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Marty McSkinnystein

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Marty McSkinnystein

  1. Thanks Izuri that's helpful to know.

    My whole life I always got sick from multi's. I always thought my body produced too much of something- and trust me I experiment w/food, without it, times of day, etc.. I think it might be "E"-- I would get a headache and VERY nauseous.

    My PA approved the CVS children's chewable after reading all the ingredients and it seems to be the only one I can take. (plus I take Calcium, B12 and D)

  2. Well, it was a dark rainy day,

    and we thought of things to say,

    Skinny minny, shrinky dinky and me

    couldn't find a term to define what will be.

    We thought and we thought all that warm rainy day

    of how to define being 100 pounds away.

    So some of us burned the midnight oil

    hoping our labor day plans would not spoil

    But suddenly Shrinkydinkme came up with a word

    that made us scream OH MY IT'S BEEN HEARD!

    And thus on that day Underhunder was born

    and shorn and worn with fun and glee

    And all of us cheered for underhunder, you and me!

  3. Duyiiiii!

    So I've had had an egg with cheese and a slice of whole wheat bread before and all was well. I can eat a lot of variety.

    Today, I decided to experiment. I made an egg mixed with some diced onion (pre-made- prob. too big chunks), pancetta (Italian meat teeny tiny chunks) and cheddar cheese. All very small amounts added to omelet. AND... a very tiny (1 ounce) toasted mini whole wheat bagel.

    I have been soooo uncomfortable for a couple hours now. The pain is on the left side..probably my stomach and in the middle between breast bone (which I remember from pre-surgery as a hiatal hernia that the Dr. said wasn't bad).

    So I know I need to isolate each thing but probably it's the quantity. However I haven't had real onion chunks yet so maybe that's it. I've not had anything like this since surgery. Can anyone relate? What do your "too much food" pains feel like?

    (GB is out)

  4. I lost about 7 pounds before surgery and then around 7-8 each of my first 4 weeks.

    I think it just happens when you follow the rules.

    I relied on the high Protein ready to drink (delicious but expensive) shakes from Vitamin World like Oh Yeah (32 Protein, 2 carbs), Pure Protein in a can (35 grams of pr.) and Premier Protein (found at Sam's, costco, BJ's) in the beginning making sure that I never went to bed without at least 60 grams of protein- basically 2 shakes. Also I am able to drink Water so that can make some frustrated but it also helps with loss-- I do try all the sugar free mixes in it for variety. It's such a balancing act with timing because of the waiting times with Water before and after meals but not getting dehydrated, getting the protein and referring back to my manual from the Dr. helped- plus reading here daily.

    Oh and I am addicted to Edy's sugar free popsicles.

    Everyone's Dr. has different rules about what to eat and when so if you tell more about what you like and are allowed I can give you more examples. I really believe in variety. During my soft stage I ate that Shelly's Ricotta bake and refried Beans and cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese sticks, eggs w/ cheese, cream of wheat (started that at liquid). Ooh camomile and peppermint teas really helped me when I needed soothing..Please write back if you need anything else. Good luck!

    How much have you lost so far ? I'm 3 weeks post op and only lost 12 lbs. I'm getting discouraged because it seems like my weight isn't moving. I'm not sure if I'm doing things right I get sick when I drink protein and I eat soft food. Please let me know what I can do if anything to get this weight off. You seem to be right on track and I wanna have something good to post at my 2 months.

  5. I can relate to everything you said- including being a teacher (you're in that group here right?) and the bonky knee (haha funny term). I also can eat and love variety too.

    This week I also tried on all these clothes and was so happy going down from the 22/24's 2-3x's to tight 18/1x's. That was really fun. It's so nice to shrink. Kind of makes the whole loss of most of the stomach worth it! :D

  6. Lots of celebrities "admit" to the lapband because of the least stigma attached.

    Besides that I really like her, I really hope LIsa Lampanelli does well with her sleeve because we actually have someone in the media to watch change and hear the struggles as she's vocal. Can you imagine an awesome comedianne joking about our tiny portion sizes?! Since both she and her husband did it I think they'll be really successful.

    I wish she would post here. I friend of mine knows her through the entertainment business-- I should ask him to get her to pop in and say hi. Celebrities probably read but don't participate in message boards like the rest of us.

    She's probably laughing at this right now.

  7. I had turkey chili last night- Trader Joe's brand- 7 weeks out I think the chewy/stringiness of the turkey was too much. I had to chew a million times (but delicious).

    Breakfast- Oy Yeah Cookies and cream shake (32 protein)

    Lunch- a hamburger patty w/ cheese on a half a whole wheat bun

    Dinner- ? Maybe some cold cooked salmon w/ wasabi mayo

    vitamins- check

    working on water- def. not enough today.. yet...

    (Good job with the Water Cool Breeze!)

  8. I was excited and happy thinking cool, no buyer's remorse, and then a week ago (5 weeks after surgery) I had an evening of crying and regret. I worried about not being able to eat to excess and choose lots of food at one meal.

    But the next day after shopping I made myself a platter of a tiny bit of so many delicious things I had bought from Trader Joe's--a mini meatball, some fancy dip, an amazing slice of Italian cheese and a couple other things I forget. I savored each taste slowly and enjoyed the food and then was full.

    Since then I've been okay knowing I can have anything.

    I was especially okay after my MIL gave me tons of clothes since she lost weight and they will carry me through the winter I'm sure.

    I also tried on all these clothes I had that I had forgotten about and was amazed they fit.

    The thing is, I could lose the weight but without this ability to control my portions and hunger I don't think I could keep it off. Just that I was able to run up and down the steps yesterday like I haven't done in years was amazing. My feet and ankles were fine and I wasn't out of breath.

    Now when I think of things I wish I could eat- it's not like the stuff I used to shovel in without thought. I will eat "fattening" foods again- but a taste and be satisfied.

    I've repeated this so many times because it helped me...

    Someone here said that having this surgery is like being at Thanksgiving after you're done and looking at table and feeling like this food was incredible but I can't eat another bite.

    I hope you eventually get to this...it's really freeing.

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