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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. hub just called me a GMILF .....is that kewl or what

    1. Jim1967


      I had to look it up as well. LOL.

    2. catfish87


      :) That's a nice way to start a day!
    3. Debbie3sons


      I knew he wasn't keeping his hands off lol and why would you want him to , as he is reuniting with his old girlfriend he met and got married to .


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  2. my to to list: eat good food, do my step aerobics class at 5 today and know each day i am this much closer to goal...

  3. listen to your dr, use common sense, eat better foods, exercise AND .let the band work and see what happens

    1. ADJL


      What do you know...it works! ;)

  4. are we adults here or what?

    1. ☠carolinagirl☠


      that stupid know it thread that was started......utter nonsense... it is not needed on this forum.....it suppose to help.....not bash.....

    2. KAATNS


      Oh that...I was just reading it. Good golly... :(

    3. ☠carolinagirl☠


      no wonder WLS as a bad name.....like we eat our own

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  5. i am really about ready to leave this forum...i cant find anything or anyone......

  6. no one wls is better than the other a lot is based on the patient.. if you eat more calories than your burn off (counting them or not) you will gain sleeve, band or bypass....

    1. Terry Poperszky

      Terry Poperszky

      The one that you will work, is the best one for you.

  7. “The problem is not the problem. The Problem is your attitude about the problem.”

  8. A big thank you to all our military...past and present and future...What you do for me and our country, there just are no words that express my thanks.. **A special thank you to my hub for his 25 yrs of service with the Air Force and my son who is proudly serving with the Air Force right now**

  9. miss the old LBT a lot...

    1. ☠carolinagirl☠


      i cant see (my friends) and if they are on line.....and cant find sh**..how are you GF??

    2. KAATNS


      I'm still trying to figure it all out. Can't find sh** either. :( Happy Sunday pretty lady.

    3. ☠carolinagirl☠


      back at you.just hope this upcoming week is better for me......and hope you have a great one

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  10. instead of worrying what you are doing wrong...how about focusing on what you are doing right....

  11. No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change ~Bill Phillips

  12. game opener for unc tonight...i am so excited....

  13. sorry, only friends can view my blogs now

    1. Debbie3sons


      That's fine I will just add you or you can add me , also my booty and side shot pic is up in the gallery somewhere or you can click on my pics & find out I posted one with my shirt tucked in and you can see my awful belly or what you call the apron lol.

    2. Terry Poperszky

      Terry Poperszky

      One more benefit to being your friend. Getting to read your blogs

    3. ☠carolinagirl☠


      T.........now that i switched my themes, i can change that option...didnt want sleeve/bypass people reading my band/plication life

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  14. Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.” ― Marilyn Monroe

  15. you only slip back to old habits if you choose to..so dont... you know what to do, so do it.

  16. It’s okay if you mess up. It’s okay if you should have started 5 years ago instead of 5 days ago. It’s okay if you plateau or get discouraged. Never forget why you started this journey. For you to lose weight and get healthier...

  17. Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now.

  18. happy 29th anniversary to me and my hub...went and got flu shot (ouch) and weigh in for me..lost 5 pounds..total 145 pounds lost/no fills/17 months post op

  19. i LOVE american horror's new season "coven"

  20. fought inner demons who said why bother ..but my want power kicked their a**ss to the curb.....

  21. instead of asking what are you doing wrong, ask yourself what are you doing right?

  22. do anything....anything is better than nothing.

  23. I have a goal size, not a goal weight.

  24. you know its a good day when you weigh less than the biggest pumpkin contest winning pumpkin :)

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