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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by mylynn1377

  1. mylynn1377

    Anyone In Missouri??

    I'm in Missouri..actually not far from you since I am in Buffalo, just north of Springfield. I haven't been banded yet, waiting for insurance finalization. I am rarin to go. I wanted this done yesterday. I am finally determined to do something for myself so that I can feel better, have more energy, go into a store and not worry if they have my size or if I am forever doomed to shop online in fat girl stores. I want to ride rides at the carnival and take my kids creeking like I used to do when I was a kid. That is why I am doing this. I don't want someone re-routing the intestines that God put where he put them. I don't want someone to create a "new" stomach for me, mine is fine thanks I just have to retrain it how to eat right. I want a tool to help me fix this monster that I created, not someone to fix it for me and leave it up to me and my co-dependent relationship with food. I want someone to teach me how to fish, not give fish to me.. That being said at the end of the day however you come to weight loss is extremely personal. My journey is not your journey and vice versa. I wish you all the luck in whatever you decide to do. Just do it for the right reasons and you will be good to go!
  2. Ok I have been reading posts and blogs lately and it seems like right after getting banded a lot of people go through an emotional upheaval and wonder if they can do this or if they have done the right thing. I'm not banded yet so I can't begin to understand that...or wait...maybe I can't understand the banded part but I really can understand overwhelming decisions. Not the same but maybe this will help. I was a 2 pack a day smoker for 19 years or so. I smoked through both pregnancies (which still makes me cringe) and I didn't care until I realized that my oldest son was sick all the time. I was at the end of my pregnancy with the youngest, it was November and cold as crap, and I knew I was having a scheduled c-section. So I asked my parents what did they think about coming to my apt and getting all the ash trays and lighters out while I was in the hospital. My thought was if I was going to be in there not smoking for 5 days then what would be the point of keeping it up after I got out? I knew I wasn't going to haul my butt downstairs and out the door to stand in the cold and smoke after just having a c-section. So that's what I did. And then I came home to the reality of taking care of a 19 month old and newborn after just having surgery and all by myself. No help. It was nightmarish honestly. I had bad postpartum on top of the quitting smoking. There were times when I could have cheerfully strangled someone for a smoke. I cried a lot and asked what did I do to myself? My best friend said she couldn't do it because she just couldn't fathom not ever being able to smoke again for the rest of her life...and then the light came on... My Dad offered me a lot of really good advice that he has gotten from being in AA. He's been sober 14 years now. And he told me not to look at the big picture but only look at what I could handle today...can I say that I am not going to smoke for the next 5 minutes. I could do that and the picture looked a lot less overwhelming. Now I can say almost 4 years later that I am still a non smoker and I'm pretty sure that I won't have a smoke for at least the next few days. Can't garuntee longer than that because I can't predict the future. Where I am going with this long story is this is the same approach I am using now in my pre/pre op diet that my doctors want me to work on. I can say that in the next 5 minutes that I will not eat half a pan of brownies. But I'm not going to say that I will never eat them again because that is just too much for most of us to handle. So if you can say that you won't eat the bad, and keep eating the good in whatever increments of time that you are comfortable with, it just might make ever thing seem doable. The approach works obviously a lot of people have quit drinking with those tools. I am thinking that with the band it would be a bit easier because I won't be able to eat half a pan of brownies. Or a whole Big Mac. And later on down the road when me and food have come to a better understanding instead of a co-dependent relationship, then and only then, will I contemplate maybe having that brownie, but only a small one. Just like my philosophy with stopping smoking, I am not going through all of this for nothing. I want results and I am determined to get them.
  3. mylynn1377

    There's A 1St Time For Everything...

    It's a wonderful thing to finally do something for yourself isn't it? Especially when the motivation behind it is that it also benefits others. That's why I am in the process of getting banded. I want to loose weight for me with the added benefit of being healthy for my kids. I know the first time I can actually play with them at the park will be amazing..I can't wait!
  4. I'm not banded yet that's why. He even said that I've been doing so well with my diet do I think I still really need the band, and after dinner Friday night I looked at him and said "now do you understand why I need the band?" I am doing well on my own most days but if I don't stay strict and pay attention I will eat the house down, I've done it before. Don't get me started on why we don't even buy brownie mix anymore...they are my crack really. I can eat half a pan no problem...which is a good chunk of the reason that I weigh over 300 lbs!
  5. I haven't been banded yet and while I am going to work out with weights and try to fill in the skin, drink plenty of water to hydrate my skin, and apply lotion frequently, I am realistic in knowing that I have had 2 babies back to back, which included a 50lbs weight gain with the last one, and both were c-section. It's not ever gonna look like abs of steal. My fiance is prepared to pay for a tummy tuck and a breast lift once I am at goal and I am completely ok with that!
  6. My fiance is being super supportive and honestly loves good wholesome food, whole grains, and fresh fruits and veggies so I am super excited. The problem we run into is on our splurge day when we go out to eat I just can't go completely nuts but his metabolism is the kind where he has to eat a lot of calories to stay the same weight. I mean his pants size are 1 inch bigger than they were in high school, he kills me with that metabolism! So he suggests things when we go out and I end up eating 6 oz of smoked beef, a large bkd potato with butter, and a huge piece of buttery garlic bread...and then I feel guilty when I add that up and he's in the kitchen looking for pudding!
  7. mylynn1377

    Food Choices

    That depends on a lot of things. What calorie range are you aiming for, are you wanting a fairly decent balance or do you want high protein/low carb or low carb/low fat. Do you exercise heavily or are you fairly sedentary? If you run or do pretty intense exercise you need a bit more calories/carbs on those days but still adequate Protein for muscle recovery. There really aren't a lot of one size fits all meal plans, all any of use can do is give you a basic idea and you have to tweak it for individual taste and nutritional needs.
  8. mylynn1377

    I'm Hoping With Wheight Loss I Can

    I look forward to my van not shrieking in protest when I climb in the drivers seat. Maybe getting to ride rides at carnivals and amusement parks with my children. Umm fitting in my future in laws car because none of the seat belts actually fit me.
  9. mylynn1377

    Help Me With My List?

    150 is my ultimate goal and I would like for once to go to a freakin class reunion. I haven't been to any because I was so ashamed of being heavy. I also want to order a sexy corset and matching underthings to wear. They do not make corsets in my size, I have already checked!
  10. mylynn1377

    A Little Confused About....

    I am weird so feel free to add me, and I am not sure how to add people yet so again I say anyone feel free to add me!
  11. mylynn1377

    A Little Confused About....

    Errr I can't delete my own post!
  12. Kicking calorie butt and taking names!

  13. mylynn1377

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    I'm not banded yet but I have been doing my own low calorie/low fat/ low carb thing. I am not super duper strict but I am very picky about what carb it is that I'm going to have. I don't do a lot of fruit because not only does it spike my cravings but I get really hungry after eating it. I stick with unsweet all natural applesauce, grapes, and strawberries. I eat a lot of veggies like green beans, bell peppers, onions, cucumbers, salad. Mostly I do the low carb protein shake, and tuna, chicken, or lean ground turkey. I portion everything out and figure up my meals in the morning so I have a guide to look at and see where I am. I don't do well on extremely low carb because I am hypoglycemic and it messes with me. I try hard to keep the carbs around 50 or 60 per day and I loose weight just fine realistically as long as my carbs are under 90 per day. I max out one meal per week on carbs and that makes me feel less restricted if I have the one cheat meal.
  14. mylynn1377

    First Fill Today

    I unfortunately have the gross boobs and I can blame that squarely on my children. So I am already planning ahead to after surgery and loosing weight I will be getting a tummy tuck and they will fix the boobs. My fiancee is super ok with that expense because he remembers what I looked like in high school with the waist length blond hair and the impressive rack. Which is good because he's going to be paying for them!
  15. mylynn1377

    Think I Am Closing In On The Green Zone

    Yay Jim!!!!! Super happy dance for you!!!
  16. mylynn1377


    The forum has had gremlins the last few days. I couldn't update my weight on my profile for 2 days. Drove me nuts...and that's not a long drive!
  17. Have you tried the chicken broth one? I'm trying to find someone that's tried that because I though it would a good boost to Soup and stuff and give me some added protein when I'm doing full liquids and Clear Liquids.
  18. mylynn1377

    Scared And Frustrated! Almost 1 Year Post Op!

    With Gastric Bypass and the Sleeve you can actually re-stretch your stomach and gain back weight if you're not careful. I have two friends that got each procedure, lost all kinds of weight in the first year and gained back at least half if not all of it by the 3 yr mark. I would say though that the sleeve seems like the way to go if your gonna revise because at least they aren't playing with your intestines, although cutting off a chunk of my stomach doesn't sound like much fun either. I would say that as far as less invasive surgery and recovery time you would be better off having them fix the band, but in the end it is a very personal choice and I wish you luck!
  19. mylynn1377

    Liquid Pre Opt Diet Help!!!!

    Sleeping sounds like a plan...I would have to stuff my toddlers somewhere though, they probably wouldn't like it lol.
  20. mylynn1377

    Liquid Pre Opt Diet Help!!!!

    Yeah I'm not there yet and I'm not looking forward to it. My doctors are pretty strict and already gave me the handouts about the pre-op diet. I will be on full liquids only-up to 6 protein shakes per day, and sf yogurt if I need to feel like I am eating something. They said the only sub I could make is sf jello because I hate yogurt bleck!
  21. mylynn1377

    4 Months After Surgery

    Congrats on the weight loss and the new found love of biking. I am looking forward to rediscovering my love of being outside, it's going slowly though!
  22. I get the Pure Protein ready made shakes. 35g of protein, 170 Calories, 4 carbs. To me they taste like chocolate milk made with soy or rice milk. They are a bit high but I buy mine from Amazon in a subscribe and save to save money. These particular shakes are casein instead of whey, which I don't know if it makes a differences or not but I like them. Here is the link if you would like to research them. There are a bunch of others such as Premier Protein from costco and unjury that you can get online. I haven't tried those but a lot of the people on here have so hopefully you will like some of them. I'm not banded yet but I wanted to get a jump start on all of this and get used to Protein Shakes before my 2 week pre op diet. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_2_12/191-2543229-4466134?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=pure+protein+shake&sprefix=pure+protein%2Caps%2C262
  23. mylynn1377

    Summer Challenge

    Checking in for the 15th and I am at 321.8...3 lbs down from last week and the NSV of my belly not touching the steering wheel of my mini van!
  24. mylynn1377

    Crystal Light - Is There An Alternative?

    I just had to try the Wal-Mart/Great Value liquid Water Enhancer, it's like Mio only waaaay cheaper. But it depends on what you like. I like sweet drinks and was seriously missing my sweet tea fix when I found the southern sweet tea flavor of GV. It is sooooo awesome that I am actually getting in all my fluids for a change. I also make pitchers of unsweet decaf or herbal tea and take it with me in a to go cup with a lid, which helps to give me something else to drink and I just sweeten with Splenda. I don't mind the crystal light or the walmart version of them, but I have a bit of a liver issue and I hate to think that I'm drinking aspartame all the time. The walmart water enhancer uses splenda.
  25. I can't find it anymore either for some reason. I wanted to update my weight and it won't let me!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
