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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by allik07

  1. I have been wanting to go on a fruit only diet ( eating plan) do you think this would suffice to an ok eating lifestyle? I am the worlds pickiest eater but I love fruit.... Any thoughts
  2. I was banded in June and lost 30 lbs. I have kept it off but I HAVE not been a good lap bander I am ready to get back on track and lose more weight. How do I go about starting the right path again? Should I start with liquids first? I really need to do this because not only did I pay a lot of money for it but I feel like I'm letting my mom down. Any advice would really help!
  3. My office does not have a microwave... So what can I do for lunch?????
  4. Thanks for all the ideas!!!!
  5. I was just wondering if anyone does weight watchers with the band... I'm thinking about it!
  6. Wow what a doozie... I panicked a little but it finally went down.
  7. allik07

    First Stuck Episode

    I was eating a hamburger.... I think I was eating too fast
  8. Before surgery I hated orange juice. But now I'm craving it... Too weird
  9. The month of August was not too good for me. For the past 4 months I have been without a job and have been applying like crazy. This past Thursday God gave me an amazing opportunity and I now have a job and hopefully things will start to settle down. Now I can hopefully get back on track with my weight loss, exercising, and eating habits.
  10. allik07

    I Can't Figure Out Where My Port Is.

    My dr put mine on my waist line... Like not even an inch away from my belly button. Needless to say on my first fill I was shocked to see where it was located
  11. Ok so I've had two episodes of gagging and wanting to throw up after I eat? Why? Is it the food I'm eating? Eating too fast? I didn't actually up chuck but I almost did... Any thoughts???? Thanks
  12. allik07

    Why Am I Doing This?

    Yes I haven't learned how to slow down my eating and am still in my old habits. But maybe after today lesson will be learned.
  13. For the past month i have gotten off track so bad... I haven't gained any weight but I haven't lost any either. I have not exercised or eaten the way I should. Any encouraging words to help me get back on track would be greatly appreciated.. From the words of my grandma she said " you paid all that money and your not going to do a thing about it????" That has really hit me hard and come Monday morning I am getting back on track and I am going to lose the weight I not only NEED to but what I want to lose to feel good. Hope everyone has a good week and I love this site to come and read and see all of the encouraging things y'all post!!!!!
  14. Y'all are all right.. I can get back on track and I will. Thanks for all the sweet words!!!!!!!
  15. What is a 5-day pouch test???
  16. I was banded on June 28th and lost 30lbs!!!
  17. So I was banded on June 28, 2012 and I'm at the point where I'm eating again and everything. So my question is if I eat the whole kids meal portion is that bad???? But the other day I ordered a kids meal chicken dinner and only at one chicken finger and a few potatoes??? So I don't eat it all, all the time... But coming to the realization of what I used to eat and how little I eat now is the most wonderful feeling the world. Looking back at my portion sizes kills me and breaks my heart that I did that to myself. My new banded life is treating me well and I'm loving every minute of it!!!!!
  18. I am a fast eater... After I've eaten a meal I realized how fast I ate. How can i fix this problem?
  19. allik07

    I Have An Issue?

    Those are all great tips
  20. Today I accidentaly had a mess up on my part. I got a frozen icee drink and I think it has carbonation in it. What will it do to my band?? I won't drink one again
  21. allik07


    Ok I feel a little better thanks!!!
  22. I had my first fill Monday and I'm so nervous to eat. I'm afraid of getting stuck and not knowing what to expect is a little scary. I've read on here that if you do get stuck you can drink pineapple juice or take papaya or mango to help allieviate the pain. If any of this is wrong or more information is out there please share, it would be greatly appreciated!!!!
  23. My first fill was 6 wks after surgery and I'm not sure how much was put in there. As for restriction I have a tiny bit but for now it's working!!! I have lost 32 lbs since my pre op diet which started June 17th I'm loving my band more and more everyday I'm so glad I jumped on the band wagon
  24. allik07


    Lol! Moving on

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