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Lisa's Hope

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Lisa's Hope

  1. Lisa's Hope

    OMG! I'm overweight!

    Congratulations!! I can't wait to be able to say that too. I have 10 more pounds to lose in order to say that.
  2. Lisa's Hope


    From the album: 8 Months 97 pounds lost

  3. Lisa's Hope

    8 Months 97 pounds lost

  4. Lisa's Hope


    From the album: 8 Months 97 pounds lost

  5. Lisa's Hope


    From the album: 8 Months 97 pounds lost

  6. Lisa's Hope


    Make sure you are getting enough protein and water first. If you eat too many carbs, the weight will come off much slower. I've noticed now that I'm 8 months out and at a stall, that I'm able to eat more and am hungry more often. The weight loss does get slower as you get further out. But if you make sure you are getting in that 85 grams of protein a day, your weight loss should pick up.
  7. Lisa's Hope


    Yeah. They don't. There are a lot of insurance companies that don't . I don't understand that either. Doesn't seem fair.
  8. Hi, I'm 5'6" and my goal weight is 150 154. In order to have a normal BMI of 24, I have to meet this goal. Weight is coming off so slow now, not sure I will make it! Blah..
  9. Lisa's Hope


    I had all those co morbidities and still didn't get approved. My insurance is Coventry though and they pay for nothing even though they get 1200.00 in premiums a month from us and my husbands employer. :/ I was self pay.
  10. Lisa's Hope

    Self-Pay Sleevers

    I am self pay and mine was 14,500 with about 1000.00 more in hospital charges not included in that. This covers one year of check ups.
  11. Lisa's Hope

    Horror Story

    From the way this story is written, one would assume she was talking about "MAY" of this year because of the way it is worded. I just asked the question if it indeed was this past May. I also know when you assume something it can make and a** of you and me. Right? If this is true, it is a terrible tragedy and in no way would I want to disrespect her or her sister in any way. It is true, however, that people do get on this forum and make up stories to get this kind of reaction and arguments going which is happening right now with some commenting on this post. Some of you are getting very angry and upset with other people. Why don't we all just understand that if this is true, it is a tragedy and if it isn't, this is very upsetting as well that someone would get on here and make up a story like this. Hopefully, the sister that wrote this can shed some light on this for us. Did I miss any of her other posts? I know this type of thing can happen and pray for all of you that had complications. Just all of you know that I wasn't being mean in any way. This is the most horrible story of complications I've heard yet. God bless her is this is true. Just terrible. For me, I hope this isn't true.
  12. Lisa's Hope

    Horror Story

    I'm confused. You said she had her surgery in May but you then said she has been on a feeding tube for two years? When exactly did she have the surgery?
  13. It is very hard at first. I remember feeling the same way. But, you do have to eat and drink protein to feel better. If you don't, you will end up in the hospital with an IV. Your body can only go so long. Please try to sip water with G2 Gatorade at least. I always sipped half and half and it help keep my from getting dehydrated. You will feel so much better if you make yourself do exactly as the Dr. says. Good luck and I hope you feel more like yourself soon!
  14. Lisa's Hope

    Weight loss pounds check in

    Surgery 5/21/12 HW 294.4 SW 279.4 CW 197 GW 155 Unfortunately, the weight loss slows down. For me it has A LOT! I really hope it gets going again. I still have 42 pounds to go.
  15. Lisa's Hope

    97 Pounds Lost January 13, 2013

    7 1/2 Months out
  16. Lisa's Hope


  17. I actually read a story about about a lady who is 7 years out. This is the link. She seems to being doing fabulous! http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/vsg/4462385/7-years-post-op-Loving-life/
  18. Lisa's Hope

    10 months post op today!

    WOW.. that is awesome! I'm 7 1/2 months out and have lost 96 but can't imagine losing 128. I've just about stop losing. How in the world did you lost 14 pounds in a month?? I'm going to visit my family in March and would love to lose 20 more pounds before then but that is 10 pounds a month and I don't think I can do that at this point. Congratulations on your progress. You have done awesome!!
  19. Lisa's Hope

    6 months out!

    Same question! How did you lose SO much weight in 6 months? I'm 7 1/2 months out and am at 96 pounds. Great results for you! I would like to know what you eat as well. I'm stalling and and 43 more pounds to goal. Would love to get this going again. Congratulations!!
  20. I think I'm having gallbladder issues. I had my surgery on 5/21/12 and in July I had a CT for other pain on my left side not related to the gallbladder. The scan showed that my gallbladder was mildly distended but mostly within normal size. It is now almost 8 months post-op and I'm having pain under my right rib cage which travels to my side and back. It feels like a big gas bubble and hurts like heck!!! My PCP is out on leave for surgery she had so I can't see her until February 6th. I'm not nauseous but the pain is bad when it happens. Has anyone else had gallbladder surgery after VSG? If so, can you please share your experience. Was it worse? I'm worried too because my surgeon has left and is no longer in the state and I don't know who will do my surgery and wonder if they will even be familiar with the sleeve. Any input will be appreciate! Thank you!
  21. Lisa's Hope

    Gallbladder Surgery After VSG?

    My Surgeon never put me on those meds and now I'm really aggravated about that! Wonder why he didn't??
  22. Lisa's Hope

    Gallbladder Surgery After VSG?

    Niki, what kind of pain did you have?? I have this pain that feels like a big gas bubble starting in the middle of my stomach which travels to my side and back. Like a cramp. It builds and builds and then stops after about 5 minutes. I had a CT scan in July, two months after surgery and it said mildly extended.
  23. I am so blessed today! I finally made it into Onederland! I never would have reached this goal if not for my sleeve. I'm even surprised I made it with my sleeve! I haven't weighed in the 100's for 25 years. So happy and grateful! Here is a pic of my scale at my weigh in this morning. Total lost 95.2 pounds with 48 more to go! 95
  24. I know how you feel. Seems that 10 pounds before Onederland were never going to come off. I changed up my diet a little. I decided to give my body some carbs every other day and it seem to help!

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