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Everything posted by Sojourner

  1. Sojourner

    February Bandsters?

    Nice to read that you received your approval so fast! Good luck with everything!
  2. Sojourner

    February Bandsters?

    You can make arrangements with the airline to transport both you and your husband through the terminal...going both ways. Ask them online or when you check in at the airport. Wishing you all best wishes and luck...sending positive energy and prayers your way!
  3. Sojourner

    February Bandsters?

    My pre-op appointment is in the morning...I reached my weight goal, at least I did if my scale does not differ more than 9 lbs from the doctor's. Asthma has still not resolved...I really hope it will not cause yet another delay. Fingers crossed...I have waited an extra 11 months for this appointment!
  4. Sojourner

    February Bandsters?

    Sounds like you're off to a fantastic start...I am encouraged that you have made good progress post-op. I have concerns about that, and how quickly I will be able to return to exercising. Keep up the great start!
  5. Sojourner

    February Bandsters?

    Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way...happy for you!!
  6. Sojourner

    February Bandsters?

    Being nervous about the surgery is very normal, especially if you have never had a procedure. For you to get this far in your journey towards a slimmer and healthier you, you must have given considerable thought to your decision. Don't loose focus on the reasons you are doing this for yourself! Though I have not done any of the cooking while on my liquid diet, I am present in the room when my husband (still a 34" waist at age 60) happily enjoys his pizza, or other forbidden foods. I have become adjusted to distracting myself with my reading or other projects, and reasoning my way through any thoughts I may have to not continue compliance with my liquid diet (now on day 5). I keep my eye on my prize of improved health and mobility. I place food in a healther perspective; that it is to give us energy to live, and not that I live to eat. Someone I spoke to last year left a lasting impression on me; she was about six months out from her banding. And she shared her thoughts about revising thinking towards food. She asked me if the relatively few minutes a day spent eating anything you wanted were more important than a life full of improved health and all the benefits that came with the band and loosing weight. That clarified my goals for me, and there has been no more looking back! I hope my words of encouragement help you...I am scheduled to be banded on 2/24. I would enjoy hearing back how you are doing with your progress. Good Luck...remember you can do this if you want to!
  7. Sojourner

    Newbie Not Doing Well!

    Your doctor seems unsually insensitive to patients...everyone is a unique individual, and should never be compared to others. That's PSY101...very basic. I hope you don't take the doctor's remarks and hold onto them, if you do than you will be adding emotional "baggage" which no one needs at this time of adjustment. Focus yourself on your progress to date. Identify realistic goals for every day, and do your best to achieve them. Don't be hard on yourself, just keep your focus on the reasons you chose this procedure. Though I have not had the surgery, delayed due to multiple medical issues, a year after the surgery was able to be scheduled, I am still focused on why I am on this path. I hope sincerely you will not continue to question your choice...that could interfere with your goals and success. Good luck...and remember to take a day at a time.
  8. Sojourner

    February Bandsters?

    Day 4 of the pre-op liquid diet, and today I felt like I had no energy to do anything. I didn't even walk for exercise, quite unusual for me. I hope that this is just another adjustment to the lower carbs in the diet...the brain does need some glucose to operate...
  9. Sojourner

    Pre Op Appointment Done!

    So great to read of your positive experience with your pre-op appointment! I am right behind you on Wednesday of this week...I also would really be happy if I was able to leave the hospital the same day! Keep up your progress!
  10. Sojourner

    February Bandsters?

    I just completed Day 3 of my liquid pre-op diet...every day seems to be a bit better and easier than the day before. One of the items on my diet is Benefiber 3X a day, dissolved in a clear liquid. Does anyone know if there is a specific reason that it must be used with a clear liquid only? It would be so much better if I could just pour it into one of my protein shakes. Pre-op appointment is 2/15, and my scale died over the weekend, so I have no clue how much variation there is in readings between my new scale and the one at the surgeon's office. I hope I am still in the "zone" of under 225 by then...otherwise yet another delay. Good luck to everyone!
  11. I also had very conflicted feelings about having this surgery. I have been unhappy with my weight for 10 years, but what pushed me into action was the discovery I had just crossed the A1C reading for Type II diabetes. Then I encountered several lenghty delays caused by medical issues, and I wondered if this was a sign that having the lap band surgery was not a good choice. Then, last summer I met a woman, actually one of the merchandisers at the local women's show, who had her band for just over 6 months. She said something which "stuck" with me...she asked me what was more important, my health and well being, and having some restrictions on what I could eat during a few minutes a day (during meals), or having the unlimited food choices and not changing to a healthier life style. My "decision scale" had only two sides: health or diabetes(I knew I would never be a compliant diabetic). That question and answer made it a "no brainer" for me. Keep your eye on the prize of health and weight loss! Good luck!
  12. Today was day 1 of my liquid diet...GNC Protein powder shakes, Benefiber, skim milk, 1 cup raw veggies, plus 100 oz of "free fluid" every day! I have not gotten hungry or thirsty at all today, and I have fallen short of my protein supplement intake requirements. I have a very difficult time forcing myself to drink when I am neither hungry or thirsty. Did anyone else have that problem? Any suggestions on how to get all of the nutrition I need? I would love to read if anyone else had this problem, and if so what they did to manage and cope with it! Thanks in advance...
  13. Sojourner

    February Bandsters?

    I hope you will continue to feel better...I found that what helped me to feel better after prior abdominal surgery was to walk very short distances often. Keep your eye on the prize...
  14. Sojourner

    New Member To The Forum!

    Ali, What an inspiration you are! Enjoyed reading about your journey...and you've done so well! I am still very new here, and really don't even know how to navigate too well though the forum. I agree that there are so many success stories here, and good advice to overcome the "bumps in the road" that your doctor may not have told you about. Hope I can follow your progress...geed luck!
  15. Sojourner

    Ghosting No More

    Livivia...you have come so far already to meet your goals...regain your focus and you will be amazed what you will accomplish! I have a friend from high school who had bariatric surgery more than 8 years ago, and she also feels that she needs to get back on track. While I am completing my liquid diet prior to surgery, she will be doing the same with Protein shakes for the same 2 weeks. Though miles seperate us, we will keep in communication with each other. I know her emotional support will help me alot! Good luck with continuing on your journey...Please stay in touch so we can all share your progress and success with you!
  16. I have been "ghosting" on this forum for over a year, and just recently became a member. I am finally scheduled to attend my pre-op appointment on 2/15, with banding date of 2/24! My journey to this point was beset by unanticipated life events which created delays. If there had not been any serious medical issues, I would have been banded in April, 2011. In October 2010 I began the insurance required mandatory 6 month supervised diet with my primary care physician. On 12/31/2010 during a routine colonoscopy a benign (thank Heaven) tumor was discovered in my colon, which needed to be removed. I was advised that my banding might have to be delayed, as you have to recover for 3 months before any additional procedure will be approved. Within 2 weeks of the discovery of my tumor, my husband received a cancer diagnosis, requiring surgery. He required a 4 month healing post biopsy before his surgery, so my colon surgery had to be delayed to assist my husband with his recovery. My colon surgery was finally scheduled for the last week of April, 2011. On April 6, 2011 I was hit broadside by a drunk driver who ran a red light, and left seriously injured with multiple fractures, forcing the cancelation of the colon surgery. I was finally able to complete the colon surgery last July, and there were complications, and another delay in the banding. Finally, in November 2011, the colon surgeon released me to be able to move forward with the lap band. My pcp wrote his letter to the insurance company the same month, and surgery was approved with the first letter! I began the Phase I diet later than I should have, but it was the holiday season, my son was moving to Germany as a medical officer for the military, and there was a family cruise scheduled for the first week in January. I was frantic when I was notified by the surgeon's office that I would need to weigh under 227 at the pre-op appointment; I had gained 5 lbs! I have spent the last 3 weeks diligently following the Phase I diet. I am thankful that my fractures have healed to the point allowing me to walk for exercise again. Yesterday, I finally was 219, and hope that I will be down another pound by next week, giving me a few pounds leeway in the event that my scale differs from the one at the doctor's office. During my unplanned 7 month long rehabilitation, one of the ways I stayed motivated to continue on the journey towards the lap band surgery was to read about all of the success stories posted on this forum...I am both happy and a bit aprehensive about the procedure. I view my banding as an opportunity to regain some of the health which has deteriorated with my excess weight. I hope that I will not become a Type II diabetic, as my A1C was eelevated to 6.8 at one time, and maybe my blood pressure and arthritis will be better controlled. So, that is my journey to this point. I guess sheer will and determination, along with this forum have kept me focused on the "prize" of feeling and looking better. I hope that I will be able to assist others as you have assisted me! I do have a QUESTION! How do you create your "time line" or progress ticker on your posts? I know that this tool will become a way for me to keep my focus as I make the needed adjustments to life post op! Thank you all!
  17. Sojourner

    Ghosting No More

    Today I begin the Phase II liquid diet. I have gradually been getting myself accostomed to the Protein shakes, and began having one for Breakfast every morning about 2 weeks ago. No news from the PCP about the tests done yesterday, so that is good news. Just focused on meeting all of the diet requirements and exercise now. My surgery is 2 weeks from today, and so far I am not feeling anxious about it at all. My pharmacist shared that she has heard only excellent feedback for the bariatric program I am scheduled with, so that made me feel less anxious. I have never before had to be on a liquid diet for as long as this...I hope that it will not be too difficult to maintain and not be tempted to cheat. I have never been a big fan of artificial Fiber in a diet, so hope I will learn to tolerate this, too! Has anyone heard of ways to avoid craving to "chew" something while on all liquids? That's really my main concern now... Thanks again for so many words of encouragement and support!
  18. Sojourner

    February Bandsters?

    Feeling anxious about surgery is to be expected, especially if you have never had any experience with it...The medical staff will be focused on your comfort and safety at all times prior to and after the procedure. If you do get a glimpse of the OR, nothing to be scared about. You are anesthetized almost immediately, and will wake up in recovery. That's about all I remember...and my surgery required 6 hours. I have not had my band surgery yet, but I did have to undergo colon surgery last summer before I could be banded. That procedure was not laparoscopic, I was really sore for a few days. Walking afterwards while still in the hospital helped alot, and you will continue to feel better every day. Good luck! Stay positive, and stay focused on the prize...
  19. Sojourner

    February Bandsters?

    SOOO happy for you...I hope we will stay in touch and become a mutual support for progress and success!
  20. Sojourner

    February Bandsters?

    I am scheduled to be banded on 2/24...unless my asthma is still not controlled. I have had so many delays already...crossing fingers and eyes, and saying prayers that the surgery will happen on 2/24! Good luck to everyone...and please continue to share your experiences!
  21. Sojourner

    Ghosting No More

    Thank you all for your good wishes, encouragement and advice! I found the "ticker, I just need to figure out how to get it on my posts... Well, today, I attended an appointment with my PCP. My weight was 225, and the nurse congratulated me for loosing 7 pounds since January 17. I needed to ask for a different form of several of my meds, those which cannot be crushed. The weight and the new prescriptions were the easy parts. The difficult part is the asthma... I have had a recurrence of my long dormant asthma, most likely due to excessive pollen everywhere. We have not had any significant rainfall here in weeks. Bottom line, though the PCP released me for the surgery, he feels that it would be too much risk for anesthesia now. He changed my meds to treat the asthma more aggressively, and I have to have pulmonary functioning tests done tomorrow to rule out any underlying conditions. I was nearly in tears...please not yet another delay. I hope and pray that this will clear up in time for the 24th. Thanks also for the book suggestion...I will purchase it, another good tool to keep in the barn! I know that you all know how important a support system is as we move through so many adjustments to life, both in pre and post op. I'm over 150 miles round trip from where the hospital support group meets, and I am unsure how often I will be able to attend. So happy that I discovered this community!

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