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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jen_1381

  1. jen_1381

    Can't Sleep...24 Hours Post Op

    I slept curled up on the couch, propped up on pillows, with a heat pack on my chest or back, depending on where the air pain was. Every time I woke up, I'd walk. Trust me, it will get better! I had air pain for two weeks post-op.
  2. My nutritionist suggested adding a splash of sugar free coffee syrup (like the Torani's SF Carmel or SF White Chocolate) to the Protein shakes if they were hard to get down. I got the Body Fortress powder from Walmart and it was pretty good. The chocolate Peanutbutter one definitely satisfied a craving or two. As for suffering through - keep your goal in mind. It really is "mind over matter". Yes, you are hungry...starving...but you have to do this in order to have the surgery, which is a key part of reaching your goals. Just remember, you're giving your body everything it needs. It really put my eating habits into perspective!!
  3. jen_1381

    12 Hours Post Op

    I experienced air pain for about two weeks post-op. It was the WORST under my right shoulder blade. Walking helps. Gas-X too. I found that a heating pad on my back would give pretty good relief.
  4. jen_1381

    Energy Drinks..or 5 Hour Energy

    I agree with Duckydoom - my Vit D level was 8 when it was checked in March. It was so low, my doctor called me right away and had me immediately start prescription strength. I did a whole 8 week course of high dosage and it shot up to 49, now I take a daily lower dose to maintain. Let me tell you, it made a WORLD of difference. I was always so tired, they did a big work up for all these other things but somehow never checked my Vit D until the WLS physician ordered it. I hesitate to do any energy supplements because I have a history of arrythmia (have had two heart ablations) but I found a nice tall glass of cold Water can get me buzzing to work out. Add in some upbeat songs on my iPod and I'm good to go.
  5. jen_1381

    Ugggg.... Jean Shopping

    I hated jean shopping! I used to always go to Old Navy because their jeans seemed to fit best, but I would leave feeling defeated every time. I found one style and size, and that's all I would get!! I'm one month post-op, and let me tell you, being able to go to any store and pull out a size 16's feels SO good. I still cringe in the dressing room, thinking I'm CRAZY for trying them on, but then when they fit perfect, there's hardly a better feeling!! You'll get there!!
  6. jen_1381

    New To Lap Band Talk

    Welcome!! This forum is great. I had surgery 1 month ago today and am down 32 lbs total. It's been quite the adventure. It's a whole new way of life, but I am finding it very exciting! When I decided on surgery (being 5'8" and 243 lbs), quite a few people didn't understand (even the psychologist that did the eval questioned the necessity!). My best answer to them is - "you don't live in my skin". I was constantly uncomfortable, hated what I saw in the mirror, and was always so self-conscious. I did this for me, and have not regretted it one day.
  7. jen_1381

    Some Days...

    I have those days too. Some days, I get dressed and feel like I could light up the world. Other days, I change my clothes seven times before I leave and still don't feel decent! I know it's a mental thing, and people can't tell if I gained back two pounds, but it's still frustrating! This isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. I have to keep reminding myself that
  8. jen_1381

    No Fill... Ever?

    If you're losing weight without a fill and not experiencing any hunger between meals, I see why a fill isn't indicated. But never doing a fill? That seems unusual. My surgeon doesn't do fills until 4 weeks post-op. I saw him 2 weeks post-op just to check on the healing process, and at that point he told me to come back in at 4 weeks and they'll do a fill, if indicated. He also warned against believing everything on this forum, but his reasoning made sense: It's human nature that people can't wait to talk about the bad, hardly ever talk about the good. Just take it all with a grain of salt.
  9. I got through my pre-op process relatively quick, I went to the seminar in the beginning of March and was banded May 18th (could have been sooner but I had to reschedule my surgeon appt, I had strep throat, and waited another 12 days to get back into him). Time felt like it took FOREVER. But, I'm the type of girl that wants to act as soon as I make a decision so it was brutal. Good luck to you!
  10. jen_1381

    Help Im Esting Fast Food !!

    Protein, Vegetables, and Fruit! Stick to the basics. My WLS Coordinator told us about a patient who lost over 110 lbs in a year. When she was asked how she was so successful, she told them she ate her protein first, then her veggies if she was still hungry, then fruit if she was STILL hungry. If she wasn't full after all of that, she would go for a walk or do some sort of exercise. I'm trying to stick to that plan
  11. jen_1381

    Time Off?

    I run a physical therapy office. I took off a Friday for the surgery itself, and was back to work by Monday. My job entails mainly desk/computer work but I am up-and-down constantly, a lot of walking, but I think that helped keep me moving. I was a little sore but not bad at all, just incisional and air pain.
  12. jen_1381

    Addicted To The Scale

    I was banded 5/18 and I weigh myself every day, BUT take the fluctuations with a grain of salt. I weigh daily to stay accountable. It really does help me consider my food choices, since I know what will negatively impact me the next morning. I weigh at the same time every morning and plug the number into MyFitnessPal. My husband doesn't understand it, he thinks it's too much, but right now it helps. I don't really let it impact my mood (unless like this morning, when I was FOUR pounds heavier!! Then I was a little bummed.) but then I just remind myself that some days are better than others, and a lot of things factor into your weight.
  13. jen_1381


    Both my dietician and surgeon agreed you didn't HAVE to quit coffee but they were happy to hear that I had quit before surgery. Since surgery, I've had a half of cup of coffee and handful of times, since it seems to be the cure for my migraines (I spent YEARS looking for a med that worked, finally found one, then after quitting coffee realized that 1 cup would take care of it.) I never count it as "good fluid" consumed, and if I do have coffee I try to drink another 20 ounces of Water. Now, each morning, instead of coffee, I'll have a cup of pu-ehr tea. If I'm feeling sleepy in the afternoon I will have a cup of white tea. I know they both have caffiene, but for some reason I feel the tea is healthier?! Plus, the pu-ehr tea was featured on Dr. Oz. I can't say I believe everything he says, but the tea is supposed to help with weight loss. Oh, and pop is a DEFINITE no-no for me. Besides the unhealthy ingredients, the carbontion is supposed to be bad for bandsters.
  14. jen_1381

    What Were Your Favorite Mushies?

    I'm finding the "soft/moist" stage actually harder than mushies. Maybe because I'm scared of getting stuck? Even though my band is empty (I'm just shy of a month post-op, fill is next week). It's kind of hard to find soft, moist, nutritionally fulfilling yet healthy food.
  15. jen_1381

    What Were Your Favorite Mushies?

    I would puree low fat refried Beans with a splash of taco sauce and a pinch of the Weight Watchers shreded cheese. Heat it up and it honestly taste like a Taco Bell bean burrito. I also pureed canned chicken with low cal vegetable flavored cream cheese and sour cream. Or, tuna with some low fat mayo and these pickled spicy garlic pieces. Gave it tons of flavor but also blended very well. Keep in mind, when I was adding ingredients to the main Protein dish, I used very small amounts, just enough to get the right texture. Other than the more "fun" meals, I did a lot of pureed carrots, green beans, berries, and greek yogurt.
  16. jen_1381

    Waking Up In The O.r????

    I woke up during a cardiac procedure. The first anesthesiologist was sitting in front of my face and was watching for any signs of alertness, but when they switched (the ablation ended up taking 5 hours) the second one sat at the top of my head. I was awake for 5 minutes, felt everything (they had guidewires from my groin and neck going into my heart), but I knew that I could NOT move so I just calmly tried to breathe and not scream. As soon as I felt the doctors had ease up on my neck I told them I was awake and the anesthesiologist hurridly re-sedated me, and moved to see my face. Keep in mind though, they were using MAC (moderate) sedation. For the lap band, they use a general anesthesia. They can't use a MAC on any type of abdominal surgery because the CO2 they use to inflate your abdomen will cause too much pressure on the diaphragm and you would be uncomfortable. I made SURE before surgery that the anesthesiologist was using a general, which he said they always do. Waking up during my cardiac ablation was by far the scariest thing I've ever been through....but it was fascinating to watch!!
  17. jen_1381

    Water Only

    Please don't drink just Water for two weeks!! Your body needs the nutrients that the drinks provide. I suggest adding some sugar free coffee syrup to your drink. I used the Body Fortress powder, either vanilla or chocolate peanutbutter, mixed with skim milk, and a splash of sugar free white chocolate or sugar free carmel syrup.
  18. I was banded on May 18, 2012 and have lost 31 lbs...so far...!!
  19. jen_1381

    Start Weight 295 Current Weight 174

    Great job!! You look amazing!!
  20. jen_1381

    Pain, Hurts So Much So Deep

    I'm so sorry you're going through this. I can relate with part of it. I spent the last 15 years of my life doing the busy cleaning, ENDLESSLY, to the point where I felt like I had OCD. Things had to be clean before I went to bed, or went out, or did anything. I always had to be doing something, couldn't relax. My marriage suffered because I felt like I was too busy and had too much to do before I could spend time listening to my husband. It wasn't until I went through the pre-op appointment with the psychologist when she picked up on some childhood trauma that I had been avoiding my whole life. I wasn't OCD, my brain was just insisting on keeping me busy to keep me distracted. I saw a counselor a few times after that to help me remember and accept the trauma, and I can't believe how it changed my life. I forced myself to stop...to breathe, to sit still, to be a better wife (and not by having a sparkling kitchen that he should love, right?!). Since April, my life has been completely different. It's not always trauma, but stress can cause the same reaction. I never felt stressed but it's because I was so adapted to an extremely high stress level. Has something changed, something that may be secretly stressing your brain? Also - have you explained to your husband how you feel? I always thought mine just just know because of how I was acting, but most men are not that perceptive. After reading the book "Big White Panties" (funny title, I know, and it's a humerous book) it but gave me great insight to a mans way of thinking. Sorry you're going through this. I wake up every day now thinking it's going to be a good day, and nothing can set me back. It's amazing what a change of attitude can do for your outlook...but it took me years to get to the point of changing it!
  21. jen_1381

    It's Not Listening!

    I think my stomach is trying to enter "Bandster Hell". My brain isn't going to accept that. My stomach is GROWLING. It's screaming "FEED ME" but my brain is set on following the diet plan. My stomach is just going to have to tough it out. I'm getting really good at this mind control thing. The stomach no longer calls the shots. I know what's best for my body and what it needs, so I'll just keep to my plan. I feel very lucky to be losing like this post op. I hit 30 lbs lost yesterday, my 30 day "anniversary" of the surgical consult. I had surgery on May 18th, so three weeks out from surgery and I'm over a third of the way to my goal. Each day I've been losing between 6 oz and a pound. It hasn't been easy, my brain and stomach are constantly at battle, and I still don't love running on the elliptical a few miles a day or drinking SO much water, but it's working so I'm going to stick to it. My goal is to be at 210 by the time I go in for my fill on the 19th. Eleven days, 3 lbs. I would love to be at 205 but I'm trying to keep my goals realistic in case the weight loss slows down. I do really love being happily surprised by my scale every morning. I always think "okay, I probably gained three pounds yesterday and I'm okay with that" then the number pops up and it's lower than the day before. So for now, life is pretty good for this girl.
  22. Had my first 'oops' today and I'm paying for it!! I am about 3 weeks post op, still on mushies, and ate lunch at 11:00. After work my husband picked me up and we went car shopping. I missed my afternoon snack and we didn't get done at the car dealers until after 7, home until 8:30. I was SO hungry. Overly hungry. My head is POUNDING. I came home and tried to eat slowly some quick protein but it was too late, I was shakey and still can't shake the headache. Any ideas for portable snacks when still on mushies?
  23. jen_1381

    National Running Day

    Today (June 6th) is National Running Day! Everybody get outside or hit the treadmill. Running is so good for the soul!! I myself did 2 miles this morning and wil hit it again after work
  24. I was told absoultely no carbonation at all...ever again. I hear from some bandsters they're able to drink pop after letting it sit for a half hour or so, so it's more flat. I mentally am an all-or-nothing girl, and it's just easier for me to not even consider having it again.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
