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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lo2us

  1. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Dang tha editing is a PAIN!
  2. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    <p>COngratulations! It's been what, 7days since the fill? Does it usually take that long to kick in?</p> <p> </p> <p>I actually got up this morning and walked 2 miles. I'm going to try to do it for the rest of this week and take my weekends off until surgery. Maybe it will help me recover quicker...I know it helped when I had my c-section.</p> <p> </p> <p>Other than slim fast, is there anything else I should be getting to hel with recover. By the way, y'all didn't tell me about those stockings...ACK! I know I'm going to hate that!</p> <p> </p> <p>Do any of you know about the Legends ladies gym. I think maybe later on I might look into it since I hear they have child care there.</p>
  3. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Wow, Priss, sounds like an exciting day! Hang in there Lisa! Vlynnfogg, I'm right there with ya, except my students are teens and preteens...talk about a circus around school! Thank goodness we get Friday off!
  4. lo2us

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I have to start my pre-op diet on May 23. I have to go to support group meetings for 1 year in order to get free fills that year. I was suprised that my goal weight was about 50lbs heavier than what I had predicted. they measured all my mass and evidentally I really DO have big bones! LOL
  5. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    I'd like to meet too. Actually, Dr. H did tell me about this thread...that's how I found you guys!. Have fun on your trip!
  6. I just thought I'd throw this out for any teachers who have had trouble trying to pay for lapband like I have. I've reasearched as many loans as I could the past month and half and found that the NEA is offering great APR on loans right now. Go to www.nea.org to find them. You can PM me if you have questions too! I hope this helps save you some time.
  7. lo2us

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I will be banded June 6th and I'm all set to hurry up and wait!
  8. lo2us

    Any June 2007 Bansters

    I will be banded on June 6th in Texarkana. I used to live in KY....I miss it! I can't wait to get this thing going!
  9. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Way to go...3lbs in 3days! Sounds like enough to move that ticker to me!
  10. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    I'm rarin' to go. I almost would start it now, but I don't know if it would be a good idea. Lisa, where did you say you found the high protien Slim Fast? I've found I feel better if I take in a little more protien. What kind of exercise do y'all get? I use to go to Curves and did really well with it, but it's hard to get there now with a 2 year old.
  11. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    It all went fine. My date is set for 6/6/07 and I was SHOCKED that my goal weight was about 60lbs more than I have anticiapted! Evidentally I really DO have big bones...according to the nurse. LOL! I start my pre-op diet on 5/23....the last week of school....those poor kids! I saw Dr. H. It was a short visit, because I really couldn't think of any questions that I had not asked at the seminar. Later that afternoon, I saw my PCP and he offered to work with the PS doctors to do all my pre-op tests and try to get my insurance to pay for something. I hope they will consider it. He also told me that my sleep test suggested that I get a C-PAP, but he thought I should have the surgery and then be retested after I lose some weight before I purchase it. It was a LONG day, but a productive one. I hope y'all are feeling good this morning.
  12. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    I'm not sure which doc I will see. I requested Dr. K though. I appreciate all the advice and help and I'll see y'all in the morning!
  13. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Lisa, YOU ROCK! I'm not really worried that much, I've researched and researched and researched and talked and attended seminars and researched some more. I think I might even be able to put the lap band in myself! LOL I just can't think of that many question since I've found out so much and I hope the docs don't take it as that I'm unconcerned! I was trying to make a list to take with me. Thank you again for all your encouragment! I'll be the tall fat girl with curly hair, just like my pic on my profile, but a little shorter. Mrs. Betty told me to get there around 9am so I'll see you then! My name is Shannon, by the way!
  14. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Do I need to fast before I go?
  15. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    I go for my first office visit at PS, any advice? What questions do you wish you had asked but didn't?
  16. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    My insurance will only pay to have it callibrated (?sp) every 6 months...IF it pays for it at all. If both my docs (PCP and Dr. H/K) suggest I get started with it, I will get it if my insurance will help. My brother just started using his a few months ago and feels a LOT better. After borrowing $15000 for this surgery, I'm just aprehensive about more expenses. I didn't know it will help my B/P.....good!
  17. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    I think I may need that Cpap machine after my sleep study. The RT told me that most of the time people who they KNOW are going to have WLS they ask to wait to get the machine until after surgery. Do any of y'all know abou this theory? The Dr. who was supposed to read my test took off out of town for a week and I've been waiting almost 2 weeks for him to do it and he doesn't seem to be in a hurry to get it done. How long does the gas last and does gas-x help?
  18. Did your Dad build you a new belly button, or is that the origional?
  19. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Wow! vlynnfogg, y'all are doing great. Combined you've almost lost 100lbs! Way to go!
  20. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Happy Birthday, hippmom!
  21. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    DOH! You're right. I was half asleep when I was checking this morning and wasn't reading carefully. Thank you for taking care of me!
  22. lo2us

    Band removal while pregnant???

    Thank you so much. I think y'all have just helped cement my plans for June. I am relieved. I CAN do this now!
  23. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Congratualtions Priss! Tell Billy to hang in there. Lisa, I have a 2 1/2 year old little boy and I can't wait to experince all that you're enjoying now! Here's a question, can people who were not banded by Dr. H or Dr. K come to the support meetings? I've met a girl who was banded some where else, but has moved here and I think she might like the meetings too. I think there's one on the 26th at Wadley and I'm going to try to get there if I can get a sitter that night. I'm exicited to meet some real lapbanders face to face!
  24. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    I think y'all are a godsend. I would have never been able to make a decision had Dr. H not referred me here to you guys!

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