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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Vicki0618

  1. Vicki0618

    Scale Recalibration- Steel Toed Boot To The Ego!

    LOL....I totally understand. Maybe you can stand on your new scale with part of a foot hanging off (by accident of course) just to make yourself feel better....
  2. LOL...My husband sorta laughs at me because as I go through this supervised diet to get to surgery about every other week I say "You know, maybe I won't have surgery. I'm doing ok...I can do this" But reality is it's not about the losing, it's about keeping it off. I'm so tired of the constant yo yo...the up and down...I have done it all my adult life, and OBVIOUSLY it's not working. So I know it's time to do something permanent. Now, to be honest, next week...I'll probably think I don't need it again...LOL
  3. Hi There!!! I'm from the Sacramento Area a well. I'll hopefully be getting sleeved after i lose another 8 pounds!!! Also by Dr Fisher. Maybe we'll end up being sleeve sisters! Nice to meetcha!!! I'm Vicki
  4. Yah!!!! That's awesome!!!
  5. OK...so in spite of the fact that my surgeon was less that energetic about my weight loss (Only 9# to go before he will schedule surgery) I must be doing something right. He actually sent the request over to Radiology for me have have the Upper GI to double check any scarring done by my band. I'm taking this as a good sign that I'm actually moving towards my sleeve!! Special Shout out to the Fabulous MissDiva for talking me off the edge of the cliff yesterday!!! You Rock!!!
  6. Weighed at the Dr. this morning and the scale finally moved!!! Yeah me! I'm down 16# of the 25# I need to lose....Only 9 more pounds!!! Still wish the Dr. had another way of measuring success than just the scale...but at least I'm encouraged!
  7. Vicki0618


    I am still trying to lose the 25# required for the surgeon to schedule my surgery. I have basically been sitting in the same spot for a month....Down 12# and holding!! I'm eating like I should, I FEEL better, my husband says he can tell I'm losing weight, and I'm riding my bike a few times a week but for some reason the number on the scale isn't cooperating. The sad thing is that if I wasn't trying lose a specific number of pounds I would be fine! I honestly have gotten over my addiction to the number on the scale, I have been doing this my whole life and there are so many more important things than the number on the scale. BUT the surgeon wants numbers....I guess I'll have to do something drastic. 1000 calories anyone?? (I know AFTER the sleeve that will sound great...but I still have all of my stomach!)
  8. I really wish that the surgeon could come up with a different way of measuring success!! I have to lose 25# before he will schedule surgery. I lost 12 and although I have been eating correctly, and exercising more the scale is not moving...and it hasn't in almost 3 weeks! Well it did go up 4# and back down but that's it!!! I know...I know...it will happened. I FEEL better, I look better and those things count but I really really wish the surgeon would count those things too and not just a number. I'm starting to feel defeated!
  9. Vicki0618

    Numbers On The Scale

    I don't know how ABSOLUTE he is....but he basically said that since I regained all my weight after having the band removed I was a bad risk for surgery. But If I lost 25# it would prove that I have made changes and have a better chance of being successful this time. My body is just fighting me every step of the way!!!!
  10. Vicki0618

    I Just Wanted To Share

    LOL...bery pretty???? Obviously I need spell check...VERY pretty!!
  11. Vicki0618

    I Just Wanted To Share

    It is bery pretty...love the color! Maybe you can switch addictions from the scale and your little cups...LOL...
  12. My goodness Girlfriend...you need to go take a nap...take a hot bath...and generally give yourself a break!! I'm really hoping your fingers weren't too attached to your teeth because my husband and I would miss your blog! Hope you feel better soon!
  13. I had to read this outloud to my husband.....I thought he was going to fall off the scale when you said the scale just stayed in the same place because the weight was falling off so fast. I can totally relate!!! Of course my husband had to look at me and say...are you weighing every day?? "No honey, of course not.......
  14. OMG!!! I've been waiting all day to read your latest installment!! I think maybe your husband should be thanking you instead of laughing at you...wink wink!!!
  15. Vicki0618

    Totally Struggling

    Can you have soups?? You could easily spice up some sort of beef or chicken broth...but your sleeve may not like the spicy stuff. I don't know since I'm not sleeved yet! But from what I have read most people aren't on "just" shakes.
  16. Vicki0618

    Band To Sleeve

    Yes, mine said after the band the risk of leaks is higher. However with the risk being so low to begin with, it's still a very small chance. At least that's what mine said. I'm hoping since I haven't had my band since 12/10 my stomach has had a chance to completely heal and I won't have any problem.
  17. Vicki0618

    Band To Sleeve

    Interesting...I'm currently talking to a surgeon about a sleeve after my band (2008 - removed 2010). And he said bypass is NOT an option and he recommended the Sleeve! Odd how doctors have totally opposite opinions!
  18. I Love your blogs! If you can't laugh at yourself you are setting yourself up for trouble. I mean, seriously, how can you not find humor in someone with puffy bangs, too much eye makeup, skinny jeans and 5 inch heels trying to tell you that you made a bad decision...LOL....Keep it up!!!
  19. Vicki0618

    Wedding Dress Blues

    I just got married last year. I purchased my dress on igigi.com (see the picture...lol) It was perfect!! My daughter thought I was nuts getting my wedding dress online, but it worked out fine. At the time I was in a size 22 and their sizes run pretty close. I figured worse case I could return it...in the end I didn't have to! Congratulations on the wedding!!!
  20. SkinnyCow...that's what I'm hoping for!! But when I see things like PreciousCargo's post it makes me concerned. When I got the band in 2008 it was supposed to be the "go-to" WLS....most of the posts I saw were glowing recommendations. And we know how that turned out. So it makes me worry that the sleeve is just another fad. To be honest I have done alot more research on the Sleeve than I did on the Band (I took things as face value) and I see way less people with complications and problems. Maybe the complications were there with the band but I was too excited about the posibility to see them... Anyway...thanks for the input! But, back to the subject...things I don't miss about the band. The uncertainty...one day I could eat "normally" and the next I couldn't. Never seemed to be any rhyme or reason to it..the band had a mind of it's own!
  21. Seriously?? I thought the sleeve was supposed to be all the band promised to be. You have the same issues WITH the sleeve????
  22. Vicki0618

    Closet Craziness..and Nsv

    One of the major problems with losing weight and then regaining it is that all the cute smaller clothes hang in my closet taunting me!! I have been having "one of those" weeks. I've done very well losing the required 25# for the surgeon to schedule my surgery. However, this week I hit a snag! Now in my head, I know I have eating correctly and I even added in riding my bike, but when the scale pops up it just does something to you. Well that's what happened...stupid scale was up 4#...4#!!!! I KNOW it's water, I KNOW it's that time of the month, I KNOW alot of stuff but apparently my scale doesn't care. So take that, add in being bloated and irritable, and hot and sweaty! Now add in a special concert that hubby and I are going to (Third Day!!! Whoot Whoot) ...and enter the closet...it went something like this... I have to figure out what I'm going to wear so I go check out my closet. Well I have 2 pairs of jeans that fit but dang it, it's 90 outside and I'm already sweating. So summery loose dress?? Ugh...I look pregnant! Take it off! So I try some capris....ok, these fit but the shirt I want to wear is too short, and my belly hangs out (YUCK)! I take it off and try another shirt...nope to tight around the bra region (hate the back fat bulge!!). Try another shirt....ick! Back to looking pregnant! Get mad, and put on one of my baggy tshirts! Flounce back out of the closet to try to put on makeup...but I'm sweating....UGH!!! Go stand in front of the fan! Now, meanwhile hubby is showering and trying to be supportive. "Honey, you look good" "No that shirt looks fine" "It doesn't matter what you wear, I love you" You know, saying all the right stuff...but all I know is how I feel...and I feel like crap!! So I get to the point, where I'm not going!! But hubby, bless his heart goes and finds an old Third Day thirt....which actually fits, hangs low enough to cover the belly, and doesn't make me look pregnant! Love that man! OK, fine...I'll go! And off to the concert we go. And at the concert, after my little tantrum God showed me where I am making some progress....We actually got to do a meet and greet with Third Day and it was informal so we were sitting on the floor. Well I could get down on the floor, AND get back up under my own power. And then during the concert I fit in the seat, and didn't feel like I was pushing over on my neighbor. Little things, but I am making progress...slow progess...but progress in the right direction to get me my sleeve!!!! Now if only the scale would agree...unfortunately the doc doesn't take NSV...only numbers!!
  23. Vicki0618

    It's Monday Motivation Time!

    "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got"
  24. Love your prespective!!! My husband and I are big believers in finding the humor in things...I'll have to update my blog for you. I am still trying to lose the weight necessary for my doc to do my sleeve and I had a meltdown in my closet yesterday....Now, it's funny, yesterday not so much!! LOL...
  25. Vicki0618

    Dancing All Around!

    Doing a Happy Dance for you!!!! I've always said if I could get back under 200# it would be cause for a PARTY!! So have your own party...and be proud of yourself!!

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