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Everything posted by RainyGirl

  1. RainyGirl

    DC/MD/VA sleevers

    hello neighbor, lol. I'm in the same area... Did McCullough or Sofronski do your surgery?
  2. How are you doing now??? U are in my prayers....
  3. Thank u so much for your reply. Still having the same issues... but typing this from my pcps waiting room as my surgeon is out of the country. I will update shortly. Thanks again
  4. How much have u lost? What are you able to eat? Hope its going well for u?
  5. RainyGirl

    No Weight Loss :(

    Thanks maybe... too bad you weren't closer, we could go out for a champagne flavored protein shake to celebrate lol.
  6. So frustrated :( so many things going wrong....

  7. RainyGirl

    No Weight Loss :(

    I feel you. Surgery was July 17 and although I've lost a few, nothing like what I expected. Had numerous complications w/ the surgery and can't keep anything at all down, so my body has hit hit starvation mode I don't know how to get passed this.
  8. RainyGirl

    Unflavored Protien Powder

    have u tried blending it with some frozen fruit or ice cubes? then pour it through a strainer into your glass just in case there are chunks left
  9. RainyGirl

    Unflavored Protien Powder

    lots of the nectar brands are good. i can't stand the usual consistency of the normal chocolate either. Nectar has some lemonades, fuzzy navels, cappucino's that don't have that nasty aftertaste or 'chunking'. its like having a nice cold glass of lemonade I used frozen strawberries for icecubes in the lemonade and frozen peaches for the fuzzy naval. Cappucino has helped me curb my cup of coffee in the mornings. If you go do bjsbariatrics.com, you can get 11 samples .. your choice of flavors.. for less than 15 bucks. They also have the unflavored that I will occasionally put in my tomato soup. good luck!!
  10. Thank u all for your kind words! Good luck and good health to all of us!!!! I'm sure I'll be posting how it went right after recovery lol
  11. Lol ill sell u mine cheap!!! (But its a josh model lol)
  12. Surgery in the morning and I'm scared to death! When I had my hysterectomy, I woke up in the middle of it and I won't go into gory detail but I've had nightmares about it.... I know this will be worth it and I'm sure all will be fine... but as many times as I tell myself that, still scared like crazy
  13. If it tastes anything like Girl Scout cookie thin mints..... I'm all over it lol yum
  14. Thanks!!! I can't imagine him getting upset over that I'll be getting some almond milk tomorrow
  15. All sounds good!! With the fuzzy naval, i just used frozen unsweetened peaches and water and it was great The cappuccino, I just blended with ice & water and a little pure vanilla. My surgeon says that "milk is my addiction", so I try not to drink so much of it... (even though I drink only nonfat, he's very strict on never drinking unnecessary calories). I ordered a bunch more today... Crystal Sky, lemonade, fuzzy naval and cappuccino. The crystal sky is VERY good if you freeze it in ice trays, then put in ice shaver and make it a slushy.... was a great hot day treat!
  16. Johnathon, Did you try it??? I did and I LOVED IT!!! Finally a Protein drink I don't have to choke down. Well, so far I found 3 I like. The Cappuccino, Crystal Sky and Roadside Lemonade. Breakfast, lunch & dinner all set!!
  17. RainyGirl

    Biotin & Hair Loss

    I spoke to many people and did tons of research about the hair loss. Biotin helps but if you want to really make a difference, you need biotin with gelatin and collagen. They have chewables of this combination at gnc.
  18. I think I'm more worried about the 10 days of clear liquids preop than I am of the surgery itself lol. Broth n water starts the tomorrow n surg the 17th. And of course tomorrow is my sons birthday party.... bbq n cake n ice cream for guests... jello for me lol. Lord give me the strength!!
  19. RainyGirl

    Frantic Ready To Run

    I also have never heard of any of this happening!!! I'd call your doctor and tell him what the nurse said and have him clarify all this!!
  20. I went to my preop appointment last week, all excited, no trembling fears... but something my surgeon told me has been eating at me. He said that if the sleeve is cut too narrow, they have to bypass right then instead. WHAT?? I can understand the logic, but I hadn't thought of this... I DO NOT want a bypass and the thought is scaring me to death. He did assure me that he hasn't had to do this yet, but he's only been doing sleeves for a few months. Did your doctor say the same thing? Has anyone had this happen to them or know anyone who it's happened to? Surgery is scheduled for July 17 and I won't back out, but this new fear is really intense... to the point of losing sleep over.
  21. Thank you all so much for your input... I did call a couple other local surgeons and they actually agree with a bypass being the best option during a botched sleeve, but said they've never heard of it actually happening, except in cases where they were sleeving as a preliminary to a bypass (with patient consent). They think he is basically just covering himself 'just in case'... Still... idk. Even if he got the sleeve too narrow, I'd rather have the option of stretching it naturally, rather than a bypass.
  22. I think because he explained it to me and made me sign a waiver, it couldn't turn into a lawsuit . I have a made a few calls to other surgeons... but as scared as this has made me, I really don't want to have to start all over either... ughhhhhh
  23. Oh my goodness.. that sound yummyyyyyy!! I haven't tried my sample of cappucino yet, but now I'll be having it as a treat when I get home too
  24. i got all mine from bjsbariatrics.com cheapest place I found so far!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
