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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Vicki0618

  1. Vicki0618


    I missed a few days, but it's a pretty small pill so I just swallowed it. I haven't had any problems with the 2 little pills I take.
  2. Vicki0618


    I've been on it for 20 years. Didn't help any with weight loss but definitely helps the general tired feeling.
  3. Vicki0618

    6 weeks Post Op

    Hopefully the fact that the scale moved 2 weeks in a row means that the stall is over! It didn't move much, at least not compared to the first month but it's going down. So whatever speed it chooses to move is fine with me! I have been trying very hard to listen to my body and eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full. Right now that's about 800-900 calories a day and I'm feeling really good. I have good energy and feel healthy! And my libido is in full swing (Hubby is loving the current hormones...LOL) I am trying to bump up my intentional exercise. I have plantar facietis so when I walk too much I am in alot of pain, so I'm trying to rotate between walking and riding my bike. (Just to give you a visual, I have a super fun green cruiser bike with big flowers and and a basket!!). Monday I rode 6 miles AND took my dog on a short walk (she's a sausage dog with short legs so she doesn't walk far Gonna shoot for the same thing today. I'm trying to figure out the whole gym thing. I want to join one mainly so I can swim but haven't decided if I can justify the money. Then I could alternate between walking, swimming and biking...Hey wait, that's almost like a triathalon...right??? Whoo-hoo Go Me!!! Heaviest Weight: 281 3/6/13 Surgery: 257 (-24) 3/13/13: 251 (-6) 3/20/13: 245 (-6) 3/28/13: 238 (-7) 4/3/13: 238 (-0) FIRST MONTH -19# 4/10/13: 237 (-1) 4/17/13: 235 (-2)
  4. Vicki0618

    6 weeks Post Op

    From everything I've read its VERY VERY common to have a stall at 3-4 weeks. But even knowing that didn't help a whole lot when it was me! LOL... I'm just waiting for one of those specials where they waive the enrollment fee...then I'll be joining a gym!! My husband is completely enjoing the libido surge thang! LOL *wink wink* Hope it lasts awhile!
  5. Vicki0618


    I have a few goals that I'm sure will bring me to tears...Getting to onederland and getting under a size 13 being top of the list. If I EVER make it to a size 8, I'll probably just pass out!!! Sounds like you are living the dream!!!
  6. Vicki0618

    Any Sacramento area sleevers?

    Hi Amber..you need to update your picture pretty girl!
  7. Vicki0618

    Any Sacramento area sleevers?

    I'm in Elk Grove. Just met Amber at the meeting she mentioned...you should come too!!
  8. Vicki0618


    Yes for me that's pretty normal. I'm hungry every 2-3 hours. BUT and this is a big BUT for me...just a few bites is enough for me to feel full. So even eating that often I'm still only getting about 800 calories which is WAY WAY less than I've ever been able to do before. Oh, I'm 6 weeks out
  9. I ended up waiting over 2 years between the band and sleeve...not by choice. But it sounds like it was a good thing because I haven't had any problems!! Good Luck! It might be a slow progression but in the long run I'm sure you will be glad you did it!
  10. Vicki0618

    Band to Sleeve

    Do a search on here...there are lots of us that went from band to sleeve one way or another. I had a band from 2008 to 2010 when it slipped and was removed. Now, I am 6 weeks out from my sleeve and it's a whole different experience. I haven't thrown up once! Not once! I can eat pretty much what I want to now, just in very small portions and the little portions actually fill me up! The sleeve is everything I wanted the band to be! Good Luck!!!
  11. Vicki0618

    It moved!

    Thank you Scale-Gods!!! It finally moved! After 2 full weeks of my scale being stuck at 238 this morning it finally says 237!! Whoo-hoo! So in 5 weeks I have lost 20#....I can handle that! :D Right now my challenge is calories. Not getting them in, I haven't had any problem tolerating anything. I'm having problems figuring out where my body will lose best. My surgeon recommends staying at 600 calories for the entire losing process. However, I have a couple problems with that. #1 - I feel like crap keeping my calories that low (like low energy, foggy brain etc) and #2 it just seems like in the long run that would work against my metabolism. So here's what I am currently doing. I am trying to listen to my body, if I'm hungry (not just bored, sad etc) I am eating a little something. It's about every 2-3 hours that I'm eating something. I am tracking everything I eat and right I'm averaging about 800 calories. My RMR is about 1700 calories so I would think that everything should be fine. I've seen quite a few people on the forums )and picked their brains) who didn't sticl to the super low calorie intake and have still been incredibly successful. BUT, there is still that little voice in the back of my head telling me that I will fail....especially if I'm not doing exactly what the surgeon says. So I'm glad the scale finally moved, just reinforces how I feel. I know I feel better, I actually have so much energy. I feel like I'm going a little stir crazy cause I work at a desk job all day so when I get home I'm ready to go and do something...all the time!!! My poor little lap dog has to just follow me around and hope I sit down soon Heaviest Weight: 281 3/6/13 Surgery: 257 (-24) 3/13/13: 251 (-6) 3/20/13: 245 (-6) 3/28/13: 238 (-7) 4/3/13: 238 (-0) FIRST MONTH -19# 4/10/13: 237 (-1)
  12. You look amazing! And I'll bet you feel even better! Good Job!!
  13. Vicki0618

    down 80 from feb 4th

    LOL....Pixie, I'm a Mom too and all I could think was that's the look my son (who is now 21) got in his eyes when he was about to get into trouble!!! I think playing on the train tracks is just the beginning of the trouble he's ready to get into!!
  14. Vicki0618

    down 80 from feb 4th

    Great Pictures! I like the first one, your eyes look like you are ready to get into some mischief!!
  15. Vicki0618

    First Few NSV

    I think this is as good a place as any to start writing down the NSV as I notice them. I am only 3 weeks out and I have already noticed a few. 1. I flew to my sisters wedding in CO and I was perfectly comfortable in the plane seat. I have never really needed a seat belt extender but I have definitely been very uncomfortable in the seat with the seatbelt tight around me. This time I had some play in the seat belt and could comfortably sit for the whole trip not feeling like I was packed into the seat. 2. At my sisters wedding I danced! My uncle told me it was the first time he had seen me letting go and having fun in the 20 years he's known me. Now whether that's from the weight loss or my new hubby of 2 years, who knows? Doesn't really matter...what matters is I danced!! 3. Apparently I have totally stopped snoring! I meantioned to my husband that I will probably stop snoring and he said, "Oh you haven't snored the past few nights." I guess he didn't realize he was supposed to alert me to this stuff...LOL 4. On Thursday I went to my doctor appt and while we were sitting there waiting I looked down and realized I had sat down and crossed my legs....Like REALLY crossed my legs like a lady!! And I didn't even realize it! That's all I've noticed so far, but I'm really trying to pay attention since I think some of the NSV just slip past unnoticed. But I know when I hit those stall weeks that I will need to be able to look back and see all the things that have nothing to do with the scale.
  16. Vicki0618

    My son gift to me..

    What a great thing for a son to say to his Mom!!! That is a good boy!!! Congrats and I agree you look like his sister now!!
  17. Vicki0618

    Vertical Sleeve Partaay

    Hi Stephanie! I'm up in Elk Grove, CA (south of Sacramento) I'm 6 weeks out from surgery and have to say this is the best thing I have ever done for myself. To quote another very smart fella on here the surgery protects me from myself!! AND for your birthday! What a great present! Feel free to ask anything, and read all these sites. Lots and lots of good information. Welcome!! Vicki
  18. Vicki0618

    OMG, 3 people called me skinny yesterday!

    Hey skinny...did you hug each and every one of them??? I think I would have...LOL
  19. Vicki0618

    Removal of Band

    I was sore, like after I got the band. But nothing too bad (I seem to recover easily) after about day 3 I was ok. Only took a few days off work, I work a desk job. I don't specifically remember the lifting, but I pretty much did all the normal stuff. I was on liquids for a couple days, but even drinking was better. I think I was eating normally within a few days. Luckily, I didn't end up with any damage from the band. I had it removed because is slipped. But, dang I was glad to have that thing out of me!!!
  20. Refried beans with cheese....They were the best refried beans I'd ever had!!! LOL
  21. Vicki0618

    Removal of Band

    Hi! I was banded in 2008 and had it removed in 2010. Just got my sleeve 5 weeks ago. My removal was just about the same as when they put it in. Recovery was about the same except that I could eat. Some doctors do it all in one procedure, but I had mine done separately.
  22. Vicki0618

    moving forward -- speeding up

    Never been to Hawaii...but it definitely sounds like a good reward! I'm sure I could talk my hubby into it...LOL
  23. Vicki0618

    4 mos out with Pics

    WOW! It's amazing what 4 months can do!!!
  24. Vicki0618

    ideal body type

    Personally, based only on body type I'd go for Thor. Tall and Strong without being super bulky! And I agree with AmandaRae, I wanna be Scarlett Johansen or maybe Sofia Vargas...Fit and Curvy...a real woman!!!
  25. Vicki0618

    Major NSVs

    YAY!!! I went to my PCP this morning and my BP was 134/87!! I have been off of my BP meds since surgery for the first time in 22 years!!! The Sleeve Rocks!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
