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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by eyeononederland

  1. I'm 5'7" and weigh 242lbs. I haven't been under 200lbs in about 7 years...even then, it only lasted a few months. In high school, I was about 170 for the most part. I've never been a "normal" weight (based on BMI). When I first started planning for all of this, I thought 170 would be a good target weight...then I thought 165...maybe 160. Even at 160, though, I'd be "overweight." by BMI standards. How did you decide on your target weight? Granted, just getting under 200lbs is my primary goal, but I can't even fathom being 155lbs (and thus have a BMI under 25). How did you decide on a target weight for yourself?
  2. My doctor's office just called. I told them from day ONE that my BMI is not normally > 40. It registered 40.1 at my first visit. It's normally about 38. My insurance requires 2 years' history of a BMI > 40 (without comorbids). I pointed that out on DAY ONE and was told by the SURGEON HIMSELF that it was fine and not to worry. Well...now I'm told there's nothing I can do that will help. Too late for the sleep apnea test, and even if I did have it, I don't have the other qualifying comorbids. I guess I'm on my own. I'm not giving up, I'm just frustrated. I'm going to continue exercising and watching what I eat. I've lost 3lbs this week already. I'm determined - with or without WLS - to not continue down this path. I wish all of you the very best of luck.
  3. What an eye opener. I've been wavering between depression and hope for the future. I knew I was fat, but seeing myself from all angles in just a bra and shorts was a shock. Seeing my back was especially upsetting. That used to be my "good" side. Now it's all rolls. My boobs look miniscule compared to the size of my gut from the side. I'm trying to look at these pictures as inspiration. I want to use them to motivate myself. But at the same time, every time I close my eyes, I see them. The images are burned in my mind. Before last night, I was in denial over how fat I'd really gotten.
  4. eyeononederland

    Oh Well - So Much For That

    Thank you. I might just take you up on that sometime! I think the hardest part about this is that when I decided on surgery it was because I had told myself I couldn't do this on my own. Now I have to. I think this has been a reality check for my husband, too, though. He admitted last night that he has not been terribly supportive or motivating. He was banded 2 years ago and is just 20lbs from his goal weight now. He has some restriction, so he can never eat much at one time...which means he may only eat a few bites of dinner, and then later he'll have some ice cream or some other "slider." Me? I eat all my dinner...then eat ice cream with him...and that's got to stop. It has stopped, actually. (I've gotten better at saying "no thanks" when he sits down with M&Ms, etc) We talked last night and he said, "You're not doing this alone. We're doing it together." He's renewed his vow to make healthier choices as well. He wants to lose that last 20lbs but has been putting it off. We have three kids - one with special needs - and it can be exhausting! But we both know we will have more energy if we exercise and eat right. I'm really glad he understands how important this is and is willing to help motivate me and keep me on track. Yesterday, before leaving work, I confessed to him that I've been fantasizing about all the horrible foods I could bury my sorrows in on the way home. For the last several months, he'd have said something like, "Get me something, too!" Instead, this time he said, "Don't do it. It's not worth it." That's what I need. I need someone to not only support my healthy choices, but also steer me towards them, too. We're meeting for lunch today and he suggested we hit this salad place we love...even though we have a gift certificate for LePeep, because he knows there are too many temptations at LePeep. Once again...I'm rambling. I'm not giving up. I am determined to do this. I got down to 214 last year...then went on vacation...and never mentally came back from it. Then I spent most of the year on phentermine. Eventually that stopped working...then I went off it and gained back what I'd lost. No more mental vacations. A day here or there, sure. But no more weeks, months at a time. I'm not denying myself things, but making better choices. I'm still going to happy hour tonight with a friend, but I've already planned what I will eat and designated those calories for dinner so I know how much I can eat during the day... all about preparation. Okay...enough blabbering from me. If anyone wants to reach me - saritarose@yahoo.com Take care! Good luck!
  5. eyeononederland

    Oh Well - So Much For That

    Absolutely not. Broke as a joke as it is.
  6. I saw this today on FB and just had to share.
  7. eyeononederland

    Oh Well - So Much For That

    Thank you!
  8. If someone is used to eating crap they shouldn't and expects to suddenly be "cured" of that because of surgery, then, yeah, they might find themselves stressed out due to unrealistic expectations. My doc doesn't restrict carbs after surgery, but when your stomach becomes significantly smaller and getting the Protein you need becomes paramount, you will have to choose between living a more healthy life or continuing to eat the junk that got us here in the first place. I'm not cutting all carbs out, I'm basically "practicing" cutting out the foods that cannot take precedence in my diet post-op (foods that never should have from the beginning).
  9. eyeononederland

    Dear Candy Bowl...

    Dear Candy Bowl, I noticed this morning that you've been refilled by some well-meaning member of my team. I also noticed that shiny Cadbury Creme Egg sitting there in the midst of all those other naughty treats. And I walked right past you. Sure, I may have glanced your way for a minute, but don't misread that as a sign of weakness! I don't need you any more. Yeah, you heard me. I've moved on, mister. Edamame may not be as flashy as you are, but he's reliable and has always treated me better! I'm better off hanging with him and his friends Almonds, Tuna and Yogurt - they might not always take me for that wild sugar-rush ride, but they're dependable and they don't drag me down! They make me feel better about myself - you never did that for me and you never will. Goodbye, Candy Bowl. It's been nice knowing you. I feel sorry for the next silly girl that falls prey to your good looks and fast moves! Sincerely, Eye on Onederland
  10. eyeononederland


    How do you like the Wii Zumba? I've been eyeing it for a while. We bought Just Dance 2 for one of our kiddos recently and I've been using the "just sweat" option on that as an alternative for now. I love Zumba at the gym, but can't always get there!
  11. This is part of the reason I'm trying to cut carbs now, before surgery. I want post-op to be as stress free as possible!
  12. My favorite so far is Nectar in the Chocolate Truffle flavor. 26g of protein in 8oz (I bought the powder and mixed with skim milk) and it just tastes like chocolate milk. Almost felt guilty drinking it!
  13. eyeononederland

    Lets Get This Ball Rolling!

    Oh! And where in Texas are you? I'm north of DFW. If you can find a shady place to walk, I bet the little one will be fine. Make it a couple of 10 min walks if you have to - better than nothing, right? (That's what I've been doing at work.)
  14. eyeononederland

    Lets Get This Ball Rolling!

    I'm not banded yet, but I have 3 kids - 5, 7 and 8 - so I'm definitely busy! I'd say it's all about being prepared. Plan your meals in advance so you're less likely to have to come up with something on the spot. That's always when I get into trouble! Bring your own food whenever possible. If you have to eat out, check for nutritional information on the restaurant's website - most places offer info these days. Good luck!
  15. Omg. Went to the gym today for the first time in over a month. My husband and I used to work out 3-4x/wk but have slacked for months now, hardly going. Today, I worked myself hard. Nothing crazy, but not the namby-pamby "workouts" I've done on the rare trips to the gym. I'm dying! Lol Definitely need to get back in the swing of things. I'm feeling motivated for the first time in ages, plus we're starting a walking challenge at work this week - GCC. Anyone heard of it or possibly doing it? Going to let my body rest tomorrow and then start again on Tues!
  16. eyeononederland

    Support Group For Dfw Banders!!

    Hey there! I live and work in the Frisco area. Not banded yet, but my husband was 2yrs ago. I'm hoping I will get my band the last week of July at the latest!
  17. eyeononederland

    Dear Candy Bowl...

    OMG, will someone PLEASE EAT THAT CADBURY EGG ALREADY!!??? *nibbles almonds*
  18. eyeononederland

    First Nsv Ony Two Weeks Out.

    Awesome! I went through my closet a few weeks ago and boxed up everything that I'm too big for. Can't wait to be able to bust back into it! Congrats!
  19. eyeononederland

    Dang...i've Got Diabetes

    That's a great first step, though, m-m!! Get the bad food OUT and bring some great healthy stuff IN. My advice: Don't buy things just because you know you should eat them...find things that you should eat and want to eat. If my fridge/pantry is full of things I don't like, no matter how healthy they are, I will find a way around things. Think of healthy options that you enjoy - maybe even try some things you've never had before, if possible. Keep your chin up!! And, yes, the light-headed/dizzy feeling is likely your blood sugar dropping. Be careful!
  20. eyeononederland

    Weight Training, Yay Or Nay???

    Definitely a good start! My last trainer used to send out motivational emails and one of my favorite exercise quotes ever is, "No matter how slow you go, you're running laps around the person on the couch."
  21. eyeononederland

    Weight Training, Yay Or Nay???

    If anything, weight training will help you lose weight even faster. Muscle burns more calories than fat. The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you burn just sitting still. Plus, women have to work incredibly hard to bulk up, muscle-wise. Hit those weights, woman! Just make sure you give your muscles time to heal between workouts. Try alternating upper body and lower body workouts.
  22. eyeononederland

    Dear Candy Bowl...

    Oh, I'm sure chocolate and I will still have our occasional trysts. My DH can't stay away at all - he's full on addicted!
  23. eyeononederland

    So, The Process Begins!

    Just a one time evaluation.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
