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Blog Comments posted by AliveAgain

  1. It will not take months (plural) to eat real food, I promise. For me, it was about 6 weeks out before I was able to comfortably eat solids again. That was roasted chicken breast, deli turkey, firmer tofu, shrimp, scallops, fish and cooked veggies. I started introducing red meat around 2.5 months with filet mignon, skirt steak, and ground meat in chili. It does fill me up faster than the leaner meats, but I can still enjoy it. I tried my first bite of an In-and-Out burger at about 3 months. Just got a crazy craving and got one. Had about two bites and wasn't impressed. Don't get me wrong, it tasted good, but I just didn't want anymore than that.

    Now that I'm 6 months out, I can eat almost anything I want. It's scary how I can have a few bites of dessert, pasta, rice and other things I have to limit. I remember that feeling on the liquid diet, wanting real food so badly. It did pass for me, and now I still don't get really hungry unless I go too long between shakes or meals or don't drink enough water in a day. Hang in there!

  2. No, we don't have a YMCA anywhere close to here. It's all gyms with memberships and most of the pools are outside. While they're slightly heated, it still doesn't cut it in 40-50 degree temps.

    Plus, I have two bras that somewhat fit me right now and the idea of wearing and ruining one in the pool is not great. That's my other nightmare, trying to find a bra that works. I ordered over $1000 worth of different models from an online resource using their sizing charts and I'm sending every one of them back. No one ever understands what it's like to be a large chested woman!! I cannot wait to cut these m***** f****** off!!

  3. I can asparagus like candy! I made it into a soup the other night, roasting in oven at first for the flavor, then simmering in veggie broth until super soft. Blend with an immersion blender and VOILA! I added 1/2 scoop of the unflavored Unjury powder for protein and didn't even taste it. Looking forward to summer!

  4. Glad you have such a positive attitude and have the support of your family! That's great! I'm in the same place as you with the mushy foods, about 2-3oz and I'm "full" and not wanting to push it. With time, it will get easier and we'll be able to take on more. I really look forward to when I'm only doing 1-2 shakes a day and the rest comes from food sources.

    Sorry to hear about the crappy boss. There are a lot of them out there unfortunately. I've had plenty of them myself, I know what it's like. I lost a job about two years ago because I was constantly sick - sinus infections, colds, migraines. The stress and the weight were just too much for my system to take on. I was upset at the time, but also relieved because I got a lot better once I didn't have that horrible boss that called on me at all hours and had me working around the clock. She needed a healthy person who could dedicate 150% of themselves to the job and I just wasn't that person.

    If you can, try to look for another job. I know that is hard to say, believe me I would have slapped anyone who said that to me in the past. But it's not good to keep stressors like her in your life. It's a challenge to take on emotional eating, and you've taken a great step with the surgery. Mean, bossy people are not worth what they take out of you -- your energy, your soul. Something to consider...

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