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Everything posted by FluffyBleu76

  1. No, I go for the endoscopy in 5 days and surgery is scheduled for 4/20 but I have a feeling that we may need to push it closer to the end of April, My PCP, reluctantly, approved my surgery. He is not a fan of WLS but he knows how I have struggled with my weight for the past 10 years. Other than this OSA and being a fatty, I am relatively healthy! I hope that being in relatively good health means our recovery will be fairly easy.
  2. Thanks everyone! My wonderful husband and I have learned in these few years of marriage that being 'active' is extremely important no matter what is going on in our lives. It keeps a lot of the tension down. I am so glad that he loves me fluffy, un-fluffy or anything in between, He just wants me to be healthy and happy.
  3. Wow... age, weight and height (almost. I'm 5'4.5") are identical to mine.
  4. OK, so I went to see my PCP today as directed by Dr. Feiz (the bariatric surgeon) for the pre-Op evaluation. I have had the same PCP for over 12 years and I know, just by his tone of voice, when he doesn't agree with something. Well, he definitely does not agree with my desire for surgery. He made me promise I would do my research- which I have. He was telling me horror stories of WLS gone bad and now, I am a little nervous. My BMI is 35.4 and he believes that I can do this without surgery but my 53 lbs. of extra weight feel like 153 lbs. on my weak ankles and aching feet and sore knees. I just really don't know what to do. I was sure about this until I saw my PCP. I want this surgery so I can have a better quality of life but do the risks outweigh the benefits? Someone, please chime in on this. I need brutally honest opinions.
  5. FluffyBleu76

    I Had My Surgery But

    Hey... you sound like an Exercise Physiologist! That or you have done quite a bit of research on how the body burns it's fuel (calories) and how to keep motivation up. Back in the day when I was fit and trained people, I would recommend they avoid the scale. But, to each his/her own! Some people need to see the numbers to feel like this procedure was worth it.
  6. On Friday, I got a call from the doctor's office that my insurance had approved the procedure! The date is set for 4/20. I am soooooo excited yet nervous as all heck. I am no stranger to surgery and I feel like I will be in good hands but I keep having nightmares about leakage and excessive vomiting. I am afraid I will be one of the few that this doesn't work for. I am afraid that I will lose all my hair. I am afraid I will become malnourished. I need a permanent way to keep my weight off and I believe this tool will be the best option for me. More than anything, I feel like I am a failure because as a trainer, I should have been able to keep my weight off. I am ready for this but all the worry is making me so anxious. What to do?
  7. So I get a call from the Dr.'s office and I thought I was going to get denied. Well, it looks like it was approved and the surgery will take place in very nice hospital by the beach! 4/20 is my scheduled date. I am nervous and excited all at the same time :-) I hope these 50 extra pounds that I carry, will be a thing of the past whithin my first year. I just want to be healthy again
  8. FluffyBleu76


    This is good question. My husband asked me to ask the doctor. I am going to assume that if you go cowgirl or doggy style, it shouldn't be a problem (sorry if I was too graphic, lol).
  9. I don't think there would be enough stomach left with RNY :-/ I hope she gets the help she needs!
  10. FluffyBleu76

    Want To Quit My Doctor

    I remember when my mom had her open heart surgery in 2001. She was admitted through the ER and the attending cardiac surgeon had the WORST bedside manner! It was so bad, my mom said she would take her chances and wait for another surgeon to do it (mind you, she was in the ER so it was pretty bad)!!! To make a long story short, she had complications and the surgeon with the attitude from hell had to come in to do the surgery while she was under anesthesia. This man's hands were blessed by God! She had only a 50% of coming out alive, only 45% of her heart was functioning at the time and we were told she would be lucky to get a few more years (she lived until 2010)- most surgeons wouldn't touch her! After the surgery, he was still cold in his demeanor and when my mom was up and alert, he was sooooooo negative (but he sure loved to point out and look at well he sutured her chest). In short, of course physicians should be kind in dealing with their patients but there is a saying in the medical community: "Doctors treat diseases and nurses treat patients." Your business is just about done with this man and as long as you have a support system and you are healing well, leave him to his own devices. You are doing great and it's natural to have up's and down's. Just pay attention to how your clothes fit and your overall wellness.
  11. The "sleeve" is nothing new and she probably had the sleeve as part of her original procedure. With DS and Rou en Y, there is cutting of the stomach. The sleeve as we know it now, is similar to the previously mentioned procedures except now it is done as a stand alone procedure. I would assume she doesn't have enough stomach to cut anymore thus making the lapband, her only other option for WLS. I feel for her because as we all know, weight loss is a war and war is hell. Let's just hope and pray that this time around, she has learned and can stay at good weight and healthy!
  12. FluffyBleu76

    Finally Deciding To "do It"

    Hey Gals! I feel like we are all part of some kind of VGS sisterhood I have a degree in sports medicine, I have worked under a football strengthening coach and I have taught PE... yet, I am fat.I have tried so many ways to rationalize not getting the surgery however when I think about the health benefits, I know my efforts to get help in my weightloss journey are not in vain. Of course, I still sometimes think that I can do this without help but the fact is, I NEED HELP AND THIS IS THE TOOL TO HELP!!!! Thank you melaniek for sharing your story and remember that you are doing what you need to do to take back your health! To hell with anyone who wants to criticize us for wanting to be healthly. Congratulations and I hope your journey goes well.
  13. FluffyBleu76

    The "weight"ing Game

    The Psychologist emailed me to schedule a time to meet. Now, I am nervous. I have yet to speak with her but I have butterflies every time the phone rings. Beautifulnewme hang in there! Tlaff I have fingers crossed for you! Hopefully all 3 of us will be fit and fabulous this year. Thanks for the support you guys. It is nice to know I am not alone.
  14. FluffyBleu76

    The "weight"ing Game

    OK, it's time for the psych evaluation :-) woo hoo
  15. I have been trying to get help with weight loss for over 10 years now. It seems that I had to develop a serious co-morbid condition for insurance to even consider it (I have a case of severe OSA). I have had orthopedic issues since I was a child and they have worsened with the extra weight. Now that I may be able to get help for my weight, I am nervous about getting approved. I am also nervous about having serious complications with the surgery. I am afraid I will lose my hair, I won't lose weight, I will get some kind of painful infection, I will have to take vitamins for the rest of my life or that I will have this weight condition will never go away. What is life like after VGS?
  16. FluffyBleu76

    Waiting On Insurance To Approve

    LOL... I was actually glad to be diagnosed with OSA! It seems all the orthopedic issues don't make a difference when it comes to insurance approval. I am about 45 to 50 lbs overweight and it has taken it's toll on my ankles. The doc said me getting WSL was a medical necessity so hopefully my insurance agrees.

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