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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Paola

  1. Yes! The 3 weeks I was on Soup I only felt full the first few days because I was swollen.
  2. I was told that that particular yogurt didn't have any sugar added.
  3. I stayed the same weight for few days too, I find that when I drink 60oz of water, plus the water in my meals I the scale always moves even if its .2 lbs.
  4. Since last night at random times I will start feeling like I have something stuck in my throat. I am still on liquids so it isnt food. Anyone else had this feeling? And when does it go away?
  5. Don't worry about it, I went up 13 lbs in the two days I was at the hospital. I felt too crappy to care, by the time I was feeling well enough it was already gone. I get those moments where I think awwww, I could be at a lower weight if it weren't because of those 13 lbs, but I snap out of them fast (sometimes with some help :tongue2: ).
  6. Isn't it weird that I started feeling this two weeks after surgery?
  7. I think the scale is going to drive me crazy. Between surgery and Water retention I went up 13 lbs in the 2 days I was at the hospital, It took me 1 week and a half to get rid of that. I am going down, but I keep comparing myself with other people, isn't that horrible! I wish I wouldn't weigh myself every day, but my dad asks me to weigh myself, or someone asks me how much have you lost already. I feel like I have to lose fast because heavier people tend to lose fast and everyone around me apparently knows it, so everyone expects me to lose fast too! I must say I keep expecting to lose fast too. So I am feeling the pressure from me, and people around me, and I want to go home already! how do you tell your family that these past 6 months have been great, but you want to leave. My grandmother and my dad have been taking care of me from day one, but I really want to go back to Miami; I miss my mom and sisters. Sorry if I am all over the place, but I just need to vent.
  8. You are all right! I am not weighing myself until my doctors appointment. I don't think I will do every once a month because then I would drive mysefl crazy wanting to weigh myself. Once a week, thats what I will do. After my next doctor's appointment I will talk tickets with my father. Sometime I just need a slap in the face to get out of a funk.
  9. I have been giving gardening alot of thought lately, but I don't want to plant flowers, I want to plant vegetables. I am hesitant though, because people around me keep telling me I am obsessed with food, and now I am thinking planting vegetables is gonna make them right. I think I have been told this so many times I am starting to believe it >.<
  10. Paola

    Ticker Help Please...?

    Copy the code that says "url"
  11. Paola

    Its Your Period Dummy!

    I got my period 4 days after surgery and It felt like someone was twisting my ovaries. Pain would shoot from my right ovary to my ladies part. Every time I put weight on my left leg it was horrible. I never had such a bad period. Hopefully this is a one time thing.
  12. I am tripping over my maxi dresses because my behind is smaller so my dresses are longer in the back; so I thought let me get a belt and cinch it at the waist to make them shorter, but my belts are too big! Woohoo!!!

  13. I have been curious since I woke up from surgery, why is there a small incision all the way at the top of my abdomen? like 2 inches below the middle of my breasts. Another thing, does anyone else feels like a pincushion? I have 6 incisions, without counting the drain. The good thing about them is that the biggest one is an inch long, all the other ones are much smaller.
  14. I bruise easily, so I have bruises around all my incisions. The biggest bruise is all around my belly button, I have an incision in my belly button and right next to it.
  15. My drain was almost all out before they told me anything, I just felt a slight suction kinda feeling. It was kinda funny because by the time the nurse said its not gonna hurt it was almost out already.
  16. I started feeling human again on my 8th day, that was when I started my Vitamins and b12. My first 3 weeks are liquids, first diluted with Water, then without diluting and now blended. I remember it used to take me 1 hour to drink 4 oz of diluted juice. The first few days you think you will never laugh again, but the day will come! This is all for a healthier you =)
  17. Paola

    I'm Making Progress Pics

    You are looking awesome! :biggrin2:
  18. I have had my sleeve for little over a week, and the person who started the process for me was my dad. My dad, is also a little overweight, but not much. He works out like mad so he can eat and drink alot, thats the system he has been using for some time now. I don't think thats a healthy lifestyle but I expect he knows that already. Ever since I started this journey my dad has been telling me that I talk about food too much, that I need to not only operate on my stomach but my head too. He does not understand that to me talking about food does not make me want to go out and binge or cheat because I am committed. Sure in the past I have gone on diets and then stopped and gained it all back, but this is different, I went through surgery knowing that I could have died, so I am 100% committed to this sleeve. It is hard not to talk about food here because that is all people in this house talk about anyways; every Sunday there is a big family dinner and they are not done clearing the table when they are talking about what they will cook next week. That been said, I have been here since July 27, 2011 and I have remained true to my commitment. Why am I going on and on? Because today my dad told me the I would fail the sleeve because according to him all I do is watch cooking shows. Two days ago I was his hero because of the way I have committed myself to lose weight and surgery and now I am going to fail. I know I am not going to fail, and maybe he didn't mean to make me feel bad, but its so hard to not feel hurt. Moments like this make me just want to go home so bad. Despite what anyone says, I know I will succeed, I have complete faith in Jesus, and this sleeve. So I am going to shake this hurt off, and go drink my broth, cause I have Water to drink and pounds to shed!
  19. Paola

    Craving Pizza?

    That all sounded really yummy
  20. I see this as a tool, and like any other tool if we dont use it, it won't work. We have this awesome tool that will help us feel full faster so we won't overeat. That been said, this tool is only one piece of the puzzle, we also have to exercise and choose the right foods for this to succeed.
  21. I believe God will never turn his favor away from us, he loves us too much. Throughout this whole process I always knew he was with me, as he is with you. When the day comes for surgery don't think its only doctors operating on you, God is surely going to be in that room guiding the hands of the surgeon, and the nurses. Whenever I am feeling some doubt about something I say this to myself "I am BLESSSED and HIGHLY favored''. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Hebrews 13:5
  22. So tomorrow I am going to be 2 weeks post-op, and it is also my BIRTHDAY!!! Woohoo! I am allowed sugar free ice-cream so I will try that, obviously no cake for me. I think I will stick a candle in my ice-cream. I am also having my second post-op appointment, can't wait to get on that scale. I know my doctor will be amazed cause I looked terrible last week. So what do you normally do for your birthday?
  23. Thank you! That was really awesome! =)

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