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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Donny

  1. Im planning on October for surgery and I just told my boss this week. It went way better then I thought it would! He just said I hope everything is ok with you and if I ever need anything just to ask, and he told me not to use any of my PTO and just classify it as sick time and tack short term disability on afterwards. I was so relieved I did not need to use any vacation time and my boss was super understanding!

  2. I started my journey exactly 3 months ago at 6'4" 385# (paperwork submitted today). And I too still have reservations about surgery, but mine stems from the feeling that I failed myself. But I know how my weight loss has gone in the past and its always lose a bunch to gain even more back. I have worked hard the last 3 weeks and lost 13lbs during them (first 2 months I wasn't committed but still lost a few lbs each month) and have dropped to 367#am getting way more active, which makes me question do I need to go through with surgery? I mean look at me, im doing it on my own! I can sit here and say "this time im committed, this time I really will stick with it and lose the weight" but realistically that's the same story I have been telling myself for 10 years. That story is the reason I decided to go to a consult. I know that this is the best option for me and I know my life will be so much better after surgery. I have had 3 knee surgery's as a result of football injury's and they still hurt to this day. Even tho im second guessing myself I know if I want to make up in the mornings pain free, energetic, happy with what I see in the mirror, and ready to take on the world the sleeve is the tool I need to get me started! So, stick with it! Your almost there! it's only 4 more pounds! I mean lets be real lol, at our weight a 1300 cal day with a 45 min walk and a good BM can result in 1-2# off the scale! Keep up the swimming and fight for those last 4 pounds, you will be grateful for the rest of your (extended because you will be healthier) life!

    Send me a PM if you want to talk more!

  3. Lean heavy on support systems, they are fantastic! Unfortunately for me it ment 3 weeks of not going out on weekends with my friends. Get me in a bar with whiskey and a bunch of chain smoking friends and it's game over! Lol. My doc said you need to shrink you liver prior to surgery. If its too large when they get in there they will stop and not complete the surgery. I have to take a nicotine test prior to going under. I stopped all fried foods, alcohol, and cigaretts.

  4. I am just 4.5 weeks out. The idea of eating a hotdog again (season ticket holder for the Texas Rangers) makes me want to cry. Right now' date=' as you guys know, there are no sandwhiches or hot dogs.

    Glad to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel - or better yet, a hotdog with my name on it.

    GO RANGERS![/quote']

    Just don't try to tackle the boomstick! Haha. And yes, GO RANGERS!!

  5. I know exactly how you feel! I always go to the gym and do the elliptical and lately I haven't been going because it gets boring! So, I started thinking about what I want to complete after I have my sleeve. (I'm in my last week of 3 mo program) I decided on a sprint triathlon (750m swim, 20k bike, 5k run). I did a ton of research about them and I am super pumped! I joined a triathlon website and report all my workouts and the people on the boards hold me accountable and really support me it's great! So I caught the bug :-) I'm doing the couch to 5k program and I run along the river (3 days a week) then I swim and bike (machine at gym) 3 days per week. I feel it keeps me from getting bored and I don't use a scale. I try to focus on training for the event vs. working out for weight loss because I know I'm losing weight! The darn scale has haunted me my whole life so I just tucked it away and am focusing on eating right and improving my workouts! I have been doing this for a month now and am excited to get home from work and see if I can jog further ect.

  6. I quit three weeks ago and had one "relapse" day last weekend at the bar. It was my birthday and my friends were on a shots mission. I woke up the next day and had the scratchy throat and that was enough to give me the extra push to quit Then it was smooth sailing until yesterday. I was working with my boss who smokes 2 packs a day (while driving around and sitting in the car most of the day) and by the end of the day I asked if I could have one and he laughed and said no. I'm glad I have support and it hasn't been too bad of a process.

  7. I too am working with Dr. Kim and I have Aetna! My last visit of the 3 month plan is next week! I have done the sleep study but no psych eval yet. I really hope everything goes smooth and I get approved! But now y'all got me nervous about out of network! :) ..... Im nervous after reading all of the horror stories about "I had my surgery then insurance..... and now I owe a pile of $$$$"

  8. Did you every get this resolved with your insurance company? I am dealing with the same problem myself. Just saw a claim come through for $6900, insurance says "You may owe provider $6900" on the claim listing so I am freaking out BIG time! I realize this isn't the final Explanation of Benefits but I am very concerned!

    I was diagnosed with mild sleep apnea after having the initial study done. I'm supposed to go back this weekend for a second round to be fitted for the mask. I told the center they need to sort things out with insurance and find out what I'm going to pay out of pocket for everything in total before I go out there again!

    Yeah, I got way too worked up! For me they accepted whatever the insurance company paid them and never billed me for anything! My total out-of-pocket expenses for the sleep study was just the gas to get there!!! Don't worry about it and just call the sleep center and ask them how they do their billing after they are paid from insurance.

  9. Yeah, I'm into my last month before we submit everything and it's starting to get real. Which is hitting me hard, I'm starting to feel extreamly disappointed that I couldn't do it on my own... I feel as a 26 year old guy that played college football I should be disciplined enough to lose 130lbs. But after careful consideration and so many failed attempts and yo-yoing I know this is what I want/need!

  10. Probably a dumb question, but here it goes! I have been looking around and got some info but was looking for a little more long term, as this is the biggest thing standing in my way right now.

    What are some of the long term things that will never be the same (aside from food, I get that) :-)

    Will life always require a pill box of Vitamins?

    Will I ever be able to take the refreshing gulp of Water?

    Will energy always be low (B12)

    Will I ever be able to get strength back again with such low intake of essential nutrients?

    Can I ever do a tough mudder without a supply of protien bars :) ?


    What are some of the "life will never be the same's". I'm ok with all the food changes because that's what got me here in the first place, but I'm scared of the stuff the Dr.'s don't really talk about or brush off. I want the brutal honesty of what little things I can expect the rest of my life


  11. Hello all,

    As stated this is the first time I am having to deal with insurance companies, as I am 25 years old and have never needed to prior. Im severely freaking out because my surgery coordinator told me I had to do a sleep study and she reassured me after looking at my explanation of benefits that it would be covered under insurance. Well today I got the claim alert from Aetna saying for the two nights it cost $14,000 and the portion I owe is $11,000. I have a $500 deductible and $2000 out of pocket max. For $14,000 I would have gone to Mexico! Because I am young and naive I was hoping anybody with education or experience in the area could help me proceed to fight this claim. I am super scared right now because I have no idea how to come up with this kind of money.


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