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Posts posted by Mommie4

  1. hey all, I am so thrilled to have ALL my pre-op appointments over! I have been at this since February and now Im done. The psych eval was not as bad I thought at all! I am going with Dr. Eagon in St.Louis, Mo so every appointment I went to was there and I live in Illinois, so I drove an hour to get to them. ugh, last one should be to meet with Dr, Eagon and set up a date ( I hope) and just wait for approval!! I am sooooooooooooooooo excited! Anyone else in my shoes on here?? whats your story?

  2. Oh well girls , iIm in the same boat....borderline bmi 35. I began with 195, I have diabetes and hbp, my first appointment was on May 28, I did all the pre op stuff, in the meantime I had my gallblader out. I had to lose 10 pounds by my surgeon orders, I'f not, no surgery...Well yes terday was my last appointment with him, he said I'm ok, and he looks very confident on my approval. So, I'm nervous about my weight loss, but I didn't have another options about that, no weight loss no surgery date!. I'm now in the insurance waiting game!!! Please wish me good luckkkkkkkkk!!!! Ufffff

    GOOD LUCK!! I just did my last preop appointment and now gotta make my first appointment with surgeon and wait and see what he and the insurance have to say...I need luck too! lol

  3. I tell everyone Im trying to have surgery. The "haters" don't know anything about the weight loss surgeries, they are thinking we are taking the "easy way out". We know its a lifestyle change our doctors tell us that 100 times before surgery. They are jealous that we will lose weight fast and look better than them!! I would tell people to do their research before trying to give me info on something they know NOTHING about!! Some of struggle just to lose 5lbs, no matter healthy we eat or how much we exercise! If it bothers you that people have to throw in their 2 cents then I wouldn't tell anyone, but if you really don't care what they think...flaunt it!!! I am excited about having the surgery so I cant help but talk about it and Im ready for any haters. Doesn't matter what you do in life, get promoted, lose weight on your own, get a new boyfriend, have a baby....there will always be haters talking crap...so let them talk, because soon they will be talking about someone else anyway!! Stay strong and like the comment above...give 'em the finger...lol

  4. I chose the sleeve after doing a lot of research on it. I am a "light weight' im 5'6 and 250lbs and I know a few women who had the bi-pass and did great! but they were 300+lbs before. I know a woman who was about my size when she got the bi-pass and she is now on a feeding tube and her health is very poor, she almost died and she regrets having it done now. That scared me, I don't know if its because she was a "light weight" or if it was something she did wrong, all I know is I did not want that to happen to me!! I also saw women my size with better results from the sleeve, and seems like a lot of people are having revised surgeries from the band to sleeve and bi-pass to sleeve.

  5. I have united also, high option. Its my husbands insurance through his employer. the employer accepts weight loss surgery on their insurance so I was excited to hear that. I was confused when I first started all this too. The employer has to have it as an option on the insurance and they can have specifications too. Mine is BMI of 40 or higher with no comorbidities or if it under 40 then you have to have 2 comorbidities (health issues) check what they are because they are all different depending on insurance. My insurance does not require a diet before surgery, however, I do have to have a 5yr obese weight history documented by doctor appts, weight watchers or anything that shows at least one weight for each year proving I was over weight for 5yrs prior to this...ugh its a mess but just keep fighting!

  6. I met with my surgeon on the 22nd. They scheduled my surgery for October 23rd. I have my psych eval on Sept 10th and have to see nutritionist also (waiting for a call back to schedule that) baring any hang ups with my insurance I should be good to go :)

    Congrtas! I cant wait till everything is sent to my insurance, probably in a couple weeks, gotta met with surgeon after my last appointment this wed. and then just wait and see. I am so nervous!! I do not want a denial letter or call!!

  7. Hello I am new to the thread. I guess I am considered a 'lightweight' but I sure don't feel like it. My high weight was 220, just a tad below when I went to join the program. My BMI was 35 as I am 5' 5 1/2. I have lost 15 lbs down to 205 on the medically supervised dieting for the last six months. I have to say, that taking six months to do this has worn me down considerably. I feel like all I do is jump through hoops. Psychologist, 6 months supervised dieting, nutrition classes and appointments, more nutrition appointments, sleep study, gastric emptying study. Enough already! I am tired. I just want to do this! I have a follow up with the sleep doctor and my final visit with my primary for the medically supervised diet this week. Then next week one more appointment with the nutritionist and the bariatric nurse practioner. Then HOPEFULLY they will submit for insurance approval. I have been at this since February and I'm so ready to just do this! Did anyone else get worn down by the time they got approved? I'm trying so hard on the diet, and only lost 15 lbs in six months in spite of a 1500 calorie a day diet and working out an hour a day. I really need this sleeve!

    Ive been at this since Feb also. I am 5'6 and 250lbs. Im right on the border and cant lose any weight since I have no comorbidities, that will dis qualify me from surgery so im trying NOT to lose and if possible gain at least 5lbs to be safe. I have one more appointment, psych eval and Im done...it is stressful, especially since I have to drive an hour to each appointment!!! I am sooooo glad that after Wednesday I am done with them. just met with surgeon and send everything to insurance and wait. It will go by quick, stressful but quick. But I know exactly what you mean!!

  8. oh no! they talked about that same thing youre having to do in the support group tonight. Tey said there is a lot of risk having surgery if your BMI is 60 or above so the surgeons require weight loss first. I know you can do! back in the day I could lose 50 in two months (with diet pills lol)...not any more! lol ya, I am getting close and very nervous about what insurance will say. But I cant wait to find out! after Wednesday we will see! good luck, and kick butt! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!

  9. I heard about this tonight at the surgical weight loss support group. They were saying that if your bMI is above 60 then to be prepared ( by the surgeons here) to be put on a diet and have to lose weight before surgery. Ive never heard this before but I can understand about the risks. Just remember why youre doing this and youll be fine. Its always hard to lose weight, Hell if it was easy we all would have lost 70lb along time ago! Wish you much luck and keep us informed!

  10. It's crazy how each area seems to fluctuate so much in price and the way they so things. My first visit with nut is 175. I'm not sure about the rest. I know my insurance doesn't pay for the nut, but I hope it's helps with the rest.

    so how far are you now? getting your appointments done? I went to my surgical weight loss support group tonight, and Wednesday is my Phsyc eval and then Im done! just gotta met with surgeon and see what insurance says. Tonight was fun, learned a lot. They had guest speakers who had bi pass but none with the sleeve. But still encouraging! What do you have left to do?

  11. The psych eval is kind of dumb. You fill out a questionnaire, you talk a bit and then they tell you that you are an emotional eater.

    The two hours accounts for slow readers, I was in and out in 40 minutes.

    Oh and the bill was 595 bucks. Total scam.

    just found out that my psych eval is only $255....phewww!! NUT is $275...guess I will see if insurance pays any of it.

  12. I know what you mean about having to breaks on everything, that happened to me! I was doing good keeping my appointments close together then I started getting the bills...lol. so I had to wait for my taxes to come in to finish the rest, and of course they didn't come till last month!! so I went from end of Feb till last month with NOTHING! such a waste! but im back in the game and doing my last two things needed this next week. I have to attend a surgical weight loss support group and do my phsyc eval. then I am done!! so I am hoping for an October or November surgery...if UHC approves me!!

  13. well. I will be done with everything next week! Monday I go to surgical weight loss support group ( just have to attend one) and then Wednesday I have physc eval...THEN IM DONE YAY!! surgeons office said to wait 5 days after my last doc appointment and then call them to set up appointment with surgeon, so Im gonna call on the 5th ( 5 business days later) and I am hoping to hear from insurance on approval by the end of next month!!

  14. I don't blame you! I know that my surgeon requires the nutritionist, but I'm not sure about the rest.

    well, they are all gonna have to deal with payments..lol I just cant wait to have it all over with and find out if Im approved. so done with these crazy appointments. I have to drive an hour to all of them, I live in Illinois and these appointments are in St. Louis,mo the surgery is in St. Louis too, but I don't mind driving it for the surgery..lol

  15. The psych eval is kind of dumb. You fill out a questionnaire, you talk a bit and then they tell you that you are an emotional eater.

    The two hours accounts for slow readers, I was in and out in 40 minutes.

    Oh and the bill was 595 bucks. Total scam.

    WHAT???? OMG I hope they let you make payments and don't expect it upfront!! Insurance doesn't cover any of it??

  16. Hi I am 36 and almost done with my appointments. I was worried about the physc eval but some kind ladies made me feel better about it.lol I started the process the beginning of this year but had to put appointments on hold due to financial reasons, but now im back in the game. I have my physc appt on the 28th of this month and the 26th is my weight loss support group. then I meet with surgeon and set up date I guess and then wait to hear from insurance. I do not have any comorbidities, I am 5'6 and 250lbs. today I had high blood pressure for the first time ever! weird. my insurance requires me to have a 5yr weight history instead of a med supervised 6mo diet...not sure what I would prefer...but gotta deal with the cards dealt to me. I love this site because all my worries get answered and ive met some awesome people on here!

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