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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jen_1381

  1. jen_1381

    Irritated At People

    I learned to not worry about people talking behind my back, it just means I'm steps ahead of them. There are people whose opinions I value, but ultimately it's my life and my decisions that I make. Plus, it feels pretty darn good to see people from my past, 50 lbs lighter, and seeing the looks on their faces.
  2. jen_1381

    What Do I Do About Work??

    I would give them the generic "need the day off for a minor procedure". You could even say you were having a minor abdominal procedure if you felt like sharing more, in case you're worried about post-op pain/restricted movement. They shouldn't ask many more questions. I have a mostly desk job working in Physical Therapy and was able to have surgery Friday and come back Monday.
  3. jen_1381

    The View From Atop This Plateau Is Not Good

    Thank you so much for the tip! I will try that tonight. It's just draining, and my husband keeps threatening to hide the scale!
  4. jen_1381


    Thank you for this topic! I'm at a plateau now, just over 30 lbs from goal, and am getting super frustrated. When I did Insanity (I did the whole 8 weeks), I didn't lose hardly anything at all. I was pairing it with a low calorie diet and nothing. BUT, I did get to feeling pretty fit. My legs were taking shape and muscles were being worked that I hadn't used in years. I felt incredible. I toned what I had, which made the not-losing part okay. Your body is probably just confused right now. I'm going to take my own advice, and just ride it out. Eventually, things will start happening.
  5. jen_1381

    August Summer Challenge

    Jen checking in STILL at 193.6. Can not break this plateau! Fill coming up on the 16th, hopefully that will help.
  6. jen_1381

    Two Months Out

    I was banded May 18th and am down 50 lbs but have been STUCK on top of a plateau for about 10 days. No matter what I do I can't break through so I'm trying to just ride it out. Congrats to everyone on your weight loss success!
  7. At three weeks post-op your swelling around the band has probably gone down, so you will start feeling the hunger. Antwan is right, it won't stop the hunger at all. This is what we refer to as "Bandster Hell", where you aren't at a satisified fill level (aka - Green Zone) and you're having to keep your hunger in check. This is the "white-knuckle" phase where you have to put mind over matter and follow your eating plan. I know this is MUCH tougher than it should be, because face it, if we could keep our hunger in check we wouldn't have needed surgery. It WILL get better. Focus on Protein, it will keep you fuller, longer. Chew slowly and wait between bites to let the food really digest. Again though, it WILL get better.
  8. jen_1381

    Nervous About After Band!!!

    Jschlugs - You mentioned that you can't wait for the healing and "bandster hell" to be over for your first fill - just to forwarn you, it may take many fills for you to feel any restriction and to be through "bandster hell". I'm 11 weeks post-op with 2 fills, 4.5 cc in my band, and feel virtually no restriction. It's been all diet controlled so far. After my first fill I felt a little restriction for about 5 days then it faded away. Just keep cruising along though, you sound like you're off to a good start.
  9. jen_1381

    Protein In Water?

    The Special K Protein Water is actually pretty good. You just add the packets to your bottle of water. It has 5 (?) g of protein per packet.
  10. jen_1381

    Can't Lose The Weight Help!!!

    Are you logging your food intake? Exercising? Have you talked with your nutritionist or surgeon? Plateaus happen. I sit atop one right now, and it's very frustrating. I would highly recommend keeping a food diary for a few days then getting in touch with your nutritionist. Get their input and suggestions. There are things you can do - - increase activity, change foods...but sometimes you just plateau. Good luck to you I wish you tons of success, and congrats on the weight you have loss.
  11. jen_1381

    How To Drink Water...

    No judgement here! Don't feel silly asking a question, that's what we're all here for! You're probably feeling tight from being fresh post-op. There is typically swelling around the band. My team highly recommended NOT using a straw. The theory is you swallow less air drinking from a straw. You're going to swallow air no matter what...it's what fills up the rest of your mouth that's not water. I actually do drink through a straw, but only water. I ran it past my doctor and he said as long as I wasn't feeling like I was taking in an excessive amount of air it should be find. For some reason, drinking out of a cup makes me drink MUCH slower and I take in a lot less water. Using my plastic bottle with a straw makes it easier to take in my 100 ml goal. I know it's all a mental thing, but hey, I've made so many changes, my water bottle is the last thing I want to change right now. If you're concerned about damaging your band or stomach, it never hurts to ask your surgeon, but from my experience/knowledge drinking water and swallowing a little air shouldn't cause any damage. Again - my disclaimer - this comes only from my knowledge and experience so far, and each physician is different in their care, so if you're concerned ask your WLS team.
  12. jen_1381

    Need Opinions....

    I actually just emailed my nutriontist a few days ago because I'm stuck on a horrible plateau. I hit the 50 lb loss mark and have been stuck for about a week and a half. I was like you, losing very steadily, then BAM. Stopped. I emailed her my eating plan and exercise plan, and she said I'm doing absolutely everything right, and do NOT cut calories for where I'm at to try to kickstart the weight loss. My BMR is 1680 calories, and she recommended I stay between 1000-1100 calories. I had been taking in around 800 and burning about half of that running every day. I'm going to try to ease off the running for a few days and increase my (healthy) calorie intake. See if that helps. I've started getting those thoughts of - - maybe this is where by body is meant to be at, maybe I won't ever hit my goal, maybe I'm done losing, etc. Luckily my husband keeps reminding me that plateaus happen and just to ride it out. Maybe run your plan past your doctor or nutritionist and get their input. Other than that, as frustrating as it is (on a daily basis!), just ride it out.
  13. jen_1381

    What Type Of Birth Control Do You Use?

    Not that this fits into your plans, but I had a hysterectomy and it's the best EVER! Almost two years with no periods, no cramps, no ovarian cysts, no risk of pregnancy and no pain. It's amazing! I highly recommend it
  14. jen_1381

    Does Everyone Get Stuck?!

    I'm about 11 weeks out and 4.5 cc in my band. I haven't ever gotten stuck. Indigestion from eating a big bite once but never a PB or worse, throwing up. I'm actually still struggling with eating slow so I'm pleasantly surprised it hasn't happened yet. I'm working on slowing down though. It's tough!
  15. jen_1381

    Slider Foods?

    Sliders are dangerous . Things like ice cream, pudding, etc. Things we *can* eat but shouldn't.
  16. jen_1381

    Newly Banded/ Help

    Logging every bite, snack, nibble...completely helps. I had no concept of calorie content until I started logging. I went through a brief stage of shock, then I was mortified that I had put SO much in my body all these years. I can't count carbs to save my life, but calories is easy. Logging will be a great start.
  17. Here I sit, up on top of this plateau...frustrated as ever. "Give it time" they say...hmm...

  18. jen_1381

    Any Thoughts?

    I'm sorry, I don't have any advice for you, but I would like to offer support. Since surgery, I can completely see how someone becomes anorexic. I catch myself obsessing about food choices and have to remind myself over and over to relax, take it one meal at a time. As far as having Fluid removed, I think I would go under the advisement of my surgeon. I'm glad you're meeting with a therapist and it sounds like you have a good team and are headed in the right direction. I wish you nothing but success and happiness, and thank you for sharing your story.
  19. jen_1381

    Newly Banded/ Help

    The main thing I've learned is that you are responsible for your own choices. The only one you hurt when you make a bad food choice is yourself. I'm not trying to sound harsh, but it's a reality I had to face. Maybe touching base with your nutritionist will help you stay inspired to eat healthy? I had to basically put my diet on "lock down" and only stick to three food categories, and that's IT. It is too easy for me to talk myself into a bad snack and out of exercise. And by the way, 28 lbs is good! Don't be too harsh on yourself. Are you exercising? Have you tried logging everything you eat? Myfitnesspal is a HUGE help to me.
  20. jen_1381

    Why All The Waiting?!?

    My surgeon even had a spot on his consent form, that I had to sign, stating that he's advised to not get pregnant within one year of having surgery. Well, I've had a hysterectomy, so barring a medical miracle, it wouldn't be an issue. One thing this discussion board has taught me is that every surgeon is different. Even partners within the same office can have completely different view and guidelines for surgery.
  21. Some insurances require it (I believe Medicare requires an 23 hour observation stay). Luckily mine didn't, I was at the hospital around 11, surgery at 1, home by 5...and I was in surgery until 2:30.
  22. jen_1381

    Going To Be Interesting

    I agree with Cazzy. He doesn't have to have all of the really-bad-but-oh-so-good foods to gain the weight - - lean, healthy food with high protein may be just as effective. I have been doing "seperate" grocery shopping for months and it doesn't even bother me. I have it set in my mind that certain things are my husbands and others are mine. My husband is pretty fit, and has actually lost 7 lbs since I've been banded sharing my healthy meals. He has a really intense job though, and doesn't get a lunch break, so he has to "graze" all day. I just buy snacks that are on the healthier side but still ones I wouldn't eat (the "healthy" crackers, regular yogurt, etc). I hope your husband has a quick recovery and you're able to continue your success.
  23. jen_1381


    Not adhesions from the band, but I eventually had a hysterectomy two years ago because I had such bad adhesions. I'd had five laparotomy/laparoscopy procedures over six years for fertility issues and pain, and had serious adhesions, along with scar tissue. Hysterectomy is one of the best things I've done besides lap band.
  24. jen_1381

    August Summer Challenge

    Name, real or screen~ Jen Goal weight for August 31st~ 185.0 Weight on August 1st~ 193.8 Age~ 28 - until August 30 then the big TWO NINE!! Dietary goal for August~ Sharpen up my plan - stick to just protein, fruit, and veggies. No exceptions!! Exercise goal for August~ Let myself take a day off once a week. Personal goal for August~ Just enjoy it! Let myself relax on vacation. Date banded~ 5/18/12 Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~ just a smidge under 50. Some days right at 50 (dang this plateau!) What is your favorite place to travel?~ Vegas!
  25. Honestly, I didn't have time to do anything post-op still in the hospital. I had it done as an outpatient. I came in two hours before surgery and was kept busy with the nurse and anesthesiologist. After surgery, I was so sleepy, I could barely focus on drinking what the nurse gave me. I went home about 4 hours after surgery and slept on the couch. I didn't need anything at all besides the comfy clothes I wore (recommend a sports bra and comfy clothes - I couldn't have focused enough to snap my bra hooks!!) and sandals.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
