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LAP-BAND Patients
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    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to Cas714 in Confused!   
    Hi everyone:
    Im new to this site. I had lap band surgury 2/14/2011 and have had nothing but problems. First 6 months lost a good amount of weight, but I was also on phentermine as well. I throw up all the time, always hungry, and can't seem to find my green zone. Im thinking of having a revision to the sleeve, but not sure if the sleeve will be all that great either. I also think I'm 50% to blame since I dont exercise anymore nor do I eat all my Protein. I just can't stand the throwing up or hunger pain when I do eat right. I could really use some advice. Is the sleeve a better choice than the band?
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    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to spainter2009 in Dr. Mario Armanza?   
    I am schduled with DR. A as well in Aug I have done tons of research and found out that he is the best. There is another DR Garcia that people talk very highly of but I did not like the terms of his contract that he had and that he charges more money for the fatter you are. You will be in great hands
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    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to thinkingabout-it in I'm so scared to go to Mexico now.   
    I just got back from Tijuana last night. I was sleeved by Dr. Ponce on May 15th. My coordinator and a driver met me at the airport and took me straight to the hospital. The staff at INT hospital was very efficient and kind. I am a nurse , and I can tell you, you will not get the nurse patient /ratio in the U.S. as I had in Tijuana. The floors are small (only 10 rooms ) on the third floor and there were 3 nurses on duty during the night. They administered pain meds, IV antibiotics and nausea meds without me asking for them. I am a diabetic and the nurses were in my room every hour post op monitoring my blood sugar and administering insulin. ( it is not uncommon for diabetics to have high sugars after illness, stress or trauma to the body).
    The hospital is very very clean, the OR was immaculate!
    On Thursday I was discharged to the Hotel Lucerna, My coordiantor Laurie and Dr. Ponce's OR nurse Randy drove me personally to the hotel escorted me in and took me to my room! Laurie , even arranged for a plastic surgeon to consult with me in my room for anticipated surgery in a year. ( a mommy makeover). I left Friday morning back to San Diego. My driver picked me up promptly at 10 a.m. There were 3 of us returning to the U.S. The wait at the border was only 10 min as our driver had a medical lane pass. I never saw anything suspicious or unsafe. The worst part of my trip was waiting 3 hours at the airport to catch my flight back to Dallas.
    I have only good things to say about my experience in Tijuana. I am home recuperating... sore, yes! Gassy yes but all in all doing well!
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    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to Becca in I'm so scared to go to Mexico now.   
    I had my lapband done in Mexico and I got all sorts of crazy reacations from people. I actually loved it when I went and had a great time! It was fun seeing another country. I had my revision to the sleeve done at home because my insurance started paying for WLS. If they hadn't covered it, I would have gone back to Mexico. You will do great. You are only there are few days and then you will be home and have the wonderful sleeve. We are here for you. Best wishes!
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    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to strawberrysoul in August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?   
    Finally some August people ! I'm going to Dr.Almanza in Mexico, my surgery is on the 14th..I'm so excited it's all I think about...I am 303 last time I checked..and 5'9 and a size 22. I hope to get down to 150.. I have to do a 1 week liquid diet. I'm making changes to how I eat from now. So it's not so hard in the future. I read these forums far too much lol...and really am scared that I will have a stall like some people mention. I just plan to stick to the plan religiously and not cheat. I'm going to start waking and riding my bike.
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    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to DesertRat in Are We All Doing This Too Soon?   
    I've had the same thought. I think that there are valid reasons to believe that the sleeve will be more effective in the long term than bands. Probably the best evidence is the fact that failed Lapband patients succeed when revised to the sleeve.
    Here's my thinking on this. The shock of abdominal surgery, in and of itself, is enough to trigger weight loss. I quit eating after my appendectomy, probably because my digestive system was in shock from the trauma of a burst appendix, a complex operation to remove my appendix and clean out the peritoneum and the fact that I was deathly ill for the first few days afterward. I would imagine that a Lapband being installed also alters the operation of the digestive system for a time just because of the shock. That could easily be the tipping point for weight loss.
    But restrictive bands have little or no effect on hormones and the sleeve is said to have a serious effect on ghrelin. This would only make sense in view of the fact that the part of the stomach removed is responsible for a significant proportion of ghrelin production. I've also read that ghrelin is thought to be related to depression. Just a crazy guesstimate by a medical layman but, IMHO, it seems to fit nicely; depression, cravings for carbs, high insulin levels in response to a high-carb diet and a body hungry for proper nutrients secreting ghrelin which triggers more depression and cravings for carbs . . . It would certainly explain why my hunger seems almost constant much of the time.
    If the sleeve can reduce hunger to some extent and the restricted capacity of the stomach slows down eating it should work and be durable. It's not foolproof but I think it's probably the best bet out there for permanent weight loss. Even of my permanent results were only 50% EWL that would probably mean the difference between a healthy future and a diabetic future. If I can achieve and maintain 100% EWL I'll become the world's oldest Chippendale dancer and get rich on tips.
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    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to CowgirlJane in Are We All Doing This Too Soon?   
    I read this the other day, but wanted to think a little before responding. I think the OP and the discussion raises some enormously important points.
    I am a project manager, I make "risk based" decisions everyday. That means, weighing the possible outcomes, trying to judge the probabilty and impact of those outcomes - and making a decision. I basically did that when I got the sleeve, and it took me a long time. I am not a medical expert, but i listened to them. I read as much pros and cons as I could and threw some grains of salt into the glowing pros because early euphoria is not really what I was looking for - I want long term success at weight management with minimal risk of bad side effects or consequences. I had EXACTLY the same reservations that are expressed here.
    I was banded in 2001, right before it was FDA approved. I thought I had reseached it, but I was fooled by a group like this one, (it was a yahoo group called Bandsters). At that time, there was a lot of peer pressure - people who weren't having big success simply didn't reveal. There were a couple of dominant personalities in that group and basically, anybody who wasn't successful had "compliance" issues.
    I did okay at first, but I was never super successful with the band. Worse then that, the reflux was a nightmare. I can go on and on. Anyway, I had the Fluid out about 2003/early 2004 due to uncontrolled reflux and lived with the band until 2011. I didn't feel shame for being fat, I felt shame for FAILING at a WLS that I thought pretty much everybody else succeeded with. It made me very skeptical of all the claims about WLS, it made me skeptical of myself. I was convinced that I had a "compliance issue" and would surely fail with the gastric bypass or anything else too. In hindsight, I realize I was pretty hard on myself.
    I lost weight on weight watchers - kept that off for quite awhile, but then in recent years tried everything and couldn't keep weight off for more a few monhts... the regain was always so fast. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me, I saw counselors to find and hopefully cure my "eating disorders". They kept asking me how I felt when I wanted to eat... they didn't think "hungry" was a legitimate answer.. I really didn't make progress on that front either.
    I was pushed hard by my sleep apnea doctor to get some weight off. The doctor that looked at my arthritic kneed and told me it needs replacing soon, practically begged me to get weight off. They were both compassionate, but very firm. I could always say "I am healthy" but in truth, I at 47 I was starting to have physical issues. They shared with me real stories of patients, and in the case of the surgeon, about his mother. They painted a picture of the road I was on... 300+ at 47; what is life going to be like at 57, 67... if I made it that long. They shook me up.
    The sleep doctor convinced me to meet with a surgeon that he knew. Great guy, great reputation but he felt strongly I would fail with a restrictive procedure (oh, the non compliance thing again) so steered me toward the gastric bypass. I started the process, but at some point decided that I was just too scared and would rather die young then do that procedure. This may not be rational, but it is where my head was at.
    I came across another place that advertised "weight management" services that required a two year commitment to their program and as I read about their program and thought... I need to try again. I got lucky and the director/founder of that business is who I talked to. She listened to my story and said... have you considered the gastric sleeve? I told her about me failing at the band etc etc and she said, please, before you do anything - talk to these guys and referred me to the surgeons they work with. (they have a weight management program that is non surgical but she identified that I was not a good candidate for that due to lifelong obesity and high BMI at the time. The stats don't lie - deck is stacked against people in that situation). She said something that stuck with me.... as much as the deck was stacked against me, a lifetime of obesity, one failed surgery she said I had going for me one very important thing - I never gave up. That little comment gave me some hope.
    I met Dr Billing and he spent the time to really talk to me about obesity and theories, research and surgeries. He spent such a long time with me, I am so grateful for that. He gave a sobering assessment too about risks of revisions - things can happen. He agreed that the revision to the gastric bypass was riskier and stongly recommended the sleeve. One of the docs in their practice has had the sleeve, and another one's wife has had it done - they really believe in this procedure. He also referred me to a bariatric doctor (non surgeon) to work with. She, combined with Dr Billing changed my view of the whole thing.
    There are physical reasons I am hungry all the freaking time!!!! I am not denying personal responsibility, i realize it is lifestyle and choices, but, I was swimming upstream trying to overcome the obesity cycle I had been deeply caught up in my whole life! He told me that it is possible to break free without surgery, but the odds aren't good.
    He also told me my band needed to come OUT as it had slipped, I had pouch dialiation - it needed to go. I was not mentally ready for it, but I went ahead with the band removal surgery... still deciding about the sleeve.
    About 2 days after the band came out, I was hungry hungry hungry even more! I couldn't believe it, even my failed band had been helping somewhat. My gosh, wonder if I would have weighed 400# if I hadn't had that crapband in there - maybe I should give it some credit.
    I went to the bariatric doc (not the surgeon) and followed her program which kept me from gaining 50# but I was becoming frantic and even depressed over what was happening. The drive to eat was out of control. I am not sure what clicked, but at some point, I could no longer deny that I needed a tool to help me. I could not deny that my life was being negatively impacted by my obesity. I could not deny that I was starting to not be able to do the things I love and that everything was such an effort. (I could still wipe my butt, but I know what she meant, everything just gets so hard when you are that heavy). And I was miserable always feeling like food was the most important thing in my life since I just had a drive to eat.
    I am reminded of the quote "I was going downhill faster then I could lower my standards"
    So, because i had one foot in the door on this whole deal, I had some of the presurgery things taken care of including insurance approval. Then, in November 2011, I found out my insurance was changing. The new insurance specifically excluded the Gastric Sleeve, but still covered the gastric bypass. I did some soul searching and then booked it for December before the new insurance kicked in. At the time, I didn't like that pressure, but in hindsight, it was the kick in the butt I needed after dallying with this whole subject for a year.
    I wound up with a different surgeon (who is also amazing) in the same practice because my doc was on vacation in December.
    It was a huge leap of faith. I still don't really know what problems, or weight regain I might have in 5 years, 10 years. I have risked being "fooled again" by the hype - I know that.
    For me, the risk was worth taking because I just could not keep gaining weight. I could not remain in that high BMI catagory - that wasn't me and wasn't the life I want.
    Anyway, I am only 5 months out, but my success has already surpassed anything I achieved with the band. It has also been easier so far, and so far, I don't experience hunger all the time. My whole relationship with food is changing. I am not claiming the war is over, but I have been winning many battles. I have heard it said on this forum "the sleeve is everything the band promised but didn't deliver" - I agree with that statement.
    My blood work is the envy of the medical and nutritionalist staff (like wow, fasting blood sugar of 77 for example and I was pre-diabetic, triglicerides all that are in the outstanding excellent catagory). I feel like a million bucks. I am doing stuff with my horses again and loving on it. I am so active, I have so many choices of what to do, where to go, where to shop - all that. I no longer feel like the morbidly obese person who has no business doing horse things. I no longer feel the constant drive to EAT. I feel more like ME. I still have lots of weight to lose (I am still obese even, but in a whole different weight class now), but I am so happy with how this is going I can't even express it adequately.
    My life is becoming a life I want to live.
    So, back to the original point. Yeah, I am skeptical. I still wonder sometimes when the shoe will drop and I suddenly have "mental issues" with food. There is a part of me that still believes this whole situation is a character flaw on my part, even though I fight that. Seems to me that my issues with food have pretty much gone away since I am not starving 24/7, but time will tell. My docs openly disclosed the limited data on long term results of this exact procedure, based on the stomach size they are currently using. I just couldn't wait another 10 years to see how the studies turned out, so for me the risks as I understand them now, are totally worth the benefits, as I understand them now.
    Here's to a great next 10 years - I am determined to be one of the good statistics!
    (my signature shows I still have 66# to lose, but I have lost over 80# in the 5 months and am much closer to normal sized person now)
  8. Like
    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to DesertRat in Are We All Doing This Too Soon?   
    I've had some moments of doubt but at this point I am favoring having the procedure mid summer. Losing any tissue is a matter for serious concern. I don't give up pieces of myself lightly and, other than my wisdom teeth, an appendix, some bone spurs and a meniscus I've managed to hang onto all of my various parts for 57 years now. Unfortunately, even though I'm physically active I have several co-morbidities. Hypertension (controlled with medication), apnea and an HA1C in the pre-diabetic range are the big ticket items. I fear diabetes and do not want to go there if at all possible. According to all that I've found in my research, the VSG seems like the safest bet.
    If I have the sleeve there is a possibility of regret but if I don't take some decisive action there is a much greater possibility of regret.
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    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to thebionicbroad in Are We All Doing This Too Soon?   
    Much of my depression was based on a pervasive sense of self-hatred for being so fat. (I was an obese low-carber.) Even after trying everything, including a Lap-band, I was getting fatter every year. My blood pressure was creeping up. Fasting blood glucose readings were creeping up, too. My ankles were swelling. My liver enzymes were not so great, and my kidney function was affected by stone formation. My left knee was going, and my hips were constantly sore. I was clumsy, and was always getting bruises. I needed physical therapy for my left shoulder. Felt 85, not 55. Insurance covered my revision, but based on results over the last 5 months, I would self-pay with no hesitation. The sleeve gave me my life and sanity back. Even if doctors found out that the sleeve resulted in growing a second nose on the side of the face, I would buy extra Kleenex and move on with my life. I weigh less than I have weighed since I was 18, and I feel 20 years younger. Come what may, I made the right decision for me.
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    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to CowgirlJane in So, So Happy Since The Band Removal And Sleeve   
    woo hoo! The sleeve is alot better!
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    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to Ricky in So, So Happy Since The Band Removal And Sleeve   
    From one Erika to another....take the leap and do it!!! I lived through two bands and I don't even remember how many fills/unfills I had. My sleeve never needs to be adjusted and gives me consistent restriction daily. I still have to make good food choices, but the sleeve makes eating healthy so much easier!!
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    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to Ricky in So, So Happy Since The Band Removal And Sleeve   
    Just like everyone else...I am SO glad my band is gone and I am sleeved. The sleeve is everything I thought the band would be. My 1 year revision surgiversary is in 10 days and I couldn't be happier w/my sleeve. For the first time ever, I know that I can keep this weight off
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    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to CowgirlJane in So, So Happy Since The Band Removal And Sleeve   
    I know exactly what you mean. I typed out my whole story of my journey from a band to sleeve, post #34 on this thread,
    In summary, sleeve works, band not so much.
  14. Like
    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to CowgirlJane in Band 2 Sleeve Weight Loss   
    First month - my weight loss was comparable. I lost 28-30 pounds month one after both procedures.
    What was different is what has happened month 2 and beyond. With the band, I lost my initial approx 30# and then took about 11 months to lose another 40 - for a grand total of 70#
    I have been sleeved 5 months and have lost over 80 pounds and so far it has been much easier.
    I can handle veggies, i can handle meat. Spicy food is a bit of a problem, but other then that i really have no food restrictions. I eat very small quantities and actually feel satisfied afterwards. That was not my experience with the band.
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    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to carbgrl in Band 2 Sleeve Weight Loss   
    Hey Beanie& Rosie's Mom. When I had the band, I couldnt eat salads, veggies, chicken or turkey & other foods except of course junk food. As many ppl who've had a revision say, the sleeve is everything the band was supposed to be. I never slime now. I've only vomited twice in over 3 mos. Both times I tried to eat re-heated meat and it was to dry. I know my sleeve cant tolerate it. So my fault. Lesson learned. I had a 36 bougie which I think it's slightly bigger than most but my doctor said its the size with least complications. I never had trouble drinking Water or getting 4 oz of food in. I have no regrets. Ask me anything.
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    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to Calicolea in Things I Won't/don't Miss About The Band...   
    All of the above. Plus....
    1. Taking one sip of Water after eating and going from fine to throwing up.
    2. Not being able to find a doctor that would even fill a band anymore.
    3. After eating, feeling full in my chest and not in my stomach. The worst!
    4. Over-filled band.
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    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to TheSkinnyCow73 in Things I Won't/don't Miss About The Band...   
    The sleeve IS everything the band was supposed to be and then some!
    The only time I have puked (and it has gotten better as I have gotten further along with my sleeve) is when I MAKE THE CONSCIOUS CHOICE TO TAKE THAT ONE LAST BITE THAT I KNOW DAMN GOOD AND WELL THAT I SHOULDNT! My husband can even tell when i am full now! LOL We dont have to sit next to bathrooms anymore when we go out to eat either!
    I love my sleevie! The band should be banned from being a WLS if you ask me!
    Keep Rockin' that sleeve!!!
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    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to hrtgoeson in Things I Won't/don't Miss About The Band...   
    1. Having to hang out in the handicapped stall at work pacing and praying that whatever I have just eaten will just go down or come up already.
    2. #1 plus going back to my desk after ridding myself of whatever got stuck and then having to run back 3 minutes later because I apparently was on a roll
    3. Eating steak one day, throwing up a Protein Shake the next....
    Anyone care to add?
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    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to carbgrl in Band 2 Sleeve Weight Loss   
    I kept pretty good records from when I had the band in 2009. From the date of surgery to 1st mos I lost 8 lbs. 2nd mos I lost 4 lbs and 3rd mos 3 lbs. See my signature below for comparison. Keep in mind, I'm a slow loser, I have hypo thyroid and I was was a higher BMI when I got the band. So, to answer your question yes I'm losing faster with sleeve but best of all I'm doing it without throwing up & sliming every day like I did with the band.
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    BeanieandRosie'smom reacted to LCS in So, So Happy Since The Band Removal And Sleeve   
    I can't believe that it has been 14 mos. since I had my band removed, and the sleeve done! I am 91 lbs. lighter, and I feel wonderful! I never lost any appreciable weight with my band, and I would have some pain and discomfort if I ate certain foods, and sometimes vomiting. I had trouble eating the good food, (chicken, pork, veggies) but the junk food went down just fine. I had 6 adjustments, and it didn't help me. Thank God for the sleeve. I am so happy for this new chance at life. Thank you, thank you, Dr. Dumkowski of Sebastian, FL. You changed my life! Here's to all my fellow "losers" that have already or will experience the new you.

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