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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. Like
    Willow216 reacted to JDHenin in Loving This.   
    I am just thoroughly enjoying my confidence now. I'm enjoying the attention. I'm enjoying the compliments. I'm enjoying the looks while I'm driving from the guys. Today I was told that I had 'dreamy' eyes by a guy. I'm happily married. But this is a nice change to barely even being noticed before. I walk with my head up now instead of looking at the floor. What a difference. Love love love where this is going. 111 lbs down since august 2011. Another 90 to go!
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    Willow216 got a reaction from butterbean in Realistic Goal? Not Happy With Dr's Goal   
    I think your count is very realistic, I've seen on this web-site people who weighed more and lost more than that. I think the doctors will give you a basic weight loss expectation but its up to you how far you are willing to go. I wouldn't worry 'bout what they say, its what your dream is! Don't sweat it..
  3. Like
    Willow216 reacted to atelux17 in Need Some Good Opinions   
    Maybe your friend is talking about plication or gastroplasty surgery in which surgeons used to sew the stomach or fold the stomach over and then suture it. Complications arose with those surgeries because part of the stomach would die from lack if blood flow or leaks would form in between sutures. The sleeve is stapled and sometimes oversewn. The staple gun puts staples closer together than any surgeon could. I know that there are gastric cancer patients who have had gastrectomies and have survived long term. I'm an RN at a unit that routinely does gastric bypasses, lots of return visits for dehydration and metabolic disturbances. I'm afraid of the lap band due to erosion, obstruction from eating any healthy foods, and the headache/cost of constant fills. The sleeve patients I've seen seem happier & lose the majority of their weight. I'm willing to try anything at this point.
  4. Like
    Willow216 reacted to MyGastricSleeveLife in Realistic Goal? Not Happy With Dr's Goal   
    I think you are very realistic. My surgeon has a goal that is for me to lose 67% of my excess weight because that is the average of weight loss surgery patients. However, he even told me "but you don't have to stop there" - that weight would meet his statistic, but I've seen countless people lose all their excess weight & I want to do the same! I'm not stopping at that 67% number because that's not where I want to personally be. They just have to have a number, but that doesn't mean your number has to match theirs!!
  5. Like
    Willow216 got a reaction from janerose in Six Months Later............   
    These are the stories I Love to hear, the Happy Ones!
    Thank you for sharing.
    Live Love and Laugh.. The Best RX for Life.
  6. Like
    Willow216 reacted to janerose in Six Months Later............   
    It has now been six months - I have lost 70lbs and I feel great - minimal issues - eat pretty much whatever I want - just a whole lot less.
    I look different - I think different - I move a faster - I sleep better - I laugh harder - I am a far better friend (because I am not so self consumed with my appearance) I go out more - I spend more time being happy by myself - I buy prettier clothes - I get manicure and pedicures - I carry my granddaughter around on my hip again - I swim with my grandson - I cook more - I get up each morning with less pain - I go to bed at night with a less pain - I get my picture taken with my friends rather than hide when the cameras come out - I openly flirt again - my life is full and fun.
    Yes the sleeve was the right decision for me - no regrets.
    Thank you to all who have given me so much incouragement over the past year. I hope I can inspire the new sleevers both young and old as others have done for me!
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    Willow216 got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Most Humiliating Fat Moment   
    I cannot imagine what would possess a woman to do something like that, she must've been a real evil, spiteful, vindictive woman. No-one deserves that kind of treatment. The only story I have that for whatever reason really hurt me was when I was waiting for a train in NYC and a jersey shore looking dude with his pants hanging down around his behind practically shoved me out of the way and said "move over fatso" and proceeded to enter the train with his friends laughing. I couldn't get on the train cause I was literally in shock 'cause it totally came out of nowhere for no reason I guess he thought he looked pretty kool in front of his friends. I don't get upset very easily especially when it comes to strangers but that actually ruined my day. That experience, though, does not compare to yours, glad you shared and I hope the actions of that "old lady" still doesn't bother you.
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    Willow216 got a reaction from dar1983 in What Do You Want To Do When You Are Healthier?   
    I would love to start taking photos with my family, I have been photo diving for years and unfortunately my kids are complaining that they won't remember what I look like when I'm not here. I promised them that once I get down to at least 160lbs I will take a studio photo. And yes, the amusement park sounds great!
  9. Like
    Willow216 got a reaction from dar1983 in What Do You Want To Do When You Are Healthier?   
    I would love to start taking photos with my family, I have been photo diving for years and unfortunately my kids are complaining that they won't remember what I look like when I'm not here. I promised them that once I get down to at least 160lbs I will take a studio photo. And yes, the amusement park sounds great!
  10. Like
    Willow216 reacted to Tshaunda in So It Has Been 5 Months Wow!   
    Yep 5 Months today, I know you want to know my numbers!!! Ok 83 Pounds lost to date. I have had some stalls along the way, My personal goal is to lose 100 pounds by AUGUST 19 the day I leave for my Cruise to Belize. Please Pray for me and my continued weight lost.
    How do I feel? Amazing, I work out allot and try to push myself. 4 Miles walks is what I am up to, it may take me 1 hour 20 mins but Im in it to win it!
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    Willow216 reacted to PdxMan in Most Humiliating Fat Moment   
    You know, I have to pity people who would do such an act. Their lives are so miserable they must do some act like that to try to elevate themselves. I am happy that you were able to confront this moment and I hope you realize this was her issue, not yours. For whatever reason she was threatened by you ... your intelligence, your relationship with members of the family, your faith ... something ... This is how bullies behave, whether they're 8 or 80.
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    Willow216 reacted to bigkim in 3 Months Post Op Pics   
    3 months on July 10th

  13. Like
    Willow216 got a reaction from former_vbg in Miss My Soda   
    I have diet pepsi a couple of times of week since right after the first month, I'm 3.5 months post-op and my dietician stated the carbonation can cause discomfort if not taken slowly but it won't stretch out the sleeve.
  14. Like
    Willow216 got a reaction from kamrie37 in Talked To The Nurse About Stretching Stomach By Drinking Too Fast   
    Thank you for the info. I've heard this before, but since we hear all sorts of different answers from different questions from all of our surgeons and dietician its good to hear confirmation on this question. Stretching the sleeve is a worry for alot of us.
    Enjoy your Summer!
  15. Like
    Willow216 reacted to NHJulie in Maybe I Shouldn't Do This   
    Wow! All of you are amazing! Thank you so much for all you've said. I do know, deep down, this is right for me. I'm tired of "dieting" and not feeling comfortable within myself. I think this was a little hiccup along my journey I am so glad to have people like you on my side! This site is truly wonderful! Thank you again everyone!!
  16. Like
    Willow216 reacted to vsginnj in Maybe I Shouldn't Do This   
    Ok quick true story , after all pre op requirements were met ,no small task, about a week before surgery date I was getting nervous , wifey's negativity ,my fear ,pride and lots of other neg. emotions were getting the best of me. I sat down in my kitchen with my two therapists Ben and jerry to have a pint of chubby hubby and sort this out.Chair breaks,kinda explodes,in a second I'm on my back like a turtle on his shell , splinters in my back and ice cream everywhere.Pretty clear sign to follow through with surgery.That was 12/7/11 I am down 131 lbs and the only regret is not doing this sooner. Good luck on your journey and god bless you!
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    Willow216 reacted to tonibugg in Maybe I Shouldn't Do This   
    I had these same thoughts, I think we all have if we're honest! I honestly told the nurse while laying on the pre op table that I didn't want to do the surgery anymore lol I was laying there crying and freaking out.. she gave me something to "relax" me and off I went! I can tell you now, 6 days after surgery, that I have dropped 12 lbs of true weight (not IV Fluid, swelling etc) and I am soooo happy I did this! I look at the scale everyday and say " I will never weigh this amount again" WOW! So empowering! This decision is not right for everyone but if it is your right decision, don't wait! do it and LIVE the rest of your life with gusto! My 1 year surgiversary reward will be skydiving! I can't wait!!! I'm 41 and ready to live again, the fat suit has got to come off =) Good luck with your journey and hope to see you on the losers side!!
  18. Like
    Willow216 reacted to Marty McSkinnystein in Maybe I Shouldn't Do This   
    I cancelled 3 years ago but it was for RNY and now I have the procedure I want and the Dr. I want.
    The thing I found played tricks on me was the back and forth looking for signs.
    My thought process: Is the quality of life I have worth having or are there things I may never do that I keep blaming on weight. Have I ever done it successfully and when I did was I happy? Did I gain it back? Am I the best me? ARe people who do this happy? Do the things that could happen based on weight outweigh the things that could happen with surgery (assuming complete compliance with Doc's orders)? And that makes my decision FINALLY kind of easy. Not the things I might go through...but the decision to do it.
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    Willow216 got a reaction from tonibugg in Maybe I Shouldn't Do This   
    I also had my doubts, we all do, its losing a part of us we had and come to depend on all our lives, eating, its there when we're sad, happy, depressed, celebrating and bored. It was our "Friend" and he was always there.
    I always lost weight with dieting but the minute I felt comforatable I started eating again and would gain more than I had lost. Since I have had this surgery it has not been a "Chore" to lose weight and all the "not so good for you foods" I thought I couldn't live without I don't even want anymore, its VERY Free-ing. Take your time and consult with as many professionals as you can. My father also died of obesity at 55 yrs old he was 5'4" and 450lbs. That was my deciding vote that I had to tell myself to find a "new friend" to hang with. LOL
    Best Wishes to you!
  20. Like
    Willow216 got a reaction from gigimamma in I Am Crying...   
    Okay, I'm jealous. I'm not hatin, I'm Congratulatin! I can't wait till I get into the 170's. I'll meet you 'round the bend! LOL
  21. Like
    Willow216 got a reaction from lyndynojo in Cheated   
    chocolate, I have a couple of Hershey Kisses 3 or 4 x's a week. I had this surgery so I wouldn't have to give up on everything and compared on how I used to eat chocolate before surgery I'm doing GREAT! Isn't that why we all had this surgery so we still "on occasion" get to have a little of what we want? Except Brownies I can't touch them yet, I'm still too weak, Aww Man I want a Brownie, Damn I shouldn't have went there ...LOL
  22. Like
    Willow216 reacted to Kiloalphatango in Cheated   
    Last night I went to the movies and the only thing open was maccas
    So I a 10 pack of chicken mcbites (don't know if USA has them, they are about 1/4 a size of a nugget.
    Took me a good 45 mins & had no problems!
  23. Like
    Willow216 got a reaction from lyndynojo in Cheated   
    chocolate, I have a couple of Hershey Kisses 3 or 4 x's a week. I had this surgery so I wouldn't have to give up on everything and compared on how I used to eat chocolate before surgery I'm doing GREAT! Isn't that why we all had this surgery so we still "on occasion" get to have a little of what we want? Except Brownies I can't touch them yet, I'm still too weak, Aww Man I want a Brownie, Damn I shouldn't have went there ...LOL
  24. Like
    Willow216 reacted to kyllfalcon in ... And That Would Have Been Me...   
    Last Saturday I attended a family funeral and saw my Aunt Cookie, whom I had not seen in a few years. We look very much alike, very similar faces, same height, similar builds when young. I actually look more like her than I do my mother (they are sisters). She is only about eight years older than I am.
    I am on this forum so of course have gained a lot of weight, but am now losing it thanks to the sleeve. Aunt Cookie appeared to weigh about 300 to 325, a good 50 - 75 pounds heavier than I was when I had wls. The image of her at that weight was so shocking! And even more shocking, I got a glimpse of where I was headed had I not intervened with the sleeve!
    Every day I am so grateful that this option is available to us, and that it has gone so well and so easily for me.
  25. Like
    Willow216 reacted to Webchickadee in ... And That Would Have Been Me...   
    This is the exact reason I chose to have the sleeve. I am 42 years old and in very good health (with the exception of asthma). My father (age 84) however, has high blood pressure, diabetes high cholesterol and prostate cancer. My mother (she passed 4.5 years ago at age 73) had breast cancer, lung cancer and high cholesterol. My brother (also passed, 4 years ago, at age 53) died of a brain tumor. My other sister (passed this past November, aged 46) died of breast cancer.
    I am a walking time bomb, waiting to happen! I have one sister left (who's in good health too, thank goodness, and also at a fairly healthy weight).
    I know that having the sleeve doesn't guarantee that I won't develop health issues, especially cancer which is rampant in our family. But I DO know that being in my ideal weight range and being active, as well as eating healthy foods in healthy portions is going to help increase my odds of a long, healthy and happier life.
    If I should develop one or more of the health issues my family has, I will at least know that I've done everything I could do to help prevent it, by being in my ideal weight range, choosing well when it comes to food intake and exercising my body to help preserve it in top form!

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