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Everything posted by AliveAgain

  1. AliveAgain

    Why Am I Getting Worse?

    I'm sorry you're having so much pain and trouble. Some people definitely have it easier, and some have it harder -- it's just being human. No, this is not how your new life will be and YES, with time this, too, will get better. Dehydration can bring on the symptoms you're describing: Nausea, headaches, fatigue. It's a tough scenario to be in, but I highly encourage getting in as much Fluid as you can. It will be hard at first as you fight your symptoms (i.e. that first 8-16oz may seem like torture) -- but from my experience, the more regular you are with keeping on top of your fluids, the better you will feel and heal. Do you know how much you're getting now, besides the 8oz in your Protein shake? Try different fluids: Water, herbal tea, skim milk, warm chicken, veggie or beef broth. It helps to use a little shot glass (2oz) or those little cups that come with liquid medicines. Try to get in 1-2oz every 15 minutes at least. The ideal to shoot for is 64-80oz of fluids per day. You may also want to talk to your doctor about low electrolytes. Your body could be suffering from low potassium, sodium, and/or magnesium -- all vital to you feeling well and your organs working properly. Some people here use Gatorade G2 (lower carbs) and my doctor prescribed a potassium pill I crushed and drank in water. Hang tight, talk to your doctor about how you're feeling and let us know if it gets better!
  2. AliveAgain


    I like Ancient Harvest Quinoa pasta. Granted it's not lower in carbs, but it's made with corn and quinoa flour which is lower on the glycemic index because of protein content. Granted, like any other refined or non-whole food carb (i.e. veggies and fruits) -- it's only good in moderation and you have to be aware of what you put on it. Store-bought pasta sauces should be banned when losing weight, make your own with fresh whole tomatoes, garlic, olive oil and basil. All in season and yum! And of course - PROTEIN FIRST! I'm lucky if I can eat 1oz of pasta after getting my protein and veggies in.
  3. AliveAgain


    It's the internal stiches in your abdomen wall healing and is very common. For some reason, the pain is more intense 2-4 weeks after surgery. I personally believe it's nerves reattaching and they're misfiring as they learn what to do again. It does get better and will go away. I found that a warm compress sometimes helped me, brings more bloodflow to the area. Just avoid pushing/pulling or picking up heavy items (more than 10 pounds) and you should be fine.
  4. Sounds good, so long as your doctor is giving you guidelines. Most just want you to get in fluids and Protein (almost) any way you can in the first few weeks after surgery, and not focus too much on the carbs. That's why I didn't want to come across as "preachy" in any way. It's hard for most to get the fluids and protein they need, it's good to just gradually work your way up the best you can. Greek yogurt is great in so many ways, I use Trader Joes mostly but Fage is a great name brand as well and gets high marks from those who like quality-made yogurts. Some protein companies like unjury, Syntrax nectar, and then weight loss sites like Bariatric Advantage even offer to send free samples. Unjury and Healthwise make good chicken, beef, tomato flavors that go in warmed broths, since the sweetness can be too much for some. It's good to try different powder-mix ones and ready-to-drink ones from your basic stores like GNC, WalMart, etc. Once you find ones you like, then you can find them at affordable prices on Amazon. Best of luck to you!
  5. AliveAgain

    Any Problems With Lobster?

    No, I've had it a few times and never had a problem with it. You do have to chew it like crazy, which can take away from some of the pleasure of eating it. I also skip the butter and get it poached which makes it a little dry. But it's never come back up on me. Could just be one of those foods that doesn't agree now, but could agree later. I can't do tuna salad anymore. I can eat tuna sashimi, but cannot do more than a bite of canned tuna without a queasy feeling. Eh.
  6. AliveAgain

    6 Weeks Post Op Food Ideas.

    Sushi is a great source of protein and goes down really easily, sashimi specifically. Any kind of seafood like halibut, talapia, sole, salmon (in moderation b/c of fat content), shrimp, scallops, tuna. Turkey meatballs are amazing, well-prepared tofu lightly seasoned or used in soups is great and goes down easily, too. You can try hard-boiled or poached eggs (steer clear of scrambled for now). You could introduce mozzarella or cheddar cheese, sticks or Babybel-type. It could be good to start incorporating some cooked veggie like broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, steamed spinach, mushrooms, etc. Just be sure to get in protein first, and you may only be able to eat 2-3 pieces and feel full. Edamame is great, too, adds fiber which you'll need!
  7. AliveAgain

    Exciting News For The Norcal Group

    I live in Santa Cruz, which is really more Central Cal than NorCal. That being said, I'm open to coming up to San Fran, Peninsula or East Bay areas. I could totally do Sac area if we can combine it with one of our trips to see family in Tahoe.
  8. My VSG surgeon partners with a plastics guy in his San Jose office. Dr. Laurence Berkowitz. I've seen his before/after work in pictures and in person, it's good - but expensive. That might be more Central Cal than NorCal.
  9. Hi LJP -- I'm glad you've found something that works, to help get the fluids in. That's VERY important right after surgery! However, at the risk of getting blasted as a negative person, I wanted to ask if your doctor gave you any guidelines about carbs/sugars in your post-op diet? The reason I ask is because flavored yogurts (even light) and pineapple juice are a little high in carbs/sugars, at least in ratio to the less than 5g of Protein that comes from the yogurt. I'm only concerned for you because the body will heal faster with high protein and not as much carb, and cutting out sugars will speed up healing, too. That being said, it is far more important to stay hydrated -- so if this is helping you, then by all means do it. My doc, and most docs I've seen patients talk about -- want less than 30-40g of carbs daily, and not from artificial sugars. Are you getting protein in, hopefully more than 40g aiming for as much as 60-70g? Do you have access to lower calorie protein powders and shakes? Other great options at the fluids stage are skim milk, herbal teas, broths (there are protein Soups you can add), sugar-free Jello, and sugar-free popsicles. You can use unflavored protein like unjury in the jello for an added protein boost to your fluids as well. I would encourage looking into non- or low-fat option, PLAIN yogurt - Greek yogurt is a staple for a lot of us that have had VSG. Pineapple juice is great to have on hand, I've heard some people use it when they start eating solid foods and (in the beginning) if the food feels like it's getting stuck, taking a swig of the juice can help it move. Pineapple and papaya have bromelain, a great enzyme that helps to tenderize meat and after surgery can help the body rid of scar tissue. Unfortunately, it's also one of the highest in sugar fruits (granted it's fructose and not highly refined sugar) which can detour weight loss efforts. It looks like you're keeping to fairly small amounts, which in moderation could be OK.
  10. AliveAgain

    Eating Too Much?

    Yeah, I'd have to agree it sounds like a stall. My doc advised me to be under or at 600 calories for the first few months, but I would keep to what your doctor finds best for you. The Muscle Milk seems a little high in calories for a Protein shake. I chose Syntrax nectar protein mix-powder because it's low calorie, whey protein isolate. About 100 calories for 24g protein. Otherwise, just mixing up the activity and staying on top of fluids should help. You may want to try other protein sources like fat-free Greek yogurt (with just a few blue or raspberries), avocado, nuts. I know some docs say to keep watch on your fats and carbs that early out, but I found mixing up days with a little more healthy carbs/fats helped me break stalls. Sometimes having the same thing every day -- food or exercise -- can be "too predictable" for the fat-burning in your body. Don't know the exact science, but it worked for me. Good luck!
  11. AliveAgain

    Now What?

    Why no Protein drinks? What kind of items did you purchase from them that you can't get at a regular store? I'd recommend lean chicken breast (no skin), Greek yogurt, hard-boiled eggs, avocado, shrimp, salmon - things like that.
  12. This is the 2nd post I've seen where the forum *** out the letters "n-i-g" in basic words like "to***ht" -- isn't that odd? Yep, hair loss sucks. Thankfully mine has thinned, but it's not really obvious to most people besides me and my husband b/c he witnesses the small furry, lumps on the bathroom floor.
  13. AliveAgain

    Exciting News For The Norcal Group

    I think this is a great idea. Are we able to poll or get statistics of where everyone is and what would be a central location for most of us?
  14. AliveAgain

    2 Questions.......

    I did fine with two sandwich bags full of protein powder, not a peep. Oh, and for the MRI question - I've had two since surgery, no problems there either with the staples. But do tell them!
  15. AliveAgain

    2 Questions.......

    Titanium is widely used in operations, and they won't set off detectors. I just flew last month, no problems at all. I was more worried about my bags of protein powder that looked like kilo's of cocaine!
  16. AliveAgain

    So Shaving Your Legs And Being Obese

    Ha, I've actually found I have to shave more often and it takes longer since I've lost weight! But I'm not complaining. I think the changes in my hormones regulating has made my hair grow faster, and now I've got all the bumps to maneuver around again -- knee caps, ankles, etc. Another great NSV!
  17. AliveAgain

    Only 1 Day Of Liquid Diet?

    No, I don't think so. I was a high BMI (48) and my doctor only had me do the liquid diet 48-hours before surgery. He said the whole 2-4 week liquid diet is just torture and so long as you can adhere to a high-protein/low carb diet and lose 10-15 pounds before surgery. Which I did.
  18. AliveAgain

    Am I Taking Too Much B12?

    I take one sublingual tablet every morning at 500mcg and my labs are perfect.
  19. AliveAgain

    How Much Weight?

    I lost 12 pounds my first week after surgery, but that includes having to lose the 8 pounds of IV fluids I came home with. I went in at 251, came home at 259, and at week's end was at 247. Most people come home with some extra weight from all that they pump in you during your hospital stay.
  20. Hi everyone! I've posted before and have responded to a few individuals that I have literally 10 boxes of clothing to give-away and some items I'd like to sell. It's taken me a long time to gather them, take some pictures, and put into a format that should help everyone know what I have. I've attached a sample of the PDF I'm creating and would like to know (before I create the whole darn thing) if this format works for anyone interested. These are just the items I would like to sell (at a DEEP discount) because I never wore them and they still have the tags on them. Sadly, the store will not take them back. I have jeans (mostly Lane Bryant) in all kinds of shapes (barely worn, to slightly worn), capris, pants, skirts, top, sweaters, pajamas, even some bras if you're interested. I would say 75% of this stuff I'm willing to give away if you're willing to pay shipping. There are some items as mentioned, that I'd like to try to make a little bit of money to help go towards the clothes I need. I've been unemployed for six months and any little bit would help! Send me a personal message if you are SERIOUSLY interested!
  21. AliveAgain

    Sizes 16-24, 1-2X For Sale

    Hi! So sorry, my notifications are turned off for responses so I'm just now seeing your question. I still have the pedal pushers and most of the capris, but can't quote an exact price until I know which ones and how many you want? Right now, shipping to the NY area has run $8-14 depending on the weight of the box (regular ground shipping). If you want to personal message me and let me know which ones you're looking at, I can let you know! Thanks!
  22. AliveAgain

    Am I Misunderstanding Foods Post-Surgery

    My experience has been that the doctor greatly restricts your carbs in the beginning to do a bit of a "cleanse" for your liver, pancreas, and other organs -- it will allow for a greater amount of weight loss in a short amount of time. Also, Protein is best for you while you're recovering from surgery and resetting your relationship with food: To learn how to get fuller on denser, nutritious foods and not carbs. But in the long run, this would be hard for most to sustain, though not impossible. For instance, I had a very unhealthy relationship with carbs prior to surgery sometimes having them make up a majority of my meals. As Rootman explained so well about how carbs are burned and stored, this was bad for my weight. Now, I have a very healthy relationship with carbs. I still keep them to a minimum compared to my intake of protein, and I choose healthier carbs in fruits and vegetables and still limit the refined carbs. But I allow myself the occasional taste of Pasta noodles, so long as I have my protein and veggies as priority. And it's nowhere near the amount I used to eat. Now, it's a treat rather than a meal. We only go out for sushi every 2-3 weeks or so, but I'll allow myself 1-2 pieces of a roll, perhaps taking off some of the excess rice before. Again, I used to be able to put down 8+ pieces, plus tempura, etc. so this is much better for me. Yes, the months 0-4 you are really focused on low carbs. But the further out you are, the more it's about eating normally, in moderation and with balance in mind. Also, the more active I've become in physical training and other sports, the more you do need some of the healthy carbs in your diet. But this does not mean I "carbo load" prior to an event, I still monitor, measure and weigh to know that I'm keeping to a certain limit.
  23. Hi SoulWarden, I do not have anything that is actually tagged as a 3X. If you are familiar with any of the brands or stores I've listed, there may be 2X that run more like a 3X? I do have some capri pants in size 24.
  24. AliveAgain

    Coconut Oil Convert

    Does it taste at all like coconut? I've wanted to try it, but coconut is one of the only things that makes me actually gag if I try to eat it. Sometimes even the smell in tropical drinks can make me ill.
  25. AliveAgain

    1000 Calorie Diet... Help!

    What Protein shake are you drinking, because 300 calories sounds high? I use the Syntrax nectar and unjury brands and they are 100-140 calories depending on if I use 1 or 1.5 scoops (20-35g protein). How much Water are you drinking? Are you taking any Vitamins yet? Some of your shakiness sounds like it could be dehydration and/or low levels of electrolytes. I would try to call your doctor and speak with them about what you're feeling and their suggestions.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
