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Everything posted by dee257

  1. dee257

    A New Day

    Good Morning girls.... Im going to keep this some what short...ecause every time i post it just poofs on me layely.....and i just did a lot of likes and i dont see my name there......dang computers.... I have a appt this morning with surgen....im going to ask for a lil fill I think...hubbt says NOOOOOO but....i have been hungry...or at least i think i am...and my weakness is pretzles...and every night i have been eatting a sm bag of them.... Carole glad your getting some good sleep.... Janet so glad you get to spend so much time with your grandkids... Nicolle hows the fit bit working.... and all of you girls.....hugs
  2. dee257

    A New Day

    Happy Birthday Nicole !!!! And wooo hooo getting a fit bit !!! What kind did you get the zip....? and what coor did you get....im sure you will rock it
  3. dee257

    A New Day

    Bummer....again this morning i posted and I dont see it here.... This computer gets on my nurves... Yesterday was a fun filled day here...I still have my grandson he is 4...and Jakie had a friend spend the day/night over....we all went to VBS and it was such fun for all the kids...CJ loved the music and the boys like the snacks and games...lol I sat over night for the man that was a farmer for 59 yrs....so interesting listening to his storys....even when his mind wanders...its still at the farm... Carole I agree the house chores are always going to be there for now...Id grab a walk and enjoy your new serroundings...and God beauty ! Terri and Dawn Im so happy your scales are moving and in the right direction !!! Janet...Cawanna..Mini....who am I missing..OOoo gosh Diane... love you all....OOO I will get a pic in my new sundresses...yep hubby got me another one...he loves buying me things he always knew I wished I could wear.... .........................hugs all
  4. dee257

    A New Day

    Short version....had a awsome weekend so far....Hubby had to work but boys and i always manage to stay busy and out so Dad can sleep.... We did tard saling yesterday...I ran across a quilting loom...and i was going to get it it for one of you girls..but didnt know if any one needed it... Sat and enjoyed a parade and live band last night.... went through a box of Angrey Bird ban aids already with scooter s and bike accidents ! ~hugs~...hoping Monday things calm down some.....hugs
  5. dee257

    A New Day

    well crap i just typed out a LONG post and POOF its gone !!!
  6. dee257

    A New Day

    hello girls...thank you all for your concerns for my Lillie Girl.... the kids are taking it better then mom is.... Carole i read about your reflex...my surgen told me no matter what i did if i ever start getting that to get my butt in asap.....please think about calling your dr.... Terrie and Jamet...WOW your both so crafty !!!! Dawn...Michelle...Nicole...hope your all doing well.....I read bits and pieces...Oh Diane ...thinking of you also.....hope all is well..... We just got home from a baseball picnic and out of depression I te a few things I knew better....but im good....hugs~ to all......and good news CJ is over the hump !
  7. dee257

    A New Day

    Hello girls... Im here some what...lifes been hard... We lost our yellow lab this weekend.... my heart is brokin and i find myself crying at the drop of a dime..... Hope your all doing good....sorry I dont even have the energu to read the thread......hugs all
  8. dee257

    A New Day

    hello girls.. been really busy here today...up noye CJ is doing better....seems to come and go.... I got half the front lawn mowed....befor my sister dropped by with a really cute sundress she bought me !!! Hubby and Kaleb are aay at the local animal sale...lord only knows what they will return with... The computer sage......to much to get into....right now but he called 2 times last night and is to have my money back to me next friday...or I will go to police....I sorta feel bad for him.....i think he spent the money and has no way of getting it back..... I start taking care of a new Man tonight....wish me luck ....I will catch up wit all I missed tomarrow....
  9. dee257

    A New Day

    First day of having kids home....abd had to get Jakie up for a bus ride ...he is going with a friend to see a live showing of NOAH...I hear so many good things about it....Im excited for him Poor CJ is starting his vacation sick...breathing treatment every 4 hrs...and vest therapy 3 times a day.... The rest are all sleeping still... Carole please let us know how Sushi is doing today !!!
  10. dee257

    A New Day

    Good for you Mini.... We went Saturday to the amusment park and I know what you mean about how wonderful it felt...I acually got into these lil boats that paddled on the river...I can remember how many times I stoof there longing i could get on one....well I did and I loved it .... So glad you had a awsome day !!!
  11. dee257

    A New Day

    Welcome home Terri... So sorry about your fitbit sagas...LOL I was sad saturday when we went t the park and I walked 4 hrs and forgot fitbit at home... Dawn Im not sure the fitbit tracks biking...but it sure helps motivate... Carole I am so happy to hear Sushie is doing better.... I have thought about all of you many times today.... Then tonight we all sat and watched HATCHI a tale about a dog....OMG with a box of kleenx.... I had to go pick CJ up again today...he is coughin lots but were on top of it I think !
  12. dee257

    Summer Challenge-June!

    Stayed the same at 137....very happy with that ...We had a wild food dilled weekend !
  13. dee257

    A New Day

    hello Girls.... LAST DAY OF SCHOOL !!! We made it...well sorta....Kaleb nd Isaiah are home sick....CJ had a horrable day yesterday but was full of piss and giggles his nurses words not mommies.....but he is at school now and nurse has called to tell me he is going down hill fast...im giving him a lil time to say good byes and im off to pick him up early... Janet so wonderful to hear about your friends recovery !!!! God is GOOD !!! and OMGOODNESS I think your heart is WAY bigger then your butt ever was silly lady !!! Terri...how are you doing...I may have missed your post I read back as far as I could....sorry but I wanted to see how Carole was doing today so I skimmed ahead... Mini ...our day at the park was great !!! kids being older makes like in some ways so much easyier....we can let them go off in groups and meet up at designated places and times.... I bought some of them indivedual pulled pork lil things....and pre cooked chix strips....trying to stay on task.... Cawanna....OOOo so lucky to get to go see Tim He is one I swoon over....I think him and Faith are going to have one of them marrages that all Hollywood envy...I love them...and wooo Hooo smaller clothes thats awsome .. Dawn our own Beer Distributer now are you !?!?!? to funny Im so proud of you riding that bike and doing yard work....your doing it....im so happy you trusted us and that its helping you.....hope we all can be brave like you when we need a kick in the butt....thank you hun... Diane how are you doing....Lord knows you and Carole have had your share of lifes struggles......we are always here for you hun....do I have you on myfotnesspal....if not please add me....getfitnowdee.... For any of you who do or dont use MFP ....when I go to my nut..she logs into my account and really gets a good pic of my eatting pros and cons....i find the accountablily to her helpful
  14. dee257

    A New Day

    Oh Carole...my eyes are filled with tears ...knowing what all you are facing today with Your precious Sushie....13 yrs is a long time and Im sure full of fun loving memories.....but wow 40 yrs of memories also with your husband Jack today...thats awsome.....Please know my thoughts are with you and Jack today....glad you got acetoface time with Seth....Im sure that was soothing some....God Love You
  15. dee257

    A New Day

    Janet I was reading some on Paulas FB this morning about your friend...omgoodness how sad and scarie for this family Im sending prayers their way also....Please God watch over all my friends and their friends...keep Caroles sushie in your hands and Janets friend and her family in your healing hands today
  16. dee257

    A New Day

    hugs morning Girls... WOW what a fun filled day we had yesterday !!! Charlie and I took all the boys and a xtra one to a amusment park .... Where my hubby works they treat all emplyess and their familys to a day at the friendlyess amusment park..so we had a free dinner..then kids got to ride rides all day....swim...use the slides and eat all day for free !!! Cj loved the music they had through out the park....I forgot my fitbit yesterday but its ok I walked all day ...but I did eat lots I shouldnt of...but it was one day and Im back on track today !!! Carole Im so very sorry to read about your shushi...what a cute name ...how old is Sushie....I said a prayer as soon as I read..... Dawn sounds like you got your head back in the game !!! proud of you !!! Mini your lil prep meal with the cream cheese and chic/spinach sounds sooooo yummy I may mke that also...thank you ! Cawanna floating in a pool...now thats what i wanna do today...but aint happening here.....its cold ! Janet what did you say your plans for today were...oh yea..NOTHING well I just bet you find something to do.....im tip toeing between sleeping boys still....lol Terri every time I see your new pic i smile...your really looking healthy...WTG
  17. put a bathing suit on today and first time in my life that i can remember and i didnt cry looking in the mirror ...

  18. dee257

    A New Day

    Min the american thing your takng your boys to you is that That huge mall have heard about......think of the walking you can get in there .... Terri glad the storm is passing and no stucks !!! Tonight my sister is havng a pool party at the YMCA for her daughter....im excited to go cuz CJ just loves the water...and I love holding him in the Water he is so light in there...LOL....maybe will get a few pics and post....tomarrow morning were off to my hubbys work picnic at a amusment park !!!
  19. dee257

    95 lbs lost in 10 months

    beautful....and very smart !
  20. dee257

    A New Day

    Im sorta in a hurry to get kids up for school...but read all here and Cawanna how wonderful you took the time and the moment to thank some one from your past that had a wonderful influance on you....not many ppl stop for them moments.....Im sure if you got teary eyed....the lady you talked to did also.... Terri....you must be tight !!! with worry and stress....Id be too....please take care....keep us posted.... Janet....we have to stop this bra stuff...i giggled this morning as i put my bra on thinking of you....lolol....but if any of you need a new bra and have never gotten a fitting.....really take Dianes advice and get a fitting....what a differance... Dawn.....a new day...you got this...and if you slip up alil...well....start over !!!!
  21. That ia a awsome start...keep the great work up !
  22. the sagging skin will vary for each of us.....I know exersizing and lots of water will help.....I have a good amout around my bellie...but I can hide it by what I wear.....sure looks better then trying to hide fat !!!
  23. dee257


    wow you look beautiful !
  24. dee257

    A New Day

    Cawanna....thinking of you and hoping your interview went well......come tell us all about it......were waiting !!!
  25. dee257

    A New Day

    Mini...our right on in all you said......and I can really see a figure in your pics !!! Janet...I got tears reading you had a cancer scare....God sure has blessed us with some wonderful friends.... Carole...I have said it befor and will say it again I love how you put things into prespective and into words.....Jacks a lucky man .... Terri thank you sweetie for the B D card...... Diane...hugs how are you doing with your full plate....hope your having a easy day....know im thinking of you...

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