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NEW ME 2012

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NEW ME 2012

  1. NEW ME 2012

    Post-Op Image Distortion.....

    Funny, same here...but as uncomfortable as it is, wear the tighter clothes! People at work and even my trainer have told me to get rid of baggy clothes...they make me look sloppy/dumpy. I did, wearing the tighter clothes and people from the other side of the office that would never have even said hello, now acknowledge and compliment me! The compliments and recognition keeps you motivated and on track! WEAR THE TIGHTER CLOTHES! hugs on the 60 so far!
  2. VSG....the nasea from pain meds made me vomit...otherwise mine was pretty easy: physically...emotionally is another story...but "this too shall pass". Just keep your eyes on the prize! Healthier, Happier and Sexier! :-)
  3. NEW ME 2012

    Before And After Pics

    Lisa...haven't been on in a while, but immediately noticed your profile pic! Wow, what a difference!
  4. NEW ME 2012

    Connecticut Sleevers?

    I'm from Shelton, CT....would love to meet up, walk, whatever
  5. NEW ME 2012


    Try AQUA ZUMBA! It is easy on joints and until you learn the moves, just keeping the heart pumping by moving.....you would be amazed at the awesome FUN workout you get!
  6. NEW ME 2012

    Marathon Walking

    I have been walking alot and thought of walking in Disney too! Can we get a group together? Where are you from?
  7. I am pretty happy with my results thus far...down 47 in 2 months, but even more happy with the little things like no seatbelt extender on the airplane! My wedding rings are do loose falling off! Shopping in the closet, down 4 pant sizes! And the comments are pretty nice too!
  8. Oh? Did I mention I was up to like 5-6 a day? Espressos!
  9. I weened down to one medium Dunkin coffee in the morning and then just cold turkey stopped. The day after my nutritional visit before surgery is when I stopped. Miss the java every day! But it has been 130 days and it is a small price to pay to avoid dehydration!
  10. Sleeved 2/27....would love to chat.
  11. NEW ME 2012

    Does Anyone Have Any Regrets?

    I don't have regrets now 41 days out, but the ugliness of it at first, missing the food and having the family eating while I drank 1oz cups of ensure, was crazy to me, but seeing the results and pushing through the emotional roller coaster, helped get me on track and knowing I did this self pay, for healthier me, a participating parent and a better wife! It gets better...support group is great to know you are not alone! I didn't have any crazy issues or sickness, no vomiting, just head hunger and my mouth missing the food, but I don't! Stick with it! If it was an easy process, everyone would be healthy, right?
  12. I was allowed to eat anything before surgery up to midnight before..no pre-op diet but also not last binging rights either. However, post op, your stomach needs to heal and a minimum of 2 weeks with liquids is needed. So at hospital it was water and at home was ensure and water...3rd week I went to food, but mushy, like cottage cheese or yogurt, then each week after that I was able to try something else, like week four was fish, 5 chicken and now 6 is beef. Don't push the sleeve...stick with liquids as long as you can because if you eat too soon, sleeve will definitely let you know if it likes it or NOT! Good luck! Now it is just the old rule of burn more calories with exercise than you are taking in and you will lose. More exercise=more/faster weight loss but Take it at your own pace! 2lbs a week is good and steady pace!
  13. NEW ME 2012

    1) Gum Chewing And 2) Straws

    No straw, adds air=pain/discomfort! No gum...I thought I needed it too, but stops u from drinking more and swallowing it will kill you! So just don't chew!
  14. NEW ME 2012

    Feel Like I Did Something Wrong

    How far out are you like 3-4 weeks? I had a stall too. Even up a couple pounds. Just stuck to proteins first and keep exercising, it will pass and you will lose again
  15. NEW ME 2012


    Better to stick to protein and veggies for continued weight loss...good carbs are not needed because you are burning your fat and that is what your source of energy at this point!
  16. Read about them, but just hit 3 weeks post op and never experienced until today. I have been pretty up beat and go go go, but tonight after work I cracked and just wanted no one around me and got in bed at 7pm before the kids and left my husband to attend them....anyone experience this?
  17. NEW ME 2012

    Mood Swings?

    Thanks to all...nice to know others have also experienced the same....there is some comfort in that, just hope this passes sooner than later.
  18. NEW ME 2012

    Best Yogurt Ever! 8-)

  19. NEW ME 2012


    Yes, returned to work exactly 1 week from surgery because noone knows..a little tired but always was a go go person, so pushing thru it. 2012 is the year of the new me! Turned 40, one child on to kindergarten, surgery and more vacations where I don't have to ask for seatbelt extender on the airplane!
  20. NEW ME 2012


    By ideas for exercise? Less than 2 weeks out..walking at work and started weight training on Saturdays while kids are in gymnastics! Not cleats for pool yet and I want to get in as much cardio as I can...down 23lbs, want to get 2 more before post op visit with doc! All ideas welcome!
  21. NEW ME 2012


    I am only 5 days out...feeling ok, but need to get the move on and really would like to run a 5k in Disney by October! I have to have a goal to work towards, but feel with stories like this one i can! Merydia710: how are you doing? Where from? Mom of 1? Tell everyone? I, too, am a mom. I have a 3.5 and 5 yr old! Supportive husband, but still scared of what comes after the first couple weeks! I haven't told anyone but my husband and one sister. The judgement and opinions before surgery, were just not what I needed to keep my drive going and now, feel the same. People will judge and not give me credit for my hard work, just hard to keep the secret and when weight drops and people start noticing, what to say?

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