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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Waldog

  1. Waldog

    Day 3 Of Surgery

    There are lots of protien powders out there. They are all expensive, and some taste better than others. Most are not appetizing. Find one you can handle. Unjury is common among gastric bypass patients, and the few that I know who have tried it did not like it very much. But again, the bottom line is.... none of them are going to taste that great.
  2. Waldog

    Pre-Surgery Freakout!!

    I think most of us went through this. When I finally told people what I was doing they said the same thing, YOU'RE GONNA DIE!!! A lot of these people are the same people that think you are overweight and have no problem letting you know. Guess what, you can die from that too, but obviously they don't get it. I was freaking out too. Not really sure how I managed to go to the out patient center without running out screaming, but I did. I think it's because I came to the realization that it was either this or waking up over 40 and having other health problems would be just as bad if not worse than possibly dying. And the chances of that are pretty low with this surgery. Don't worry, on surgery day, they wil give you something to relax... and then you'll wake up in the recovery room.
  3. Amazing story. Glad it's working for you now. As others stated drink hot coffee in the AM, most report it helps relax everything and makes for a better day of eating and drinking.
  4. Waldog

    Day 12 Post Opp. An Hungry

    It's interesting how every doctor's post op diet is different. My Dr. and Nutritionist said everyone is different and some folks will start eating regular food quicker. The main reason why they advise the softer foods for 3-4 weeks is so the stomach can heal where the band was installed. If you go out and try to eat normal you could cause the band to slip by doing so. This is the reason for softer foods. Personally, I was over cottage cheese about 5 days ago, and I've been eating lunchmeat sliced super thin from the deli, then cut up with a knife, and have had not problems. My body needed real protien and that is what I was craving. You'll know if you eat something you shouldn't. It will get stuck and you'll regret it. Take your time, chew, eat slow, and stick to the 4oz rule IMHO. If you can find a protien shake you like, I advise that as well. They do make you feel full for quite a while and you won't have those hunger pains. BTW, I'm 12 days PO and I've lost a total of 19lbs.
  5. Hello everyone, I'm at day 3 post op, and been dealing with the infamous shoulder pain and starvation feeling. I believe this is due to me being swollen and not able to drink as much as I'd like to make me feel full. At any rate, my wife and I are both now on the other side. She was banded over a year ago at Christmas time and has lost 90lbs. I'm hoping to do as well as her. I'm starting out at 240, and set my goal at 160, although I'll be happy with anything below 200. For anyone else out there who is post op, I can tell you my experience has been more painful that I thought it would be. I just didn't think I'd have this much pain. Although, from what feedback I read here a lot of my issues are not uncommon. I keep thinking, hey, I've lost 11 pounds already! It's going to be worth it! I can't wait for cottage cheese week 3! LOL Good luck to everyone out there!
  6. Thanks for all the + feedback! I have less shoulder pain today than previously. Almost none really. I'm actually able to take larger sips of liquids today, and next week it's going to be pudding time! LOL
  7. My doctor didn't have a problem with Advil. Tylenol doesn't do anything for my typically so I don't use it ever.
  8. Waldog

    Real Food

    My wife eat 4oz regularly. It's amazing to me! I can't wait to eat some cottage cheese on week three! LOL Anyone else feel starved during the liquid diet? Yes I'm drinking surgary stuff, but it's not helping. LOL
  9. I've been using liquid ibprofen (generic) 6tsp in between liquid hyrdocodone. I think the purpose of the ibprofen is to reduce swelling.
  10. Waldog

    Tired Of Hearing About Failures...

    It is really interesting how the same people who tell you that you're fat or overweight and NEED to lose weight are the same people who tell you NOT to get the band. I avoided telling anyone because I already knew the response would be "Don't do it!" I had friends and total strangers tell me that. My wife had let the cat out of the bag to a few of my friends a couple days before my surgery, and those were the exact words I heard. But heck, my primary doctor was included in this group. I went to him a month before and told him of my plans and his response was Dr: You're overweight, need cholesterol meds, sleep apnea device, and BTW get your ass to the gym. OH and here's some anxiety pills... Me: but wait Dr. I have already looked into LAP-BAND... Dr: oh no that's highly dangerous and I will not approve of that. But hey, don't forget these pills I perscribed. Hopefully, we'll prove them ALL wrong.

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