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PJ Geeser

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by PJ Geeser

  1. My surgery was back in February and I lost 41 pounds. I did it on my own cause this band wasn't working how it should have been. I been filled 4 times and since last Thursday I am on 12 ccs and my band holds 14ccs. There was do many weeks I could not lose. I had to join weight watchers 2 1/2 weeks ago. I feel it was worth it cause the first wk I lost 1.2 pounds and second week lost 7.2 pounds. Before this band. .WW was the only thing that worked for me. I strongly suggest you find a meeting and join. It will keep you on track. Good luck!

    wow...you must get some big fills if you have only had 4 fills so far and that much in your band. Yay for you :)

  2. I had a fill yesterday and am 9cc too now. Dont feel much of anything although I may get full a little sooner so to speak??? hard to say yet...give me a week. I am 8 months out and this is taking forever to work for me and it is a HARD diet yet for me. Plugging away but so slow on the loss. I am only at about half the weight loss of what many others are who had surgery the same time but still a loss none the less-frustrating reading everyone else praise their band and how it is working for them?- YES!!! I was just so hoping it wouldnt take this long but she is confident that i will get there soon :) I mean I have to with 9 ccs already so will wait. I guess at this point it is what it is so will wait patiently. My dr said out of the 600+ patients she has at this point...only one other person has had to have over 11 cc to start feeling any restriction and that was at the 10 month mark so I guess I will be another one who she can use as a statistic it looks ...LOL. I am confident I will get there....a few months ago..i wasnt so sure but my frustration has been there and gone and cant dwell on it that I am a super slow loser. So it is not unheard of and you will hopefully get there soon too. Take care and best wishes

  3. @ mis73...I could almost cry everytime I read one of your posts.

    Am so discouraged with the whole thing....stuck at 35 lb loss...umm for the last 5 months.

    I show my drs my food log etc, they have no ideas for me as to why I am not losing. Im eating right, staying in my range and nothing. sick of being hungry and thinking about food. I just have no feelings like any of you say on here and when I ask my dr...they tell me not to be on these forums???? I am 7 months out and still not feeling any help from it...yes i have had a fill every month so far and still nothing. I am thankful for the fact I dont have any of these issues everyone talks about...the puking, getting stuck. Ive never had any but almost wish I did..at least I would feel that maybe it was working??? I really wonder if it is there sometimes?...lol..well I know it is as I watch the needle go in and hear it when she hits the spot to fill.

    I wonder if I am one of the ones that it wont work for??

    5 months is ridiculous to not have lost anything. I go up and down the same 5 lbs day in and day out. I dont think I will go back next month if I havent lost an oz again...embarrassing and a waste of 275.00 to weight in and have them tell me the same things over and over and then no help as to why its not working for me.

    At this point...Im not even going to be able to hit 50 lbs in a year????which is absolutely pathetic having had weight loss surger and I look at your weight loss and

    think jesus christ why the hell cant i do that??? I better quit now....or i wont sleep all night because of it again.

    best wished to you for continued success

  4. Oh no....do NOT give up!

    Why are you saying you are forcing fluids? Are you having physical trouble drinking Water?

    You have a lot of usefull info.... YOU know what your calories/protein are since you said you are tracking everything. So with that info, You can figure what you should be losing. I don't know your age, but lets assume your 43, like me. And lets assume, you're somewhat active. Given the info from your profile, height/weight, your BMR is 2000 calories per day to MAINTAIN your current weight. If you are taking in 1400 per day, you should be losing a little over a pound per week. 2000-1400=600 600 x 7 = 4200 calorie deficit per week. You can punch in your real age and activity level here http://www.mayoclini...culator/NU00598

    Now back to your band, I'd make this suggestion. If as you said in an earlier post, your band isn't doing its part, TELL your doctor you want a fill using fluoro. If they refuse, GET A DIFFERENT DOCTOR TO PERFORM IT. I know from first hand experience, not something some one told me or something I read in a book, FLUORO FILLS CAN BE ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD. I would NEVER have gotten help from my band without fluoro. Unless a DR is claiming to be superman and can see your restriction level, THEY ARE ONLY GUESSING without using it.

    Hi Catfish....by forcing fluids..I just meant drinking more...I was guilty of not drinking very much in a day so I felt like I was flooding myself with the extra liquids even though I still dont get close to what I am supposed to drink.

    No...I dont have one issue what so ever with anything...eating, drinking...just nothing which I hope to keep but I just really want some help from the band and from what my "dr" told me...this is exactly how I should feel- "nothing".

    I guess...LOL...I want to feel something from this band...like help...LOL ...or I shouldnt have wasted the money on it. Maybe it is coming for me yet and Im just a slow one...but it literally kills me that others who have had surgery the same day or there abouts are at 60-almost 80 lbs lost already and Im not even half of most of them...well there are a few...but very few who are not doing well.

    I guess if I was cheating ..I would understand.

    THANKS for the info though.

    What or how does this fluoro stuff work and what is the benefit of it...I mean can they tell how much Fluid you need then or what...and my question is ...if this is a way they can tell where you are for restriction...then why isnt this a standard test to get a person there faster??? Thanks Catfish :)

  5. Why does your doc "FEEL" you should be there? Does she do your fills with fluoro where she can see your restriction level, or is she just guessing?

    No has never used fluoro....she is "guessing" as comparing to where "everyone" elso supposedly reaches the "restriction" area...as she said "most" dont usually take this much???? I am sure she will not give me any next month as she stated so already.

    At this point...no Loss..not an ounce again. The frustratin part is...I eat what I am suppose to eat, I track....all is good and have NO results, no change, since Jan 1st? Well,...maybe 1 lb loss since then but in 4 Months??? and just really starting????

    I am thinking I am going to be one of them who this doesnt work for and I DONT WANT TO BE ONE OF THEM???

    OH...as my hubby say...'IT is what it is" and will keep trying.

    She did tell me last month I wasnt eating enuf, drinking enuf and skipping too many meals. The last 2 weeks I upped everything...upped my calories to 1400, eating at least 75 grams Protein and forcing liquids....its been almost 2 weeks and have not lost an oz yet so that is not helping...havent gained but havent lost either?? Any advice from anyone to help would be great. My next plan is to up the calories for a bit and then to restrict them for a while and then up them a bit and restrict them to see if that will maybe jumpstart a loss of any sort what so ever...

  6. Ditto banana and JustMe...me too exactly...35 lbs

    only...beyond frustrated when watching so closely- doing what I am supposed to do and just no results.

    While I am happy for all of those who are nearing 60 - 70 lbs with surgery at the same time as me...I could spit nails as to why I am not right there beside them. I can understand if I was not following the plan but I AM.???? I do track and all is where it is suppose to be...

    Am trying another theory this week and will try it for 2 weeks and see what happens...fingers crossed but not holding my breath either.

    My doctor does not want to give me any more fills as she thinks I "should be there by now"??????? (umm...I guess not comparing yourself to others doesnt apply to the drs even though they say not to compare yourself to someone elses green zone???)

    I hate to say but I honestly feel no help what from my band. :(

    I wont give up yet but getting getting harder and harder to want to even try with no results happening.


  7. Thanks Banjo...But...I was told 2 months ago that this is what I was supposed to feel...."nothing" and that if I didnt start excersizing that this is all I will lose.

    Now granted..I know it would do a world of good and I do some...just not alot yet. I just dont understand that eating how I am..that I dont lose weight just as it is and with excercise..that would just be an extra bonus..

    So I dont have high expectations for any encouragement from my drs office outside the fact it is my fault that I am not excercising enuf.

  8. Yes..I have gotten a fill every month...just under 8 CCs in my 14 cc band. 850 to 1100 calories a day and yes it is nothing more than a diet which I was expecting for a couple of months. I just didnt think it would take this long to have "some" help from the band..

    I will try an not give up with the help from others on here :)

  9. Going in for my 6 month post op appt tomorrow...AGAIN...with No weight loss what so ever...1 lb loss in the last 3 months is it.

    Am getting so frustrated with no help at all from this band yet. So many who have had surgery the same time as me are already at 50 to 70 lbs lost ... and me a whopping 35 lbs.

    With such little results it makes it so hard to even try and keep going. This is just not at all what I was expecting it would be like or maybe I am just not apparently there yet. I just figured by 6 months out I would have been well on my way...I would find this magical green zone by now and finally have the help I needed.

    But I got nothing ...yet... at least I hope it is still coming. I am eating right, healthy and from my tracking program doing well according to that too...I am not getting "all " the Protein in as I have been shy on that a bit..usually around 5o grams or so. Dont know if that is my issue or what.

    My question is...and I do know that we are all different so really this has no bearing...BUT... is there anyone out there who has also not had any help from their band yet this far out and how long did it take you....I just dont know how much longer I am going to be able to keep it up with no results...I dont want to be one of the ones it dont work for because I am giving it my all.

    I appreciate any and all replies :)

  10. its a process and a long process for some...I am 6 months out and have no help at all from my band yet...I go this next week and am hoping to FINALLY have some help from it??? IT is HARD....as I am all will power yet...I stay with in calories but not much for results...35 lbs since oct... where as some have lost that much from Feb surgeries already :( .....so dont be alarmed....as everyone tells me..you will get there, for some it can take up to 9 months!!!

  11. me too...still massive Hair loss and only 35 lbs since 10-22 surgery.

    very pissed about it at this point as I am following the rules with no success and no help what so ever from this band yet! While I just dont understand how many at this same surgery time have lost double the weight I have....while happy for you it makes me want to throw in the towel and give up. :(

  12. me too...daily and I for one shouldnt because I focus too much on the number on the scale. It does fluctuate up and down 4 lbs or so which bothers me but in the same sense I know where I am at. When I do gain and it stays on...It makes me look at what I have been doing etc and think...then I have to kick it in the ass to get back to my lowest lb..and try losing from there again. It is a slow process but am going to try and stay the course. Im hoping for 2 years to have lost that 100 lbs if possible...that should hopefully be do-able! :)

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