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Looking Ahead

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Looking Ahead

  1. Looking Ahead

    pre admitting todaytodayi

    I was a nervous wreck the three days before...barely slept at all except the night before which I slept like a baby. This time next week, you'll be on the losers bench with me !
  2. Looking Ahead

    6 Months Today

    338....326 surgery day.
  3. Looking Ahead

    6 Months Today

    June 25- doing great. Down 119 pounds
  4. You're doing great. The stalls are your body rearranging things with the new space it has. It will start dropping again. Congrats on your surgery date !
  5. Looking Ahead


    I make a reg decaf coffee, sweet n low, heavy whipping cream, coolwhip on top and topped with cinnamon. I can never finish it so I figure I'm get half the calories Total : 45 cal for a cup...I drink about half of it.
  6. Looking Ahead

    Bought Myself A Christmas Present

    Nice gift ! You deserve it. Start enjoying the life you were missing out on !
  7. The blood work has to be within the week...I think. They used my EKG from my knee scope about 2 months prior to the gastric surgery.
  8. Looking Ahead

    New Pic. 338 To 220

    Thanks everyone. This is about the only place I feel comfortable posting pics. I do on FB sometimes but embarrassed. But not on here since everyone HAS walked in my shoes.
  9. Looking Ahead

    New Pic. 338 To 220

    Im 5'7. Thanks!!!! I needed that compliment
  10. Looking Ahead

    Goal Met And Passed

    I haven't had any problems with losing. A few plateaus. I haven't exercised yet. I have an office job and I guess my calories being so low is what has helped me.
  11. Looking Ahead


    Hi, angie here. Good : Down 118 in little over 5 months lunch is a LOT cheaper Self esteem is way up Less knee pain ( able to put off knee surgery) Can wear and buy cute clothes most anywhere now Guys notice me I am treated with more respect at work and in public Depression meds and anxiety pills cut in half Bad: Can eat alot for comfort when Im depressed Acid reflux is pretty rough After surgery, the drain pain was horrible ( was on a nerve) The week after, the mental part was horrible Lot of depression Still not sure I'm eating right or how/what to eat I still see myself at my highest weight so its still frustrating to shop I hate taking pills for the rest of my life Would I do it again....in a second !
  12. Looking Ahead

    Goal Met And Passed

    Congrats ! I'm 30 lbs from my first goal. I'm down 118 in little over 5 months. My final goal is 50 lbs out. Then go from there. Acid refulx is kicking my butt lately. Have you had problems with it? I take Prilosec twice a day.
  13. Looking Ahead


    Silvadine Cream. I use it and it gets rid of the rashes within 24 hours. It is prescription but a cheaper Rx.
  14. Looking Ahead

    Broke Down, Need Advice

    I don't think you will from just one. But like you said, you know it was wrong and harmful for your body. Next time, say no thanks and chew gum
  15. Looking Ahead

    2 Months Post Op

    Congrats !! Keep up the great work...its working for you. You look great !
  16. For the past three days, I can barely stand to be around myself. I'm moody, short tempered, depressed, tired and just plain mad. Not sure why. I know I have alot of stress going on but dang.... I'm not on hormones and had a hysterectomy over 10 years ago. I'm down 113 lbs . Is it just my body adjusting? I DON"T want to call the dr back.. I feel like I call all the time. Anyone else going through this? I'm female , 42 years old. I don't want to be at work and don't want to be at home. Please...suggestions.
  17. Looking Ahead

    Hormones All Out Of Whack

    Thanks everyone. I've been in menopause since my hysterectomy years ago ( full hyst). Going to make an effort to either shut up and do my work if I play nice at the office. I see people dodging when I walk into the room. Either dodging or stopping talking about my mood. Hate it either way. Thats not me at all. I love my co workers and they know it. I woke up this morning throwing up stomach acid. I had acid go down the wrong pipe and got choked last night causing me running to the bathroom. Now I feel like I've swallowed gasoline. On the brighter side, its Friday and my mom and I are going on a mini mini vacation to St Louis, MO for a shopping spree tomorrow. Looking forward to it. Hope everyone has a great weekend and again thank you for always being there to listen and give some advice. :wub:
  18. Not sure if its the stomach back in full force or what Im eating but Im miserable. I can't get 20 feet from the restroom . Other than calling my dr what else can I do? It hurts to go I have been so much today . Mostly water but some slime . I have been weak and tired for 5 days too. Any remedies you have used that works? The family has passed the stomach bug around to everyone already once.
  19. Looking Ahead

    Skin Breaking Out Post Op?!

    I did and still do break out tiny water blisters rash when I use my spandex under form The next day its gone . Nothing on my face though.
  20. Tomorrow I turn 42. In April of this year, I weighed my highest ever .... 338. I decided to have the surgery and thought it was my absolute last chance at a "normal" life. I'm down to 228 this morning. 110 pounds gone - forever. Even though I'm down this much and my self esteem is alot higher, I still feel like the fat person I started out as. I still don't want my husband to see my naked. I knew I'd have loose skin but its still filled with fat. I have no idea where I want to be. I know I want to get to at least 170 , maybe 150. I'm 5,8. Med/large build. I hardly eat anything now and worry about stopping the weightloss if I do reach some sort of goal for myself. My surgery was June 25th. Has anyone else gone through this? I have noticed that I went from a men's 2x-3x sweats to a mens large today when I bought some. I should be ecstatic about this but something says don't get too excited just yet.
  21. Looking Ahead

    I Wish I'd Known...

    Wish I'd done it sooner also. Today, I'm 5 months out of surgery and miss going to food for comfort. Wish I could have found another comfort before doing the surgery. I'm still looking for that special hobby that fills the void of me chewing. I pretty much eat anything I want now...just not alot of it. My stomach says Im starving and after a couple bites, I'm stuffed and feel like I was jipped out of something good. I look forward to the skin removal sometime next year. Hopefully during the summer. I had a rough time the first month and the mental part of what I had done was really tough the first week home....but other than that...its been a breeze. Today is my birthday and I told my family - No food, just gifts and visiting. Was a little odd but turned out ok.
  22. Looking Ahead

    Unable To Burp Gas Away... Help!

    Walk the gas off.....I got up about every hour to walk down the hallways. This will pass in about 3 - 5 days.
  23. Looking Ahead

    6 Months Post Op....down 110 Pounds !

    The one in the green shirt and the one in the black shirt was taken within the past 3 weeks.
  24. Looking Ahead

    6 Months Post Op....down 110 Pounds !

    The men's sweats have smaller legs. I should have gotten a Medium. The shirts are longer too. Wearing them today. Oh and I get to change the ticker again this morning...another pound gone !

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
