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Posts posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. sorry you have had to endure such a trying time

    that being said....being upset/frustrated wont solve the issue at hand.

    YOU....you have lost weight before and you WILL do it again.

    remember how?

    the band basics?

    eating your Protein first, your veggies, some fruit

    (your band allotment should be about a cup or cup and a half)

    and just because we can eat a whole pizza doesnt mean we should :)

    start right now

    get rid of the boxed items..not good for you

    think fresh, think clean....drink often (to help fight head hunger and keep you hydrated)

    and the most important thing.....MOVEMENT

    walk.....even if you just go a half a block..its something

    pick yourself up...

    right now

    whats done is done

    the last 3 years are never to return..or get back

    but you can change your future.

  2. great loss so far..but the pre op is not really about losing (weight)

    its more to get the body ready for surgery..larger BMI people can lose more

    and sometimes some people hardly lose anything...its basically liquids...and it happens

    fast and also on the post op.....and then when people start to eat again (slowly) because

    one is just in drinking their food, they can gain or (even not lose anymore) and then they

    start the whats wrong stuff.......AND that is where you need to realize, inches lost mean actual weight..

    measure yourself now.......and then again a couple weeks post op.....use that guide as a sign..

    all the best.

  3. Spent the day in emerg yesterday. Pain still under my left rib cage. All tests said I was good except there is still some Fluid in my abscess but not enough to worry about..Okay we will see!

    That is not what got me. The attending physician asked me if I had Bariatric surgery. I said yes and he said so this abscess has been here a while then. I said yes.

    Then he looked me up and down and asked when I had the surgery. I said almost 2 years ago...Hardly got the words out when he said, 'how much did you lose?' I said 211 lbs.

    He replied, 'ummm not bad I guess.' in a drone voice....

    What the H*ll! I was gob smacked. I did not expect him to do a dance of joy but it would have been nice if he had at least said how do you feel about that. Or are you happy you have lost that much. What would have been the magic number to get him to say terrific... What a idiot!


    a beautiful woman inside and OUT ♥

  4. went home from work, waited on the ole man to get home....once he did

    we got kabo the doberman and off we went for our walk....granted it wasnt 5 miles or 3 miles

    but it was a mile...and i enjoyed every step..every step makes me stronger mentally and physically..

    every step helps...just step forward...not backwards..

  5. I have had two concerns or questions over the past 3 weeks and while a whole lit of people view or read my concern, no one is willing to answer or reply to mt post. Am I posting my concerns in the wrong place. I thought this forum was full of veterans who have been through all this and succeeded!! Should I just ask another forum? Bc I'm getting nothing on here.

    what type of questions?

    i am sorry you did not get the answers

    and devint is also offering great advice

  6. So I started my diet 3 days before the doc told me to, and have been sticking to it... until Saturday when we were cabin camping and I had a burger with a slice of cheese and ketchup. I also had 5 pieces of Halloween candy, and probably 2 servings of Doritos.

    Yeterday, I was back to my good habits. My date is Halloween. Did I blow it?

    prob not but its over and done w/now

    you are stronger thank you know or give yourself credit for

    best to do the best you can up and until then

    (maybe even let your doctor know)

    the pre op is to help your liver get smaller to give better

    access to your surgeon...its not to be a diet..its for a reason.

    ps, cheating after surgery could harm your insides so for

    best results, follow your doctors advice...because if you dont

    you only are cheating yourself....and we've all cheated on our

    diets havent we??

  7. if you are able to walk.......that is a NSV

    if you can wipe your ass.....that is a NSV

    if you can put your own socks on.....that is a NSV

    if you can sit on a chair or bed no longer fearing it breaking...that is a NSV

    these are some of my personal NSV's after i had WLS

    i did not care what the scale said (still dont as i go by losing inches/clothes getting bigger on me)

    i did not care if i ever got to be a size 2

    i wanted to be able to do those things

    merely WALKING without fear of passing out due to heavy breathing

    merely sitting down somewhere not being scared the chair would break

    (like in the movie shallow hal)

    trust me, those NSV mean a lot MORE than a stupid ass number on a scale

    when you go from wearing a TIGHT size stretch 30 to a snug 12/14 ......you understand

    when inches lost means losing TRUE weight...

    only lost a pound?

    how about being able to live comfortably

    its about health

    not about being skinny or a size...

  8. if you are able to walk.......that is a NSV

    if you can wipe your ass.....that is a NSV

    if you can put your own socks on.....that is a NSV

    if you can sit on a chair or bed no longer fearing it breaking...that is a NSV

    these are some of my personal NSV's after i had WLS

    i did not care what the scale said (still dont as i go by losing inches/clothes getting bigger on me)

    i did not care if i ever got to be a size 2

    i wanted to be able to do those things

    merely WALKING without fear of passing out due to heavy breathing

    merely sitting down somewhere not being scared the chair would break

    (like in the movie shallow hal)

    trust me, those NSV mean a lot MORE than a stupid ass number on a scale

    when you go from wearing a TIGHT size stretch 30 to a snug 12/14 ......you understand

    when inches lost means losing TRUE weight...

  9. hey sharpie

    we call chick/dumplings (chicken pastry) where we are from :)

    and although i dont like the pastry part, i so love the chicken/brothy part

    those all sound great. I love pumpkin and like the idea of low cal /sugar free treats. now if I could find a way to make chicken n dumplings low cal I would be happy...lol

  10. alex i cleaned my plate because i wanted too

    and went back for 3rds, 4ths until it was all gone..GLUTTON

    that is the truth...now my WLS wont allow me to do that

    so now since i cant do that (clean a plate eat a lot (which is what i did)

    you dont get up to a BMI of 62 by eating a small side salad btw

    i make sure i eat good things for me (lean Proteins, veggies/fruit)...i do not deprive

    but let my WLS of choice say when i am done...(*it tells you if you listen*)

    great post my friend

  11. always best to call and tell dr what is happening ALWAYS

    i had #2 big time after surgery (and before) liquids in means liquids out

    if dr gives ok, see if you use immodum AD and also try a probiotic as that helps the digestive track

    i open the capsule and put in my Protein drink every morning

    make sure you are drinking/sipping (use SF popsicles to help)

    drinking too much too fast can make you feel sick.go slow and use the anti nausea tabs they gave

    you to help ..this was major surgery, its going to hurt but each day you will get better

    hang in there

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