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Marty McSkinnystein

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Marty McSkinnystein

  1. I went out twice this week to Celebrate a family event. First restaurant let me have a 3oz sample of crawfish bisque and I almost died and went to heaven. I just explained my situation and they were very accommodating. No charge! Second restaurant also have me a 3 oz sample of beef stew broth no chunks, gratis. Guess I have just gotten lucky.

    I see a future of "asking for samples"--- :P YES!!

  2. I had it all done same time.

    It's good you're getting it out. I have a history of large gallstones and had a couple attacks that sent me to the hospital.

    I guess I had gotten used to my gallbladder pain because.....

    The doctor said my GB was inflamed, enlarged and infected and was STUCK to my stomach. There was evidence of recent attacks and even pancreatitis. I had no idea it was that bad. It's so funny to be 3 weeks away from having this major surgery and compared to how I lived for so long I have basically no stomach pain.

    So you'll probably be better off after surgery. How 'bout that? ;)

  3. The moment I woke up I was in pain. They gave me good meds. and then I was good.

    That night there was discomfort (particularly gas in shoulder) but I walked the halls of the hospital anyway. People who walk get rid of gas faster. You know they blow up the insides with air to see and work so that has to come out.

    I have been fine, no problems at all-- not even nausea- which many complain of. I take a PPI from day 1 to avoid heartburn and haven't had that either.

    Today is 3 weeks exactly. I can drink with no problem- was able to 2nd day. I can eat pureed food and not experience pain or discomfort.

    I have never felt regret. :)

  4. You want to hear pathetic? I was cleaning out a few storage areas in my kitchen today and found a box of fancy crackers I was given as a gift but forgot about. I opened the box and smelled the crackers and was so upset I hadn't realized and ate them earlier. I licked the garlic cheesy goodness off of like ten of them while standing at the trash can. Lick, toss, lick, toss, lick, toss. At one point I bit one and spit it out. Yeah, sometimes it's hard.

    Oh well, off to puree some refried Beans and put some cheese and sour cream on it. (Which actually is delicious)!

    I have had about 3 pity parties (including a supermarket one) but mostly I'm cool and accepting.

    We'll be okay, alright? :)

  5. I'm not allowed eggs yet- it's not on my pureed (in a week at soft I can do it).

    I don't have any pain or discomfort. Sorry you're going through that but it sounds normal, meaning many people get that. I also haven't had nausea. The worst thing I have is the weirdness when I don't realize I'm full and it's like air or tightness in my throat...

    Oh the ricotta bake. You must go to The World According to Eggface . It's a website by someone who had gastric bypass surgery and she has great recipes low carb and for every stage we go through and later. I have had the ricotta bake basically every day since I was allowed purees.

    If you don't want to make it after looking at the recipe-and I'm not a cook so you'll probably be fine, you could take some ricotta cheese, put a little Tomato sauce and then a little mozzarella and microwave it--- DELICIOUS and allowed!

    Pace yourself slowly and take any meds. prescribed is what I'd say. I have tons ready to go. I haven't had to take my nausea meds. but everything is waiting should I need. I do take the acid block every morning and haven't had heartburn I guess because of it.

  6. This thread is what I did tonight. Yes, I live an exciting fun filled life (AND it's Saturday lol).

    I feel like I just read a novel. Filled with sadness and despair and hope and ultimately triumph! I cried as you suffered but also as I felt the pain of everyone pulling for you.

    I'm so glad to see the happy ending.

    Hopefully that was all the pain you will suffer in your life.

    Done, finito, nada mas pain!! I don't even know you but--- XOXOX!!!!

  7. I do that Shelly's ricotta bake (World According to Eggface), hummus, cottage cheese, Soup, I slowly suck on those little cheese triangles (laughing cow)- got all 3 kinds. I fancy up shakes with diff. flavors. I have a fiesta dip (the pre-made layers of stuff but only have a little on days when I get all my Protein in.

    Oh, I also got chicken salad from Giant and put it in the bullet to puree- just as good as chunky. Hmmm, every kind of popsicle they make.

    I'm going to try pureeing tuna and also refried Beans tomorrow (lol- not at the same time).

  8. I assumed you're pretty far out- didn't look up your date.

    I'm just going to say this because of a couple comments here. I called my Dr. because I ate a whole scrambled egg which went down really easy (at 2 weeks). Turned out my program didn't consider that pureed when other people's did. Mine considers it "soft food." Everyone is different. She said (the NP) even though it went down fine doesn't mean I'm allowed to have it. So pain or not isn't what should dictate diet. That book or instructions you get from your program should.

    Not judging you at all--- but saying it for new people reading. :)

  9. Thank you so much for explaining all that! A few times today I had those fleeting thoughts of- just how different I'll feel with eating out and being deprived of favorites.

    So it was just the right timing.

    P.S, Were you just being a goofball (As I tend to do in pics.) or its there a story behind your picture? Love it. :P

    ETA- Duhyyyyii, you're covering your mouth to not eat...I'm so thick sometimes...hahaha.

  10. That's funny- one of my worst experiences was the Campbell's cream of chicken Soup. While having it I thought I was heaven- it was just after I had only been on shakes and my first feel of real food. Later I got this bad taste in my mouth, an after taste so foul and got the bubblies for a while in my throat.

    Maybe it's the chicken for the first time (even though strained out) or fat from it. I don't know.

    That cream of chicken experience stayed with me though...I'm a little afraid of it even though I'm on purees and had a great pureed chicken salad yesterday. :rolleyes:

    Good luck-- I bet it's just a passing thing from the food. :)

  11. I did Optifast years ago and loved it. I made so many different concoctions with sugar free syrups and ice and lost lots of weight.

    Drink tons of Water. The bars can be dangerous. Ooh ooh I remember what I did. I took and bar and sliced it into many pieces and put it in the freezer. When I wanted a snack I took out a frozen piece and it was great (like a little peanut chew)!

  12. Ok 2 day I turned 8wks post-op...I love to eat my tuna w/potato chips... No,bread r crackers....bt wondered if I cud try eatin it w/baked lays?

    I'm newer than you. I'm not going to say I'll never eat baked Lay's again. BUT...this past year (my fattest year) I had baked Lay's with lunch all the time and convinced myself that they were baked so I was cool. To me, they're a gateway drug. So I will try not to eat them.

    bread is my favorite food group so I'm going to be faced with that problem soon- not sure how I'll handle it- some people do open face with wheat bread or low carb tortillas to get more valuable calories than chips or just a few I guess.

    Again, no judgement here as I'll have the same dilemna soon.

  13. My first thought is I haven't had any bad experiences and only support here and I can be quite sensitive.

    But just the other day I just talked with a friend from here on the phone and we both said if we ever messed up bad we probably wouldn't say it here.

    So that kinda means I do understand.

    I guess some people fear that if they say "Don't worry. Everyone makes mistakes, just get back on the horse" that they'll be giving permission for everyone to "break the rules" and put many reading at a big risk for complications.

    It's a big world and just like at work and in the world you don't always don't along with everyone or respect some, same here. We'd expect/hope for only acceptance but I guess it's not realistic from every person.

    I'm not going anywhere.

    But I wish you luck and hope you find a place that suits your needs.

    Maybe you'll come back sometime. :)

  14. I'll attack the sleeping with mouth open thing. Are you a back sleeper? Have your head propped up on a pillow? Before surgery your double/triple chin made it difficult/uncomfortable to open your mouth in this position. Now that you've lost this, while you sleep, tour mouth naturally relaxes and opens. As far as excessively dry mouth, thats a really good sign that you might need a bit more Water in your diet.

    Oh. I thought maybe she was having food dreams and hoping someone would drop some yummy food in-- like a baby bird. :P

  15. I was sleeved on July 16th. I'm happy, feel positive and haven't had any complications. I started pureed on Monday. Even though I never was a cook before I made that Eggface ricotta bake and it's awesome. After that almost month (including liquid pre-diet) of liquid it's great to have a little substance.

    Overall, I feel motivated and happy with my weight loss too. Ooh and today was my last shot in the belly (to not get blood clots)!!!!

    I wish everyone struggling good luck and hope that everyday gets better and better. I'm sure it will. Keep remembering how great you'll feel physically just moving around and not saddled with all that weight. :)

  16. OMG, I am so not a cook- you have it made! Almost every recipe and food has something that can be converted into something we can eat- and love. I think we love it more because we're actually appreciating it finally. I am so incredibly grateful to be able to help you and listen having been in your shoes and knowing how much support is needed. I have people ahead of me in the process who really helped me through. Anytime!

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