My Sleeve Surg Aug 7!

    Welcome to out August family. There are a great deal of us. I'm 8/20 in NYC.
  16. Audrey523

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    Good for you. My date is exactly one month from day, 8/20. Yesterday was my last pre op appointment with the surgeon. Had a panic attack on the road and my husband had to talk me down. No pre op diet for me. Here's the instructions I got 1). Stop taking birth control pills 30 days before. Good thing I'm poet menapausal 2). No alcohol 2 weeks before. So I have 2 more weeks to get my happy on. JK 3). No aspirin or other painkillers 5 days before 4) stop blood thinners 5 days before. These last 2 do effect me. A 24 hour clear liquid diet. I'm scheduled first so he can getme back on my insulin pump ASAP Now I am oppressing about a bad blood work/EKG/chest X-ray result like another August sister just had. Getting those on 8/6.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
