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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Netgallegos

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 06/16/1971

About Me

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  • Interests
    swimming, walking, just being outside
  • Occupation
    Stay at home mom
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I am 40 years old and for 35 of those years i have been over weight, i have tried so many diets, They were over the counter things Dr. assisted and even in High school i Decided to not eat, i lost quite a bit but once i started to eat it came back on. But non of them worked.

Growing up the types of food we eat contributed to my weight and the amount of the food. By no means is my weight problem any ones fault but my own, i was the one that made those choices.

So for the last few years i had been thinking of alternatives. i have family, friends and Acquaintances that all had some form of weight loss surgery with great successes, I also know of people that have died from weight loss surgery, But i needed to get control of my life and my eating habits. so my Husband and i sat and talked about it. He reassured me that i did not have to do this for any one ells but for my self and if that is why i was doing it he would not support me. He wanted to make sure that i knew he loved me for whom i was. I did tell him i wanted this for me and for no other person. So he told me he would help where ever i needed it.

We went to my Sugar Dr. in June, He was going over all my meds with me, i was on 3 types of Insulin, one for when i woke up in the morning that attacked the sugar as it passed through my intestine, one when i ate my meals and it was to 22 units with meals, and one for bed which was also to 20 units. I was on 2000 milligrams of metphormin witch was also for my sugar.So as you could see my diabetes was out of control. I weighed in that day at 289 He asked if i wanted to make a change, i looked at him with out a hesitation i told him Yes. that question had been asked before by another Dr. i was Hesitating then. But today i said i wanted to make a change.

So that began my adventure in two weeks i received my first phone call from Western Bariatric Surgical Center and began my ongoing weight loss. I had my surgery date in December 16 of 2011 at that time i weighed 260 The surgery i Had was The Gastric sleeve, this was done as a day surgery with one night stay. Because i had such a hard time doing the barium test they did all my testing while i was still under. By the next day they released me and we returned home. No complication i heal fast.

I came home and was eating a 2 table spoons of food and it was filling me up i was not hungry i did this through Christmas and did miss all the yummy posole, and tamales, but next year i can have a bit of them. so it was not hard on me i was going to start the new year with a new me and getting better.

I am Dedicated to do this, and have been tracking what i eat, and i am working on doing more exercise in my daily activity. i track this all at WWW.Myfitnesspal.com you can all join if you want.

Age: 53
Height: 5 feet 3 inches
Starting Weight: 289 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight: 225 lbs
Goal Weight: 175 lbs
Weight Lost: 64 lbs
BMI: 39.9
Surgery: LAP-BAND
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 09/16/2011
Surgery Date: 12/16/2011
Hospital Stay: 1 Day
Surgery Funding: Insurance
Insurance Outcome: 1st Letter Approval
Netgallegos's Bariatric Surgeon
Western Bariatric Institute
645 North Arlington, Suite 525
Reno, Nevada 89503

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