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PJ Geeser

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by PJ Geeser

  1. OMG PJ... That is me! I lost the first 40 in the first two months!!! I have stayed the same since! I feel like my body likes this weight... It's what I would get down to before but then right back up! Lets be diligent together and help each other! We can do this and be those success stories too!!!

    Sounds like a plan....keep in touch :)

    Are you really sure you needed surgery...I mean you dont even look heavy at all in your pic???

    Ummm...thats why I have a "fall painted bale" as my photo...it looks much better than I ever will ....LOL :P

  2. There is a reason I have this in my signature line "Comparison is the thief of joy". Don't ever feel discouraged or compare yourself to others. You are a unique individual and you will take a journey that is perfect for YOU.

    You also need to realize I'm a horrible person to compare to anyway. I was 421 pounds when I started. Weight comes off so much faster when you have a ton to lose. Now that I'm down to 193 pounds? I'm lucky if I lose 4-8 pounds a month. It comes off so much slower the lower down the scale you go.

    Just "do you" and be thrilled with the weight loss you've had :)

    I would be thrilled with a 4 - 8 lb loss...I can only manage maybe 1-2...well...honestly...I stayed the exact same weight for 5 months...talk about discouraging..then its been only 1 or 2 for the entire month...yikes...that is really just awful for dieting...following it closely and eating healthy. I do know not to compare but it is hard not to when others are all posting how much they have lost already in those first few months. I really try not to but sometimes I just have to quit reading the forums as i get depressed seeing others losses.

    Its all good though...they tell me they will get me there so I have put my trust in them and wait. Damn is this hard on your own for that long though but pleased I have done what I have accomplished without help/much help yet

  3. I was banded on 2/14/13. I have worked out constantly since I got the band and tracked on my fitness pal every single day since! But I have only lost 40 lbs! I was getting pretty discouraged as I have never felt any issues! Getting stuck etc!!!

    I have a 14 cc band and get fills monthly. This past month I am finally starting to feel it!!! A little but and I am at 11.5 I think. Maybe just 11.

    I still don't feel much of a difference I do feel it most in the AM after sleeping and not eating or drinking all night...

    Is this common? Has it taken anyone this long to lose weight and get to the green zone? I sometimes feel like I am the only person this won't work on. ;(

    Who has a 14 cc band and how much Fluid do you have?

    I totally appreciate and love feedback! I need encouragement. Thanks!

    I am the exact same...I am at 10 1/2 cc in a 14...have had 11 fills but my surgery was 0ct 22, 2012 ...so almost a year...it has been a long wait for this band to start helping a bit...I am at about 48 lbs loss and it had been almost a year...very discouraging to say the least...especially when I see what Mis 73 (hehe) has been able to accomplish along with hundreds of others who have lost 30 to 40 lbs in their first month. I knew it would be a slow and difficult process but I didnt think it would be this slow. I will stay the course as it is better than where I was a year ago :)

    By the way...am just starting to feel a bit from my last fill so maybe HOPE on the horizon....FINGERS CROSSED :)

  4. I just did a plain ole 5 day liquid diet (with 1 cup of cottage cheese per day) I was trying to avoid the "headache" issues when not eating- yes it worked quite well with the Protein Shakes during the day......lost 7 lbs which got the weight off that I gained and yes I do believe it "reset" my pouch also. Since then have lost a couple more lbs. Also had a small fill after so that may be helping me too. I am hitting my year mark and "finally" starting to feel a little something after my last fill- I mean a Little! It has been a very frustrating year waiting for some help from my band but hopefully it will start helping finally with getting some more weight off. Has been dreadfully hard to lose to this point but am very hopeful for the next year to have some help from my band :)

  5. Im not out to start a fight on here...just something I am somewhat passionate about.

    What the FDA passes off as safe is down right scary...Just because a product has natural on it or says real fruit..doesnt matter...it is the process in which it is made...read this if you care to- may explain it so you can understan it better....also the stevia so to speak at Walmart is not the same stevia you buy at a health food store...health food stores only have the "real" stuff....just sayin

    Is Nectresse Truly A Natural Sweetener? »

    The makers of the artificial sweetener, Splenda, recently released a new sweetener, Nectresse, which is being marketed as a natural, zero calorie, healthy alternative to artificial sweeteners and sugar. Is it really natural or is it just tricky marketing to target health-minded consumers? We’ve done some research to help you make an educated decision.

    The Nectresse website claims that the product is 100% natural and made from Monk Fruit. Monk fruit is an Asian melon that releases its sweetness when heated and is 150 times sweeter than sugar. The process to create Nectresse is described on their website as the following:

    The monk fruit is picked fresh from the vine.

    The fruit is then crushed to access the sweet extract.

    The crushed fruit is then soaked in hot Water to release its sweetness.

    The monk fruit-infused Water is filtered and dried to create monk fruit extract.

    The extract is then blended with other natural sweeteners to create NECTRESSE™ Sweetener.

    It sounded good up until #5. They do not disclose what other natural sweeteners are used. We learn from this that there are other natural sweeteners AND other ingredients. So what are they? The first ingredient, which is always the most abundant, is erythritol. Erythritol is a sugar alcohol frequently derived from corn, which we know to be one of the largest genetically modified crops in the United States. There is no claim as to whether or not GM corn is used, but we will note that typically if it is NOT genetically modified, they make it known. The second ingredient in Nectressed is sugar, another ingredient that is typically derived from a genetically modified crop (sugar beets) and is also refined. Monk fruit is listed as the third ingredient, which we discussed its role earlier. And the last ingredient in Nectresse is molasses, which is a sugar and typically a derivative of genetically modified sugar beets.

    Besides monk fruit, the other three ingredients look to be derived from genetically modified crops and two of the ingredients are refined sugars. The company can legally claim under the FDA guidelines that Nectresse is zero calories per serving because erythritol is the most abundant ingredient used and is a sugar alcohol. Clearly, Nectresse is far from being a natural product due to the extremely high possibility that its ingredients are derived from bioengineered crops and sources. Monk fruit is very much a natural product, but paired with 3 other GM bi-products, Nectresse can hardly be thought of as natural.

    Monk fruit can be up to 200 times sweeter than sugar because it contains natural antioxidants that have a very strong, sweet taste. The antioxidants in monk fruit, known as mogrosides, contain zero calories. Therefore, monk fruit is a healthy alternative to artificial zero calorie sweeteners. However, Nectresse is an impure version of monk fruit that is just one more example of the food industry’s ability to tap into the health-minded community of consumers. Don’t be fooled by this sly marketing attempt!

    I recommend Stevia or Xylitol if you are searching for a zero calorie sweetener. You can find these sweeteners in the Vitamin or baking aisles of your local health food store. Both products can be purchased in individual packets or canisters.

    - See more at: http://360yourlife.com/featured/is-nectresse-truly-a-natural-sweetener/#sthash.JMjB7k5y.dpuf

  6. You dont have to worry...it is to shrink the liver but not all drs. require it. Some do and some dont so that tells us that it is not "mandatory". Just a preference of the doctor to make things easier for surgery. My dr was one of them who said..."it is kind of an oxy moron to ask an overweight person to go without food for 2-3 weeks, if they could do that they wouldnt be needing the surgery in the first place. " Just do your best and try to abide by your drs. wishes. Dont beat yourself up if you slip up just get back on track and try again.

  7. My hubby too didnt think it necessary to have WLS and didnt want me to do it.

    He voiced his oppinion once and only once but knew it was my decision in the end. He has been neither negative or possitive about any part of it.

    You should discuss it with her and tell her your plans, tell her you would really love her support and why. But tell her you plan to move forward with your plans for WLS with or without her as you feel this it the best decision for a healthier life and a happy future.

    good Luck to you....it will all work out ok :)

  8. OMGosh this is just what I needed to read. This whole process is NOT at all what I expected despite all the research I did. I am at about month 11 coming up...it is the hardest and most frustrating thing I have ever done. I have virtually no help from my band and it is a struggle yet and a damn hard to stick to diet. If I could have stuck to a diet I wouldnt have needed surgery-that is what is really gets me roiled up....LOL! I do well most of the time(outside of a few awful days since surgery) , watch my portions, eat healthy but have only lost 45 lbs. I know this is not a fast process but there are not many who have lost this little amt by this time.

    I cant tell you how I ENVY every one ( while I really am happy for them but....) who gets on here and says they have only lost 40 lbs and had surgery like 6 weeks earlier. Then they complain that they havent lost any weight in 3 days???? Are you kidding me?? grrrr.

    I was so hoping to have lost at least 80 lbs in a year and figured it would take 4 to 5 months to find this elusive green zone and was expecting that. I wasn't t expecting to be 11 months out and still not much of anything different that before I had surgery. These last 2 weeks I have been just ridiculously hungry and have gained 3 lbs...despite eating all the healthy garden produce etc.(yeah yeah-more Protein I know) Sad to say...I am about to throw in the towel and realize this is all the better it is gonna get...for me.

    Really, I dont need a lecture, I know the rules, I follow the rules, I track...

    My dr. says I am never going to have that "Im not hungry or never think about food feeling that many of you say when you find the spot" She said its not possible??!!

    I want to scream "thanks for the encouragement- something to look forward to"

    Sad to say...but my time is running out as I have a year carry over and then I have to start paying. She is not hep on doing this flouro fill thing either????? I myself dont understand why they dont do this on month 4 or so If one has had no help yet since surgery so they can visibly see where you are at and get you there faster??? does anyone else think that??

    Oh welll....I know we are all different but I didnt want to be one of them in this "situation".

    Again, I am really happy for everyone who has had great results....I just wanted to be with you all too :/

  9. yes it is common. YOu may not feel any restriction for numerous months and or numerous fills. I am 9 months out....have had 9 fills and no restriction yet for me but Im sure it will be soon...I am at 9 3/4 cc in my 14 band. I did just get a fill on tues...I really havent been hungry today at all...MAYBE it is starting to get there now BUT I just got thru with the flu for a couple of days so maybe that is it more so...will know in a week or so if any change. It is very frustrating but I know I will get there and it has been a snails pace for me for loss's but I do have some and grateful for that :)

    Hang in there..will be a regular diet for maybe some time?!

  10. @B-52.....I PRAY to god I can be in your shoes some day.

    But IT is very hard as 9 months out and still no help from my band. I wasnt expecting it to take this long so it is a damn hard stick to diet. I am doing well but not having much results yet for losses but am hopeful if I ever get to this green zone everyone talks about...it will be easier than it is now and that is what I hope for.

    MY fingers are crossed to be like you and others like you very soon :)

  11. Count your lucky stars that you have found the green zone so soon...I am almost done with month 9 and still feel no help yet from my band. It is beyond frickin hard to keep on and with only 40 lb loss due to will power....well lets just say it sucks! I expected at least some help by now but will keep trying to get closer. I really do feel that there should be some way to get everyone to this green zone at a faster pace than it has been for me. I know there are a few others who it does take some time as a whole for most it is much before this time.

    Cant wait to get to a point of no hunger so please be really happy you are where you are already. :)

  12. Do which one you want first of all.

    I am one who can say I dont know which way I should have gone. I am SO dissappointed to this day with my band. I knew this would be slow but I didnt think THIS SLOW. I am going to be hitting my 9th month soon and have just hit the 40 lb mark. I dont feel any help YET from my band but she says I am not there yet?? And I will say I do not feel at all like what others say they feel. I eat right, watch portions , track and it just doesnt seem to be doing anything. Im not cheating so I dont understand what is going on. I am DAMN frustrated when I see others post how much weight they have lost having had surgery at the same time as i did and let me tell you...they are all on average double and then some on the weight loss. My primary doctor told me not to do the band, said it wont work and I wont be happy with it. At this point Im not happy with the results but then again...I have to wait until I finally get to "the sweet spot" to see if it will work then so Im not going to give up yet.

    (I hate to have to go back to her and have her say...I told you so!) However...my sister and I did this together...went to the meetings, met with the WLS clinic doctors (who is different than my primary DR.) and HE recommended bypass for my sister and Lapband for me so I went with his recommendation. Now...I look and my sister who has lost 145 lbs without even trying (granted she had more to lose) and she looks fantastic and here I am trying to work this thing...and it is all just a diet for me YET and a damn hard one at that and have only now hit the 40 lb loss mark. It is a toss up but Im hoping in the end...mine will be the easier one to live with long term? give me a few years and will let you know :) Im OK with slow but this is almost ridiculous slow for trying so hard...LOL

    Someone on here just posted that they have lost 45 lbs since their surgery at the end of april and I am thinking how in the hell is that even possible? I have just hit 40 lbs and am almost 9 frickin months out so yes...I am frustrated, irritated and kind of pissed off at this point. I guess what really gets me is that I am following the rules, doing what I am supposed to do and not getting any of the benefits others are praising their bands for. there are a few of us on here in my shoes who I have chatted with personally who are dealing with the exact same thing. Just be prepared that you "could" be one of them who takes forever to get to this magical "green zone" and the weight losses may not come as fast as it does for others. I was just so hoping I wasnt going to be one of them.

    With that said....I can feel a little something different with my last fill- not alot but a little difference finally ... some things dont go down quite as easily so maybe I am starting to finally get closer to the green zone. I am hopeful with my next fill or the one after that it will start working and finally start losing a few more lbs. ( I went 5 months with NO weight loss what so ever-which is sad for having had WLS)

    I am hopeful I made the right decision and am thankful for the 40 lbs I did lose to date as Im sure I would still be at the weight I started without it. the benefit is you learn how to eat healthy, portion sizes correctly from the start which should benefit down the road. Gastric patients...the weight falls off and then down the road they have to work their ass off to keep it there so...each one has its advantage.

    Dont let the doctors tell you- please make the decision YOU will be happy with and no one else :) GOOD LUCK!

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