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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lo2us

  1. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Y'all try to keep warm. I hope you feel better soon too. Still plugging along at the gym, but it sure is discouraging when the scales go up a few lbs! I'd better see some kind of results soon!
  2. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Hang in there Lisa...stomach virus is even less fun with the band. :eek: I'm glad y'all are catching up to me. I just wish this gym business would finally kick in! My hubby says he can see the difference in my arms already, but I can't. I'm spending 1.5 to 2.5 hour at the gym at least 4 times a week if not more when possible. So far not much. GRRRRrrrr.
  3. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Dollar General and Walmart have the cheetos hulless stuff in butter and cheese....mmmm.
  4. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Okay, I'm going to bite it and order some of those vitaband vitamins even though I thought it TOOK TOO LONG for the company to ship my stuff last time. Maybe it will do better this time. I'll let you know how they go!
  5. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    AHHHHhhhh! I hate to jinx myself, but I think this is the first "normal" fill I've had! :redface: I feel good this morning, no sliming or anything! I've never been this comfortable after a fill before. I think he said he only put like .1 in. I can tell enough of a difference to slow me down. I hope it lasts a while. Welcome to all the new folks!
  6. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Chuckles, they don't do fills for Mexico banded patients. I have a friend in TXARK that went to Mexico to get her band and she has to go the Dr. Kathleen Querry....I think that's her name. She's somewhere a little bit further in Texas. I think you can find her on the lap.com site under surgeons or something like that.
  7. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Glo, I've had to have some out of alomost every fill. I do sip liquids for a day or two after I've had trouble with being too tight. You get use to that "weird" feeling eventually. If you try SMALL and SLOW bites of regular food and you're still having trouble, do call and talk to Deb or Betty about it. I've never had trouble after they've take some out after a day of liquids. It helps to relax too. I've found that stress is my biggest "tightener" when I'm getting sick a lot and if I take a minute and CALM DOWN, it reallly helps.
  8. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Hang in there glo. Do go around being miserable. I'm bummed because I've worked out 6 times in the past two weeks and have gained 3 lbs! ACK! TOM is here to boot. I know I know...I did cheat with a rice krispie treat...and I think I'm eating more than 1/2 cup. :rolleyes2: Hopefully, it's just taking a while to get that metabolism going....I get a fill on Thursday...maybe it will be a "sweet" one. Lisa, stay on me to eat slow....I think it's been my downfall!
  9. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Listen to Lisa, she's helped me get through the tightness!
  10. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Here's how to do know if you're too tight (according to Dr. K), this is what I was told when I got that pill stuck in my band last month: Have you been sick 3 days in a row (even once day?) Are sick or sliming more than once a week? Does the food hurt when it goes through the band at times? Are you SURE it's not chewing to little, eating too fast...because there's absolutely no way you can eat too much because you're sick or uncomfortable after a few bites? Remember, if you're not getting enough to eat, that weight loss (which has been really fast) will slow down because you're not burning enough calories to get the metablolism up. I'm going through having to jump start my metabolism again because my body has gotten use to very little food because it took me so long to realize I've been too tight. I went to gym last week 4 times...ran/trotted a total of 9 miles, plus body sculpting, and yoga and have lost nothing. It's starting to get frustraiting! DOn't get yourself here because you think you can go one more week like that!
  11. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    I do go to the support group meeting, it is one of the conditions of the self-pay that we go for 1 year. It helps to see real live people that have gone through this and have had a success. I've had three fills and 2 unfills. I go next week for #4, hopefully a tiny one.
  12. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Hang in there Chuckles! I was self pay too and it's sad that our insurance won't help. The pre op diet is the worst part in my opinion. It goes like this: Slim Fast and water or crystal light only for three days. 3 slim fasts and a small salad with fat free dressing the rest of the 2 weeks. After surgery you do a week of clear liquids (clear broth,) a week of full liquids (skim milk, clear liquids, thin pureed soups), a week of mushies (thin oat meal, coarsley pureed soups, SOFT veggies, eggs (soft scrambled)) and then a week of soft solid foods. Please feel free to correct me if I messed any of that up, and please as usual, disreguard the typos.
  13. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    I'll be there tonight, but I'll be coming from the gym...hopefully WITH a shower!
  14. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    oh yeah! If you all are looking at gyms, I found out today that my insurance will finally help me with something on this journey, they're going to pay for a little on my membership. It no $15000 that I paid out of my pocket, but it's better than nothing. I guess I'll have to stay a member of the gym for like...hmmm...300 years to get my money back!
  15. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    SInce the gym is open sorta late and on Saturdays and SUndays, I'll be getting my cardio/yoga/bodysculpting in then. I have a friend who is going to split a persoanl trainer with me to have he/she show us how to tighten our skin.
  16. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    St. Micahel's gym sounds really good. I'm going to join next week. You can get tot their schedule of classes and prices on the hospital website and then clicking where it says "here" on the Fitness Center page the website takes it to. If you can find it, let me know and I will post it on here for you. I like that they are open late too.
  17. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    I'm going to check out St. Michael's gym today. I think it only costs $40/month and you don't have to pay extra to take their classes. Since Dr. K told me that if I would start weight lifting and body sculpting I probably wouldn't need p/s, I thought I'd try it out since this gym offers body sculpting classes I can fit in and yoga. They also have child care if I need it too! I feel like I might can be active again!
  18. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Are we having a support group meeting tomorrow????
  19. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    I'm freezing too. Last year I was sweating all the time, now my feet are constanly cold!
  20. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    It was a 13 1/2 hour drive to VA. Gus was an angel and read books and watched movies the whole way. I'm still kind of sick, it's one of those hang-on colds that have to fizzle I think, but I don't feel NEAR as bad as I did before we left. It's snowing here tonight!!!! I third the swelling theory, Dr. K told me when she took some of my fill out that it does swell for up to a week when they fill it.
  21. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Happy New YEAR! We traveled to my Mom's in VA yesterday and we're expecting snow tonight. I can't wait for Gus to see it! I'll check up on y'all from time to time until we get back around the 5th or 6th. Hang in there!
  22. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    I feel rotten. I went to the doc yesterday and he said it's a NASTY virus going around. You feel okay for a few hours and think you're getting over it and then BAM! You feel like crap for 4-5 more hours. High fever, mutating symptoms - 1st day felt like bronchitis, 2nd sinus infections, 3rd just a cold. Y'all wash your hands and be really careful, this is one of the worst ones I've had in a while. Doc said that he saw 5 people with it before me yesterday. If your back teeth start aching, that's the 1st the sign the day before it get's REALLY bad. Stock up on the tylenol and baby ibuprofen. He gave antibiotic too, but I don't think it's helping...then again, I've never had to take a liquid one before (haven't been sick with lapband yet)...AWFUL tasting stuff. Keep your hand sanatizer handy if you're out!
  23. All I can say is I third what OhJuli said and........... DANG Girl! Those are awesome!
  24. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Santa brought me a chest cold
  25. Good luck with the meeting today. Is there a website that will educate me more about this thigh lift surgery? Thank you again for being so open!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
