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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. i suggest to the my fellow bandies and anyone with WLS

    to eat a bit of everything...eat slow and enjoy and DONT stress over it

    we are not on a DIET

    we are merely eating

    and we need to eat to LIVE

    that does not mean we have to clean out the mashed potato bowl

    and if you go overboard a bit, its OK...the world will continue to spin...GUARANTEE IT

    one (over indulgence) will not make you gain a zillion pounds

    one (meal of lettuce) will not make you at goal tomorrow

    its day in and day out eating

    3500 calories ate/drank is a pound

    so this thanksgiving or christmas


    let your WLS and your common sense say when (stop signals)

  2. On this day last year I was at the hospital for my lap-band procedure. I knew it was a big decision, but at the time I really had no idea what the impact would be on my life as a whole. There have been so many positive outcomes. The weight loss is great, of course, and that was my main goal in getting the surgery, but it turns out that even more important than that is a powerful sense of returning to myself. Choosing weight loss surgery enabled me to show up for myself and my life in ways I didn't anticipate. I would have said that I was happy enough before, fulfilled, etc., but the contrast to how I feel now tells me that I had no idea what I was missing. Having my appetite dimmed has allowed me to escape from dieter's prison. All that brain chatter about food is gone and what a relief it is not to be beating myself up. The on/off mentality was really doing a number on me, and I am tremendously grateful to be out from under that spell.

    I am not perfect and I don't need to be. The band does it's job and mostly I do mine. I choose not to count calories because that puts me back into dieter's mentality and that's not a good place for me. I still really enjoy food preparation and eating, but my portions are so much smaller than before. My "rules" for myself (and we are all different) are to eat when I'm hungry and not eat if I'm not hungry. The first one took some work. I didn't even know what hunger was because I was always tamping down every feeling that came along with some form of food. It was a process for me to learn to listen to my body's signals and respond appropriately. Generally I am not hungry until mid-morning or so, and now I welcome that feeling. It turns out that hunger isn't my enemy after all. And my body isn't either. For a number of years I felt that my body had betrayed me. No matter how hard I worked, I could not seem to get in sync for weight loss and health. The band somehow buckled me back together with my body and that sense of wholeness is very welcome.

    Here are pictures taken a year apart. I have gone from a size 18 to a size 10 in the very same brand of blue jeans (Lee Long) and I am down from the 2X and 1X tops into larges and mediums. I know that I could have lost more weight in this year, but I am committed to a healthy process and this big chunk off in one year is about all I can handle in terms of the compliments I'm receiving everywhere I go. My goal now is to work on the next twenty pounds and see what that feels like when I get there. I'm not in a big hurry because my main focus is on exercise and toning. I am building muscle -- having a strong, capable body feels wonderful and I am doing what I can to take care of it.

    Thank you for your camaraderie, your humor, compassion and support. It's been wonderful to be part of an on-line community, something I had never experienced before, and I am very grateful for my weight loss friends. Here's to us -- we are doing it!


    what can i say that the others who posted before me havent said

    i am so proud of you bandie ♥

    you are def an inspiration to us all on this fourm

    well done

  3. you (are) doing it on your own

    the band is just a plastic necklace around your stomach

    that will help you eat less (period).

    YOU are the one who is eating better/choosing better foods for you

    YOU are the one exercising

    YOU are the one who is staying hydrated to live

    hm....seems like YOU are doing the work..

    sometimes no comment speaks volumes.


    say thank you, i am doing well arent i??

  4. stay the course.......continue what you are doing and it will happen......

    whether you like it or not, the first month or two or (three) if you are newly banded or any WLS... you are healing...you are swollen, your not hungry and then you get hungry, trust me the hunger will return...(head hunger is real btw)

    NOW is the time to get your mind into the game...if you are struggling now, what will you do when the scale/weight loss does slow down for real.......this is where you need to measure your (true and actual weight loss in inches aka clothes getting too big or you need to buy smaller ones...that is a GREAT feeling)..

    ps: not eating/starving yourself doesnt work..diets dont work...so dont diet...eating good food in your band allotted amounts and beginning some sort of exercise/movement does work.., promise


  5. you are losing *inches*……aka current clothes getting bigger on you or having to buy smaller clothes, then you ARE losing regardless of what a stupid scale says or does not say

    keep doing what you are doing

    eating, drinking, moving/exercising

    as its working..

    sounds like you are doing great

  6. its nice to have family/friends support

    but i feel the support we need comes from within

    my family and friends wont make me eat or make better food choices

    my family and friends wont make me walk when i know i need to/or should

    my family and friends wont make me...

    it is ME

    it is YOU

    you do this for you

    everyone has opinions on any WLS

    good and bad..its life...

    most the ones (family/friends) have no idea what it involves and only know what they read or hear

    on the web or wherever else....

    hang in there

    dig down deep, look in the mirror and tell anyone who asks why, how come

    that you are going to be and get healthy with whatever WLS you get. and then do it.

  7. its up to your doctor and YOU and what they feel would work best for you.

    all WLS can help and aid a person's health...i was starting at a BMI of 62. I was as wide as i am tall.

    the doctor pushed me for the bypass and was shocked i chose the lap band.i made it work. i had too.

    i couldnt wipe my ass.

    i suggest you read and learn all about all WLS

    write down questions/concerns and ask your doctor.

    remember, having WLS will help but YOU have to help yourself also.

    all the best

  8. I have an appt at 2 today

    Just wondering what they do after second slip

    if it is a slip, the dr will know and then advise you on what to do next...

    dont rush ahead until you know..no need to get yourself all worked up.

    just hang in there and try to be positive until you know what is going on.

    i know its hard but getting worked up is not a good thing :)

  9. not sure

    but sometimes when people lose vast amounts of weight, sometimes the gall bladder is removed.

    that is what happened to me years ago during one of my yo yo dieting up and downs

    and i understand the controlling weight part

    the only thing i can offer is 3500 calories is a pound ate or drank

    and if one takes in more calories than they burn off, they will not lose and can gain

    its how i got super morbid obese.

    make better food choices

    no processed/boxed/fast food items (loaded with salt/grease) you know the good stuff :)

    and def leave soda and high cal beverages out..

    its hard i know

    we've been there

    go to your doctor

    get that pain issue took care of

    and then make that change to get yourself well

    eating, exercising and living.

    wishing you the best.

  10. my port was sore/tender for about 35 days

    like b52 stated, it is sewn onto you *and* i feel scar tissue forms

    and if you move this way or that way, it can smart

    if it doesnt feel better or gets warm to the touch, DEF call your doctor

    or you can call and let them know and get some relief from them today

    just remember what @@Debbie3sons mentioned, watch for you stop signals

    and just because we can eat more then we can early on (we all have done it) doesnt

    mean we should...fills can help you eat less but its up to us on what we do eat

    that is better for us.

    hang in there okay :)

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