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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by 4ALongerLife

  1. Ok I made shrimp and pea stir fry. Can you say delish AND filling? Then I made homemade custard (as I was craving it from Piccadilly)... then tonight I made protein granola. Who IS this woman? lol

  2. I miss chinese food. Anyone have a good, low fat, low carb, high protein recipe????

  3. I woke up at 4 am with uncontrollable shivering all over. Went to the ER - thankfully I just have pneumonia again. IDK how I got this, but I was worried it was another leak. Now to just get over the pneumonia. Thanks to anyone who included me in their prayers (I still say pls keep it coming, "just" in case!). thx, Stephanie

  4. Worried. I thought I pinched a nerve in my back in all of the exercising I've been doing (I have been concentrating alot lately on obliques, trying to whittle my waist). This weekend, off and on I ran a low grade temp. And have had pain in my left side (which I thought was the oblique/nerve)... now it's also in my left shoulder. If you pray, pls say one for me ok? Just pray that I've pinched a nerve. I'm going for a massage this afternoon hoping that will help resolve.

  5. H*O*L*Y G*U*A*C*A*M*O*L*E! I'm down 72 lbs. as of today. 30-40 to go. WOW (and thank you jeeshus)

  6. I went to support group tonight and came out with a few quotes that I liked.... one was this: "Never let yesterday use up too much of today." So you ate something you weren't supposed to, stop fretting and clubbing yourself... accept it and MOVE ON! Keep trucking on the weight loss highway, even if you blew the proverbial tire. Get the spare out and keep on trucking. We got this!

  7. Thank you God for allowing me to meet some ppl on here who have helped me in this journey. Doubly bless those that continue to practice patience, tolerance and the golden rule, as well as those who remain here, attempting to seek advice to get them to success. Nope I'm not perfect, fo sho, and I'm not the most biblical/church going, but right now, I just need to just pray and shut my mouth. Nite.

  8. My hubby's hidden the scale from me, as I requested, as I was driving myself nutty. Today I asked him to go get it... I weighed myself about 5 times in a row! lol... I got 189 TWICE so that's the wt I'm going with. OMG I don't remember the last time I was 189. 49 lbs to go, is it even possible? What about keeping it off long term? Still... I have to say, thank you Jeeshus for giving me the power to get this far along.

  9. Ok am I weird or does anyone else do this? Yes I dare ask and admit to it.... n e 1 ever go look thru the 'recent gallery images'? Some pix make me smile and some, well y'all sure are courageous and bold to put it alllll out there. God bless y'all!

  10. Important thought for today: "Food, water, exercise, head. No diets, no pills, no liquid crap for a week - we had surgery for that. Make LIFE CHANGES. Get off of the rollercoaster." I think this was from eggface's site and it's SO true! xx

  11. Ok in all honesty, is anyone hungry after sleeve (or is it just me)? I don't think I'm doing this right :( grrr But I'm gonna keep trying. I need input! (look me up on MFP and give me input ok?) pweeeeeeeeaseeeeee

  12. I'll know friday on the hospital bill. Appears it won't be as bad as I thought... *I remain in prayer mode*

  13. Not a great day. Got one of two hospital bills and I'm freaking out. Started craving cookies :( AND I'm playing the "up a lb, down a lb" game again. Can I not get a break? :( Ok pity party's over tomorrow, only 15 mins left...

  14. I'm a walking hormone. I feel grrrr... is that normal? 10 weeks out and stalling, again :( This too shall pass I guess.

  15. OH! Chopped All Stars is on with only judges that I know... bbl!

  16. Ok I ate 1071 out of my 1540 cals today. Then exercised 580 cals off. So I'm net 491. My min caloric intake is supposed to be 1200... it's 1140 in Texas. I can't eat 740 calories before bed. Now what? Am I doing this right?

  17. Holy guacamole! The scale STILL says 199.5. Is this a trick? Praying it's not... woo hoo, finally!

  18. So if I get up and get on the scale and it's 3 lbs down from last night's, and it's below 200, does that count? lol... I know, keep on keeping on and doing what I'm doing, but so close/for so long!

  19. Niters all... I'm going to dream of what it must be like to be 140 lbs. Heck even finally break the below 200 mark would be schaweet :( but alas it has still escaped me. Nnite y'all

  20. Frustrated and feeling sorry for myself. Remember this: "this too shall pass" but dang it, can it hurry up already??lol

  21. I am sore from yesterday. Like SUPER sore. And bored, so here I am again. Sigh... Hope you all are great! :)

  22. I got to 3 miles in the gym again, finally. But shhh I'm on the journey to hit my 5 to 6 a day like I did prior to my surgery, then my pneumonia, then my leak and 2nd surgery. Hmm guess that is a self reminder to be patient perhaps? lol... Hope you all are ROCKING it! Boo yeahhhhh baby! :)

  23. Food... for thought......"Unforgiveness unchecked is like a cancer to the soul."

  24. I've been "hungry" this weekend. Is that possible with the sleeve? Usually I am not so I'm wondering... is this just 'head hunger'? On a brighter note, I did the gym again today... omg am I outta shape (hey a month in the hospital will do that to you) but slowly I'm gonna rock it back so can I get a hell yeah? Or a woop woop? lol

  25. Praying for the day where I break 200. Until then, like in that Nemo movie, I'm gonna "just keep swimming"..... sigh Hope you all are absolutely marvelous! xoxo

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