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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chrissylu

  1. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    I forgot to add that my doc must feel like i'm in the green zone, because he didn't want to do a fill. As for June 1st goals...I want to be in Onderland! Just 17 pounds. I can do that in 5 weeks, right? Good luck everyone!
  2. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Wow! I wish I could see all the comments and reply to everyone individually. First, I'll just say how proud I am of all of us! Even on the bad days, we are hanging in there, jumping right back in the saddle if we happen to fall off. And I love seeing everyone rejoice over others' accomplishments. Its just awesome. So...pat yourselves on the back and give yourselves a big hug from me...You are wonderful! Thank you all for the birthday wishes and congrats on joining me in meeting birthday goals. Yay Us! I had my 3-month check-up today. Dr. Morton was very pleased with the progress, how much I eat and how much exercise I'm getting. Wish you could have seen his face when I told him I did a 5k and a 2mile walk over the weekend...he even bragged to the nurse when she walked in. LOL. And I got one last birthday present last from the scale (and confirmed by the doc's office today)...down another pound for a total of 46! I am now in the mid 2-teens. LOL. Just 17 more pounds to onderland!!
  3. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    JDI...I celebrated with a small light mocha frappucino. oops. Calories and fat grams...not too bad. Carbs on the other hand...SHEW!!! oh well. its my bday. LOL. I'll work it off at the gym. That's the only BAD thing I've had today so I guess i'm doing okay. Yay for WID!!!
  4. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    I also just realized that today is my 3-month bandiversary too! Birthday and Bandiversary...I think this calls for a celebration! LOL!
  5. Wow...I just realized that today is my 3-month bandiversary too!

  6. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Shonda...do not give up. I agree with the others. Talk to your dietician and/or your doctor....but please do not give up. We are all pulling for you!! To my 3-wk challenge buddies...I know we've posted how our challenges have gone but let's recap. My goal 3 weeks ago was to hit 43lbs lost by my birthday (which is today). Well, just to recap, I hit that goal last week and decided to shoot for 45 by the bday. Managed that on Sunday morning. Haven't lost any more than that this week but I have gotten to the gym everyday this week so far, I've been getting in all my water and doing well on my protein/carb intake. How about you? Recap time...go!
  7. Happy Birthday to Me! I met my WL goals ear-lee! LOL!! Have a great day everyone!

  8. Back at work today. Got my fill moved from 5/1 to day after tomorrow. Yay! Birthday present for me (i'm an LB geek. LOL)

  9. Back at work today. Got my fill moved from 5/1 to day after tomorrow. Yay!

  10. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Good job Ladybandito! Keep it up! JDI...thanks! Yes...It feels great to be active...now for some rest. LOL. Thanks horsegirl! and I agree with Meredith. Sounds like a full on stuck episode. Take it slow and make sure your bites are small. that's where I get into trouble. My doctor and the NP both said my bites should be no larger than my pinky finger. ugh...so hard to get used to. Thanks Meredith! Busy weekend but gald to have some rest time tomorrow...after I go to the gym. LOL. And I would at least talk to the doctor or nurse and see if what you're experiencing is normal. We can't be too careful, you know? I pray its nothing major. Keep it up ladies! We're doing great!!
  11. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Whew! finished the 2-mile March of Dimes "March for Babies" today with my pseudo-son! 5k yesterday...and this morning...my scale says I'm down 45lbs! whoo-hoo!! Hit that short-term goal early too..Yay!
  12. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Congrats on 2 more lbs Meredith! Well Peeps...I finished my 5k this morning in 49 minutes! I even jogged through part of it! Yay! That's about 10 minutes less than the one I did back in November...BEFORE my surgery. Of course, today was also a flat course. BIDIA!!! My 11 YO ran it his first 5k today and did it in 35:47. I'm so proud of him! I pray he stays active his whole life! I see now how important it is. Well, you all pray for me...i've got a 2-miler tomorrow for March of Dimes. Then I'm RESTING on Monday. LOL. I'm afraid my joints are going to be so inflamed that I don't even want to look at a scale. ha!
  13. chrissylu

    6 29 91

    From the album: chrissylu

    This was my wedding day, June 29, 1991. Yes, 21 years ago I was a size 9/10 and about 130 lbs. I so plan to get there again!
  14. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Amen Meredith! I'm a pear too! LOL.
  15. That's awesome! You look great and I bet you feel great too!
  16. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    I am so sleepy. Hope this goes away before tomorrow morning. LOL.
  17. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    JDI130! That's awesome! I had a similar experience last night. I had to run to walmart for a couple of items and while there I thought...I'm by myself. I think I'll try on a pair of jeans real quick, just to see where I am pants-size-wise. I was a 24-26 (depending on the item of clothing) when I started this journey. I've lost 43 lbs so I figured I'd lost about 2 sizes. well... I picked up a 22...tried them on and though I could have worn them, they were too big. I didn't have time to try on a 20 but I'm sure they would have fit just fine! And good deal on the workout. Yay!! Yay for a good fill Meredith. I'm still praying for someone to cancel w/my dr between now and Wednesday so I can get mine moved up. Peeps...say a prayer for me this weekend. Feeling 'ugh' today with digestive issues and TTOTM..but I have a 5k tomorrow morning and a 2 mile walk for March of Dimes on Sunday. I'm going to be one tired chica come Monday morning. LOL. Have a great weekend everyone!
  18. ugh...constipation and TTOTM...makes chrissylu an unhappy girl.

  19. I did the same thing at first. I, too, usually lose a size for every 20 lbs. However, those first few weeks...were just like you described. I'm at 43lbs now and its evened back out to the 20lb-rule. LOL. I'm down two sizes since I started pre-op diet on Jan 11. Blessings to you!
  20. chrissylu

    Lap Band Removed And Still Have Restriction!

    Wow, sounds like it could be swelling from the erosion and surgery. Your stomach probably shrank some with the band as well. I would guess that it would stretch back out some as time goes by. Good luck to you!
  21. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    I like Nicole's idea of meeting at a beach! LOL! "The winter bandster girls get their summer on!!" eh...a girl can dream, right? I'm so proud of all of us too. I know some, if not all, of us are going through things that aren't about "The Band" and that we don't necessarily talk about here. However, those things do affect so much: how we see ourselves, whether or not we stress or emotional-eat, if we're getting the support we need. I'm so glad this forum is here because, as other have said, so many times, things that I'm thinking or feeling are already being expressed here. Meredith...I've been having more stuck & PB issues as well. I think I'm taking to large a bite or not chewing properly. Could just be that chicken is a no-no from now on. LOL. oh and BTW, Nashville, TN here.
  22. chrissylu


    From the album: chrissylu

    This is SO not on my diet. LOL!
  23. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Who knew a cup of hot and sour soup has only 4g of carbs but 15+ grams of protein???!!! I love hot & sour soup. I got stuck really badly this morning so i'm on liquids today and the beef broth just hasn't been cutting it. One of my bosses picked up the H&S soup for me. Yum!!! I'm happy liquid girl now. LOL
  24. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Yay JDI130 and Meredith!! So proud of you! Looks like we can set some new smaller goals for 4/25. Exactly one week from today, I want to weigh at least 2 more pounds less than I do today. Otaknam...I agree with JustDoIt. You might need a slight unfill. Let your doctor know what is going on and see what he/she says. JDI...I have not named my band...but I might name it "BIDIA". LOL!
  25. chrissylu

    Protein Shake

    I must say that I do not drink mine mixed with water. I mix my powder with a cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk. I usually add a teaspoon of Splenda and about a 1/4 cup of instant coffee (1 teaspoon of powder to 1/4c. of water). I either pour it over ice or crush ice with it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
