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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ailly

  1. Ailly

    Crazy Stomach Noises

    Lol yeah that is totally normal. Your not the first new sleever to make a similar post and won't be the last. Between the swelling, the liquids, the meds and the gas you'll hear some rumbling. It mostly goes away. Though every once in a while my sleeve has something to say. Congratulations on your new sleeve and best of luck!!
  2. Ailly

    Any Michigan Sleevers?

    How is everyone's progress so far?? I'm three wks post op down 16 pounds, 31 total.
  3. Ailly

    Hair Loss :(

    I take 7500 mg biotin in caplets and use a biotin shampoo and conditioner.
  4. Ailly

    Surgery Date

    Best wishes!
  5. Ailly

    Soft Foods

    You can certainly freeze it. But if you use baggies instead of Tupperware, wrap the baggies of leftovers in tin foil to prevent freezer burn.
  6. Ailly

    Soft Foods

    I'm on soft foods as well and was told that if I can mush it with a fork I can have it except for bread, raw veggies and fruit with skin. My current favs are grilled shrimp, tuna salad and saltines.
  7. Ailly


    My surgeon has me on Prevacid that dissolves. When I asked if I could just take my Prilosec he said only if I open the capsule. I was told I couldn't take capsules anymore because the do not stay in the sleeve long enough to dissolve. The same goes for time release medication. You could try Zantac over the counter too, they work well.
  8. Ailly

    How To Sleep? Suggestions?

    I slept on my right side with a body pillow to rest my tummy and left leg on. Hope you have a speedy recovery!
  9. Has anyone had this happen?? I don't want to annoy my surgeons office especially because it's an hour away. I am hoping it will fall out, but it hurts.
  10. I'm also mourning food. Meal times are really depressing right now. Mostly because I have a lot of pain when I eat. My surgeon has no idea why but it will probably go away. It's annoying having to eat so slow that after two bites my food is already cold. This whole thing has become really depressing.
  11. Ailly

    Any Michigan Sleevers?

    They were wonderful and took such good care of me. The nurses and aides were angels.
  12. Ailly

    Any Michigan Sleevers?

    Yep. Sleeved October 24th at Barix Clinic by Dr. Jamokay Taylor.
  13. Sleeved october 24th and down 10 pounds, 25 total. Starting soft foods today for the next three months. So far today I've had a stick of string cheese. I feel great though. Good luck to all!
  14. Ailly

    13 Days Post Op

    Same here at 12 days post op. add me on mfp enoordhoorn
  15. 12 days post op and I feel pretty good except when I eat. I'm on the puréed phase but every time I take a bite of something and swallow I feel like I've been stabbed. I just cannot get this gas bubble to move. Walking, gas-x, heating pad...nothing works. BLAH!
  16. Day after surgery I walked down to radiology and into a small room where my surgeon was standing next to an X-ray machine. I was handed a 1 oz cup of clear liquid to drink as I stood in front of the machine and watched it empty into my new stomach on a screen. I did not have a drain. One 1/2 inch incision, four 1 inch incisions and one two inch incision.
  17. It's gas on the move. Make sure you walk and help it along. A heating pad on the belly also helps. Start burpin'!
  18. I am 9 days post-op. Day 5 I had a complete meltdown. I cried all day, couldn't get off the couch. A total "oh my God, what have I done, I have ruined my life" kind of day. Then I talked with my best friend who was sleeved a year ago that evening and felt so much better. It is an emotional roller coaster. I know I'll have more days like that one, but today, four days later, I feel good and I'm happy with my decision and look forward to the life I will be able to have. I really think the liquid phase is the ultimate test of will. Once I got through that my mood definitely changed and things started looking up. It gets easier every day. Good luck to you!
  19. I wasn't sleeved until oct. 24 th but feel free to add. Enoordhoorn
  20. Ailly

    Right Back Pain?

    I've got all kinds of back pain today, 8 days post op. Both from the gas and because I am holding myself differently so as not to strain my abdomen.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
