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Posts posted by TexasDy

  1. My husband has been kind of the same lately. I'm in the middle of my 2wk pre-op Atkins diet. He originally said he would try to do the atkins with me b/c it's such a pain in the butt - instead, he eats crakers, etc for Snacks right in front of me...

    My advice is talk to your man. Not while he's eating. But in a soft, respectful way so it doesn't come across as nagging. That's what I did. My husband said he thought he was helping by getting it out of the house... /shrug

    I know I'm a nagger, it's caused a lot of communication issues in my marriage and I have to fight it all the time. Making sure my approach and tone are respectful (that's what men want) goes a loooong way - even if I'm nagging about something =)

  2. My grandson saw an older picture of me, and asked who that was, he did not know the "fat" lady in the picture!


    I'm 7 days pre-op. My surgeon requires 2wks Atkins for pre-op diet. My husband and I went to a movie last night. I got a Water and a hotdog, threw away the bun. He got popcorn, nachos, and a cherry coke. Part of me wanted a little popcorn, but I knew if I had some, I'd want a LOT and I don't want to take the chance of something going wrong in the operating room. Watching him eat all of that in one sitting, I was proud of myself more than the feeling of loss!! It felt good!

    We're planning to go see Brave after surgery next Friday. I wonder what my movie-food experience will be then, when I can only have liquids...

    Thanks for sharing, Brebre. I'm going to be more aware of my feelings and fight them post-op. Good luck to you and God bless!

  3. My husband and parents know, and 2 friends that have had WLS.

    At work, I told them I have to have surgery to repair a hernia (true) and that the Dr told me to get to a healthy weight or it would come back. That explained the time needed off and the change in eating habits. I'll probably be open with it later, just not with my coworkers - most are pretty judgmental and I don't want to deal with that.

  4. You guys are killing the whole reason for this site!!! We're all here to support each other. Chill out a little.

    The cheating comment may have been out of line, but who doesn't have that one frind that is open and blunt about their opinions?? I have two! She spoke her mind. Leave her alone already.

    And the OP already addressed the comment. It was made to him and it didn't bother him bc he knows the truth and is secure in his marriage even with their issues. That's what's important.

  5. I bought a pack of bay spoons to use the first few months. I've already started with smaller portions and bites, just not pinky sized. Also practice chewing, if you haven't already. That's what I'm having trouble with. Glad I started now!! The automatic-swallow reflex is killer!!!

  6. I understand completely. And am so sorry you're going through this.

    My husband and I have been up and down as well. We love being intimate, but it's just plain uncomfortable sometimes. Big bodies get in the way, we run out of energy, don't feel sexy - you name it. We were both overweight before we got married but have steadily gained throughout our relationship. Even though we were big when we were overly sexually-active, being bigger now makes it difficult.

    Communication is VERY important. Body language communication too. I'd be having a fat-depressing-unsexy day - all it takes is for my husband to put his hand on the small of my back for me to feel like the sexiest, most beautiful woman EVER. So other than counseling, I'd recommend finding out what makes her feel sexy. Small touches and making out (without leading to sex, just making out) are what do it for me. What does it for her?

    I'm sure you know that. But I was sure my husband did too. When I verbally told him what I needed, our intimacy level exploded. So, hope it helps.

  7. I highly disagree with anything below 750cc!! I've had my license for just over a year. My class was all on 250cc - SUCKED!! Especially as a big girl... I looked ridiculous on that tiny thing!

    I ride a Honda Shadow 1100. LOVE the 1100 =) My husband as a HD Street Glide 103, about 1800cc if calculated to metric.

    I did ask the doctor if riding would cause any problems. He said just during the recovery phase. The only lifting involved is bringing the bike off the kickstand - definitely more than 20lbs! I'll be sad to not ride for a month or so, but it'll be worth it!

    Good luck in your purchase. It's the BEST THING IN THE WORLD!!!

  8. Exactly what I've been going through!!! Thanks to all!

    My husband and I started this together. Other than him, only my parents and 2 other know I'm considering it - both of whom have had WLS. All just encourage me to look at both sides, the good and the bad.

    Last night, I made lists and lists of everything that COULD go wrong throughout the process. You all know them, so I won't put the list here. When I was finished and looked it all over. I realized that none of the POSSIBLE side effects and complications were as bad as the road I'm on with my obesity. Even the worst case scenarios I've heard about are worth the risk to have a better and healthier life long term.

    Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future."

    I know that it was not God's plan for me to be obese. But it is His plan for me to get healthy so He can use me to glorify His kingdom. I've proven I can't do it on my own and am so thankful He showed me the tool to use to get finally get there =)

  9. The pain will go away. Not tonight, but probably by morning.

    I had mine 4/26. Had to fast. So by the time we left the hospital around 230 - I was starving! And couldn't eat anything b/c it hurt! I had a Moolatte at Dairy Queen. The cold helped but the sugar definitely did not. And about an hour later had some mashed potatoes. I didn't follow the rules b/c I was hungry. I ate again about 5 and had taco bell about 9. Thankfully nothing went wrong and I didn't damage my throat.

    So hang in there. Sorry you're hurting so bad. It will feel better =)

  10. Someone else posted about an ignorant person making comments about her weight pre-band to her fiance. I decided it's time to share my similar experience.

    This happened the night before my very first consultation. What a coincidence, right?

    I was picking my husband up from work. He's retail security, so I was walking around the store waiting for his shift to end. I saw one of his coworkers (that I'd met more than once) and said 'hey how's it going'. He said fine and treated me like I was invisible. Whatever right. My husband has told me dozens of times that he's not a good person and has a very low opinion of women (he has said any woman over 100lbs is fat). So I didn't think anything of it that he didn't recognize me or say hello.

    When he got back to the office, where my husband was, he said "dude, this fat chick just hit on me. She looked at me like I was food!" Then turned the security camera to where I was standing (just outside their office at this point) and said "there she is!"

    It took every ounce of self control my husband has not to lay him out right there. He knew he would lose his job. He told the guy I was his wife and walked out. I'm very proud of him for being the bigger man. It showed more respect for me to have self control than for him to do anything macho.

    I've been good at not letting it drag me down. And it helps that the guy almost got fired over it. (He's working nights only now, so at most my husband only works with him 3-4 hours a week) But sometimes it's hard to remember that I'm taking control of my weight FOR ME and not some comment that was made.

    So to all of you Newbies, Recently Banded, and Long Term Successes - Remember you're not alone. You are valuable. You are beautiful on the outside too, no matter what our culture tells us. Good luck to all of you!!

  11. Thank you so much for the encouraging words in your story. I'm still 6 weeks before surgery but very much looking forward to people's comments no longer hurting quite as much.

    I had a similar experience the night before my first consultation (what a coincidence!) - but with an adult. Going to start another thread with it... I think it's time to share that. Get it completely off my chest and let it go.

  12. "I weighed 165 lbs. when I was 13 and was considered a fat freak; now I can't wait to weigh 165 again."

    ME TOO!!! I was 5'7", 165, and stacked - every 20year old guy's fantasy... but I was THIRTEEN!!! We lived in a duplex on a college campus while my mom was getting her degree. Kids my age thought I was fat and stuffed my bra - the college kids thought I was one of them (except for the clothes and that I rode a pink bicycle!). I look at pictures from that time and cannot believe I thought I was fat!!

    I'm fat b/c... 1) I am addicted to food 2) I have high self esteem and have never really cared what others said about me 3) I've been DD and larger since I was 14. I haven't seen my waistline since then - except in the mirror of course.

    For me, gaining weight was gradual. I just didn't realize how severe it was until I hit 275. I then yo-yo dieted myself up to 335. It's time to take my life back. I've proven again and again that I can't do that on my own. Looking forward to using the Lap Band as the tool that will finally work!!!

  13. I'm still 6 weeks out and have been wondering the same thing. If I'm going to do this, I don't want to be the one that screws it up. I'm coming to terms with the risks involved (something wrong w/ the surgeon, surgery itself, the band, or my body physically rejecting the band) and have started playing head games. Can I really do this? Will this truly be the tool that helps me overcome this fight?

    Thanks everyone for your encouraging words!!

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