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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by TexasDy

  1. 6/22 here. The most important thing post op is sticking to the post-op diet. It's not a lesson or being mean - it's to heal your insides. If you eat solid too soon, it could bump the band and make it scar in an incorrect position and then never work correctly. Whatever liquids/mushies you're allowed to have, stick to that. Small portions every hour if you need that much. But the healing is sooo IMPORTANT. Worry about restriction and hunger pains later. If you don't heal properly, it will all be for nothing.

    Sorry you're having such a hard time =(

  2. the husband is the head of the household? In my home My wife and I are both jointly head of the house.

    If all you got was that my husband leads my family, you weren't listening. A marriage takes 100% from both people. 1 + 1 = 1.

    The lapband is an amazing thing and I'm very grateful for it. But if I disrespected my husband enough to spend that kind of money and have surgery knowing he was against it, it'd cause more problems than weightloss would solve.

    Communication and mutual respect are extremely important. I never once suggested the OP should not get the band nor did I say her health is more important than her marriage. I just said if he's that against it then to respect her husband enough to find out why, educate him, and make the ultimate decision TOGETHER. That's what true "joint-HOH" is about.

    It's another point of view than "he'll appreciate it later" that others have given. And that's why we're all here - for other bandster's opinions.

  3. I agree and disagree. I'm so sorry you're having trouble with your husband. I don't know what I would do without my husband's full support. Saying that - if he was completely against it, there'd have to be a reason. You married him. Therefore, you rely on him, trust his opinions, and overall respect him as head of your household. So, yes, take him to the seminar and meet with the surgeon. If after all that info he's still not on board, you need to have a deeper conversation - I know I wouldn't have gone through with it if my husband felt that strongly against it.

  4. Day 4 here - gas pain was the worst. Especially when it moved. Lower intestines back to diaphragm, up to shoulder, back down to diaphragm - I thought I was going to DIE!! Last night, it finally eased up a little and this morning I feel A LOT better.

    No real incision pain unless I jerk or twist suddenly. They itch though... And I have no idea where my port is. I don't want to mash around on my tummy and make it hurt if it doesn't need to.

    I haven't been paying attention to how much fluids I've been taking in. I know a lot of Water b/c I felt dehydrated and had very bad dry mouth. I just take it in very slowly and have only had trouble when I took a big gulp - which happens with everything b/c I forget..

    So sorry you're feeling so bad. Hopefully today will be better.

  5. Day 3 for me too. The gas pressure has been KILLER!! Only a little pain around my inisions, they feel like bad bruises. I've been staying on my pain meds every 4-5 hours though. I did have quite a bit of nausea yesterday and had to take something for it. I've only been drinking b/c I know I have to. Haven't really been hungry yet b/c so uncomfortable w/ all the gas pressure. Biggest (unexpected) complaint is continued dry mouth. I can't seem to hydrate enough and there's a morning breath taste most of the day - I brush my teeth 4x a day now.

    Overall, I'm doing ok. Just tired A LOT.

    Hope you all continue getting better!!

  6. Day 3 for me too. The gas pressure has been KILLER!! Only a little pain around my inisions, they feel like bad bruises. I've been staying on my pain meds every 4-5 hours though. I did have quite a bit of nausea yesterday and had to take something for it. I've only been drinking b/c I know I have to. Haven't really been hungry yet b/c so uncomfortable w/ all the gas pressure. Biggest (unexpected) complaint is continued dry mouth. I can't seem to hydrate enough and there's a morning breath taste most of the day - I brush my teeth 4x a day now.

    Overall, I'm doing ok. Just tired A LOT.

    Hope you all continue getting better!!

  7. Is it like any pain you have felt before or something new?

    No, never felt it before. Couldn't lay down to sleep, used every pillow in the house to prop up straight in bed. Slept most of the day yesterday sitting up on couch. About 3am, I was able to toss 2 pillows and lay on my side a little bit, still mostly propped up tho. Woke up at 4am and haven't been back to sleep. A little less uncomfortable this morning. Pain is still there, just more localized than all over. Wish I could just burp!! I know it would help a lot!!

  8. Hi there! I'm in Austin, surgery is June 22.

    Pre-op started June 10 (supposed to be 6/8, but I was at a motorcycle rally that weekend. My nutritionist gave me the ok to start when I got home). It's the first phase of Atkins. The first few days were MISERABLE. Then I had a meeting with the surgeon and he explained the why and what could happen if I didn't stick with it... Now I'm scared out of my mind and don't even allow myself the 20g of carbs I can have!!

    My husband and parents know. And one friend from church. She had the bypass in 2000 and is a big support!! I'm not hiding it from anyone, just don't want to be open about it during the hard parts - in a month, when I can eat solids, I'll probably start telling people.

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