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Everything posted by Sojourner

  1. Sojourner

    The Bariatric Work Ethic

    In my experience with working with a diverse demographic of patients, it was clear to me that the concept of the " work ethic" is just about non-existent. Especially for the younger age cohorts. Wether one has suffered long term obesity, or arrived at their decision for WLS via another route, the equation remains the same. Number of Calories of intake must be less than the number of calories burned. To keep that equation an active force in one's life, exercise is essential. I will admit that I Hate to sweat so much that my hair is dripping wet and my shirt and shorts are plastered to me. But, I force myself to get to the gym 5-6 days a week. At this point exercise is the only way that I can make the weight loss equation work for me, and have any hope of reaching my weight loss goal. I agree Jean, it is essential to get moving. Baby steps if necessary, but do what you can to increase your fitness. Even if that means 1lb hand weights in a wheelchair. The band is definitely not the easy solution to weight loss. And success of the individual definitely rests with the individual to make a commitment to a healthier lifestyle, which includes healthy food and portions and exercise. A lack of personal accountability and rationalization are key reasons individuals may not be successful with their weight loss journey. We can and do make excuses and project our failures onto others. I read often that the band failed me, instead of looking at oneself to see what went wrong. Sometimes the truth can hurt too much to accept. Yes, that's personal accountability. A good post...thank you for sharing your insights and the importance of what each of has to do for success with the band.
  2. Sojourner

    Some People...........

    No link provided...I guess that invalidates your previous statement that paraphrased "everything I post can be supported with research online". Another incredible broad generalization posted...not intending to start anything, but I seriously did want to know the origin of the research which indicates bands are most hated because of jealousy. I had never read that before...just curious. I believe that is your opinion. I never read/heard anything to that effect. Best wishes...
  3. Sojourner

    February Bandsters?

    So, I have MIA from our thread, because I honestly did not know how to locate it...I am so technology challenged! So here we are, the February 2012 Bandsters are 18 months out now! I hope all are doing well...and that you have all met weight loss goals you have set along the way of your journey. I have had some complications. In the past many major life changing events have happened to me. I had to have 4 surgeries in the 12 month span between July 2012 and February 2013. Only 1 was band related, but I had significant lengths of time, around4 months total which I could not get in any exercise. My husband retired, and we moved to a different state. It has been quite disruptive to my established routines, but now after 3 months I am finally back to regular exercise and diet compliance. My band is totally empty of fluid now, and has been for the past 3 months. I have been advised it would be too risky for me to ever have another fill. I attribute it all to stress (our youngest son is currently deployed to Afghanistan), and our move. Two different bariatric surgeons in 2 different states cannot explain what is going on with my band, but for the time being, I will not have to have it removed. I have to be monitored closely to make certain that the band is not slipped, because of my presenting symptoms usually indicate a slipped band. And actually, the most fluid I ever had in my 11cc band was 4.5cc. We are all so different! So, I have remained compliant with proper portions and do my best to stay properly hydrated with water to help manage my hunger and appetite. So far, so good. I am getting closer to my goal weight now, and regular exercise is the only way I will reach my goal. So I am doing a full hour of cardio almost daily. I am cautiously optimistic that the exercise will get me to my goal weight, but time will tell! I'd enjoy "hearing" from more of the February 2012 Bandsters...I hope all is going well! Best wishes to you all...
  4. Sojourner

    February Bandsters?

    Oh, I am so sorry to read this! I have been MIA on our thread because I really did not know how to find my way back to it! You are not alone with experiencing complications...currently my band is totally empty, and I have been cautioned to never attempt to have another fill. So, my weight loss has been slow, but I remain motivated and determined to reach my goal weight. Please keep in touch...and perhaps if someone sends a PM to all the 2013 Feb. Bandsters who have posted here, they will get the message to look for their correct thread. Please let know how you do post op! Best wishes...
  5. Sojourner

    February Bandsters?

    Hi. I just saw this post...and am also amazed by the number of other posters from Feb. 2013 who have posted here! Anyway, I have had a number complications with my band, and currently it is totally unfilled. And has been for the past 3 months. I have to take responsibility for the food choices I make, and limit my portions. It would be helpful to either take all of your food temptations out of your house, or just decide that you will not have that unhealthy snack, and get busy with something to distract your thinking away from food. My husband insists on keeping chocolate chip cookies and ice cream in the house. I've taught myself to ignore them, as I chose to make my weight loss goals my higher priority. I have been a "slow loser", but I am determined to reach my goal weight. So much of this weight loss journey is the faulty thinking about food which complicates and can derail our progress to goal. If I can be of assistance, please PM me. You can do this, is if you want to! Best wishes...
  6. Sojourner

    Some People...........

    The link to the research studies which validate the: " It's just jealousy! The lap band is the most hated (due to jealousy) of all the weight loss surgeries, don't know why" can be located where? Inquiring minds want to know...
  7. Sojourner

    Scared to eat!!!

    If you remember to practice self awareness and follow the Bandster rules for eating properly, you should have nothing to be overly concerned about. Most Bandsters will have at least one stuck episode during their weight loss journeys, and rarely is there any significant long lasting negative consequence. In fact, it can be a learning experience to recognize the " early warning signs" to avoid a stuck episode. It is best to avoid a stuck episode, but it is not the end of the world...good to read that you were able to eat your meal. It will become easier with time. The more we confront our fears, the easier it will be to overcome them. Best wishes...
  8. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Terri, thank you so much for the quilt pattern information. That quilt is exquisite! Well, there were no good film in Boone, so after dinner in Blowing Rock at our favorite pub there (Six Pence), we came home and went to exercise. I got another hour of cardio in... I will be taking a picture of the scene in my current cover picture on FB every week now. The colors are really becoming more noticeable every day. Yes, a happy and safe Labor Day holiday to all!
  9. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Janet is telling it like it really is...a Florida downpour can flood an area in minutes. Come to think of it, it still have my extra pair of flip-flops in my car that I always carried around for just such occasions...they were used often during the rainy season.
  10. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Jack just gave me a strange look when I nearly had Greek yogurt on the screen as I read your post! Way too funny!
  11. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Morning all... A quick hi-bye today...I'm feeling lazy, but need to get more of the upstairs organized. We have no exciting plans for the holiday weekend, with the exception of attending the kite festival at the top of the mountain. We have seen pictures of this, but it would be interesting to see both the kite club professionals and the kids having fun. Yes, I would also like to know if Ange has a baby registry for Emilia? I hope I spelled that correctly... It is Friday, so we will be going out for dinner...and where is anyone's guess. There are a surprising number of many places to choose from. If I don't check back in, I hope all enjoy their holiday weekend! Make it a safe and sane one...
  12. Sojourner

    Carb Intake Per Day

    Did you meet with your nutritionist yet? I hope you will have an appointment to meet with one prior to your surgery, as this is a most useful and informative session. At my meetings, I was given a daily protein gram goal to meet, individualized for my height and current weight. Protein is most important, as it has the needed nutrients to maintain good health and preserve your muscles as you loose your excess body fat. Protein also helps to keep hunger at bay for longer after eating a meal. We do need some carbs, as they are the energy source for your brain. The difference is the quality of the carbs. Over processed white sugars and flours should be avoided. Our carbs should come from produce, such as carrots, tomatoes, blueberries, melons to name only a few. I have never tracked my carb intake, but I rarely finish eating my 2 oz per meal allotted serving size for carbs. There is much disagreement on this forum on the wisdom of restricting carbs. I have always restricted my carbs and focused on meeting my daily protein goal. What I can share is my surgeon has said that it is the carbs which usually get people into to trouble to derail their weight loss. And I understand from my experiences that if I eat unhealthy carbs (such a few bites of cake at one of my husband's " retirement parties", it creates a craving for more carbs.
  13. Sojourner

    Not filling full

    The first weeks post op are for healing and not to be focused on weight loss. It is still important for you to remain compliant with what and how much your post op instructions advise you to eat for every meal. Typically, this phase is known to be "Bandster hell", you typically are hungry, and have not had enough fills to help you manage your hunger. It is a great suggestion to log all of your meals, that way you will have a better idea as to what needs to be adjusted with your eating to begin the weight loss phase of your journey. Best wishes for your success.
  14. Sojourner

    How many calories do you eat a day?

    I've never tracked calories, as my surgeon said it was enough to be compliant with proper portion sizes and to make healthy food choices for meals. Just guessing, for the first time since being banded, I would roughly " guesstimate " between 1000 and 1100 calories per day. The focus is on Protein first, then your healthy carb choice. I rarely finish my carbs.
  15. Sojourner

    Minor setback, Major comeback

    Congratulation on your recommitment to healthy living and a successful weight loss journey! The most important part of your post to me is that you arrived at your decision to move forward the right way by your new understanding of what you want to achieve, and what you need to do to get there. Best wishes as you resume your journey!
  16. Sojourner


    I'm sorry that you have had to go through this with Aetna. I have had Aetna for many years, and found them to be reasonable to deal with through the years. Things I would consider doing are to have your physician of record resubmit their letter of medical necessity, along with starting the appeal process through Aetna. Aetna places much emphasis on the causal relationship of your comorbidities to your weight, and therefore the benefits of approving your band surgery. Aetna personnel should be able to recognize all of this, but in this new age of supposed improvements in healthcare, they, along with hospitals and medical practices are looking to save money in until now in previously unheard of ways as they prepare to go into the new age of quantum leaps backward for quality health care. Definitely begin the process to appeal their decision. My PCP needed to keep my "approval window" for my band surgery open for an additional year after I completed the then required 6 months medically supervised diet for additional medical issues I had present. He is well schooled on "how to play hardball with insurance companies"- his words not mine! I wish you luck and a positive outcome to your appeal...
  17. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Morning, Inquiring minds want to know...Janet, why did you send out Ange's quilt? What did you have done to it? The oils sound interesting...Janet, have you ever looked into reflexology? I never got much relief for Migraines, but it did help me with lower back pain. As for sleep, I am one of the 4% of Americans who use sleeping pills. If I did not, I would stay up easily for 48 hours without sleep. My circadian rhythm was disrupted years ago. No sleeping pill = no sleep. I don't like taking it, but one needs their sleep. Terri...the blue quilt you have posted on FB, what is the name of that pattern? It is exquisite...I'm starting to create motivation in my mind to look forward to getting involved with needlework again. Alas, until we have another DIL or grandchild, there is no one else to make a Christmas stocking for... Michelle, best of luck in your preparation for your exam...I understand the pressures involved, but look to your past successes to predict future success. Jack is installing the hardware on the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen today...I am going through my extra clothing in the wardrobe boxes today. There is so much now I can give away...no more size 14 for me! I hope everyone had a great day...
  18. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Hi all. Today it was spa day at the foot of the mountain...and then had to run errands. You really need to combine trips living here as it is a good 20-25 minute drive just to the base at Banner Elk! Just about everything seems to be a bit less expensive here as compared with Florida. A nice surprise at the dry cleaners. Beautiful work, and less than $50 for 2 wool blankets, 2 blazers, several blouses and 4 scarves. I've become comfortable with driving along the narrow roads and mountain switchbacks. You still need to keep your hands on the steering wheel and eyes on the road, but I am able to take glances at the scenery as I drive up now. No more white knuckles for me. Terri, great golf game! You are planning to visit with Diane in November? Is Concord Mills in the eastern part of NC? Still learning the local geography... Dawn, I certainly hope that the potential forever home for Symba (sp) works out. What an angel you are to foster dogs... So good to read that Audrey did adjust to life at the campus. You have my sympathies for the packing and moving process! Janet...oh I know what you mean about all of the incessant commercials for food. It caused me to stop watching TV while on my liquid diet phase. I no longer am bothered by them...but still, I can relate. Nice that you are in the green zone...very soon you will need to teach me how to maintain! Dee, Diane, Michelle, only positive thoughts for you all! Actually, I must be doing a fairly good job of maintaining my weight...the scale is still stuck. My restriction varies widely...I never know which band I will wake up to. The one which won't allow me to sip a Protein Shake, or the one who will allow me to eat anything I choose. I am committed to continue my exercising 5-6 days a week...and have already purchased a couple of track suits with long sleeves and long pants in the interests to continue to walk the track after the weather turns cold. Brent confirmed the dates of his visit with us in early October. Yay! He will be renovating his kitchen early next year, and is going to be taking our extra appliances back with him via trailer. It has created a space issue for us to have two of everything...clothes washer and dryer, microwave, stove and cooktop. We will be keeping the extra refrigerator here for additional storage. Yes, Jack enjoys working around the house, especially with wood, wiring, and plumbing. He and Jay installed our previous kitchen as well...all except the stone countertops. I got a message from MS Maui...aka Jackie?. She wanted to tell me to ignore NaNa. What a piece of work they both are...such interesting and angry people we can encounter around here... I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their hump day... I love and appreciate each of you!
  19. Sojourner

    New clothing sizes?

    Hi Cherrii, Welcome to the forum...and congratulations on your progress to date! Your questions are difficult to answer with any precision, as we all have different body types and skeleton sizes, and height. And age is a factor as well. I formerly was 2" taller. If I lost weight to 118, and to my younger adult sizes of 8-10, I would not look healthy. Currently I weigh in the lower 160's and wear a M-L shirt, and 10-12 jeans depending on cut and style, and label. Keep up the great job!
  20. Sojourner

    Exercise needs to become a daily task

    Awesome progress Jim! I enjoyed reading your blog, and I agree, as far as our mobility goes, we should never take anything for granted. Going for a brisk walk is something I enjoyed for years, and after my car accident, the road back made me realize that it is often the simple things which mean the most. One thought which struck me as I was reading was perhaps starting out with a more reasonable exercise goal could help. I am determined to get in 5-6 hours of cardio per week. That's just about the max of what my joints can manage. I'm retired now, but if I were still working, 10 hours of cardio would be impossible for me. If you adjusted your goal, you might not admonish yourself if you did not reach your weekly goal. That mindset is so important to keep us focused and motivated to continue with meeting our exercise goal. Also, reassigning exercise to a habit instead of a task does take away some of the interpretation that exercise is just another form of work. Looking forward to exercise because it helps you achieve your weight loss goals is a healthier approach IMO. Keep up your great progress!
  21. Sojourner


    An excellent blog...thank you for sharing so much relevant information with us. You look amazing, and I am happy that you are able to enjoy your well earned success with your journey! Hugs to you!
  22. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Almost Afternoon All, Good to read all the positive updates... Terri, I vote for your next project to be a leaf quilt! Or one which depicts the four seasons. I have always loved anything which depicts the seasons...If the Disney pages are not fancy enough to share a picture, just pick one of your favorites from the past. How have you been feeling? I hope you are doing well... Diane, I'm so sorry to read that your mom fell again. As you know, this is so dangerous. Are you taking care of yourself among the chaos? These are times to let friends help keep your spirits up. It was good to see your FB post about friends. Keep shining... Dee, you never need to thank your friends here for having a safe place to have a melt down. Heaven knows you do so much for so many...don't forget to take care of you admist all the chaos in your own life! Janet, so wonderful to read that you have made such great progress so rapidly! I agree that those stockings are like wearing an extra layer of clothing. I'm supposed to wear actual compression hose because of veinous insufiency...but I've managed to keep the ulcers away for over a year now, and will just monitor my skin. Hate is too mild a word to describe how I feel about compression hose. I can imagine you are anxious to get back to your projects...and I am jealous. I still have so much work to do with getting the breakfront and kitchen unpacked, not to mention moving upstairs to the master we prefer now that the furniture is here. Keep up with your progress...you are an inspiration! Dawn, I hope the adjustments to the empty nest are going well. I so agree with Janet that is great that you are not coming home to an entirely empty house. How are you feeling? I hope that your back pain is resolved. How is Audrey adjusting to university life? I hope all is well. Michelle, preparing for your board exam should go smoothly, especially since so much of the material is still fresh in your mind. I am glad that you have reached this place where your pace can slow to a more manageable level. I had to order more shelf liner online yesterday, as I was running out of the wider length rolls. I was amazed that the same Sonoma patters was still available. The kitchen is looking as I hoped it would. The final piece will be the countertops. Jack is now working to complete all of the small trim work. Never again... I am up to a full hour of cardio 5-6 days a week now, and the scale is stalled. So frustrating...we've all been there. I will keep slogging along with it. Some days I am very hungry, other days it is easier to manage. But I still comply with portion sizes, and stay away from carbs. I appreciate and love all of you...in a sea of confusion we seem to be the sane ones! I hope all are having a great Tuesday!
  23. My heart goes out to you...children should never be treated the way you and your brother were. Best wishes for a successful journey to a healthier life!
  24. Sojourner

    Slipped Band

    I am so sorry to read your post...not something we like to read. My band is still properly positioned, but band issues made it imperative to remove all of the Fluid in my band several months ago. I have continued to lose weight slowly, and have been exercising more. My surgeon has advised me that I can keep my band for now, but I will need to be monitored more closely to be certain that it has not slipped. He also said that repositioning a slipped band is only marginally effective. The stats he went over with me pretty much validated that a majority of people who had their bands removed regained weight unless they had revision surgery. I hope all will go well for you, whatever path you choose.

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