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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by HadToDoIt40

  1. That's the thing Krissy20.... I have always been the totally opposite.... NO LESS than 3 times a day before surgery. It seems the more Protein I take in, the more constipated and bloated I feel. I think there is definitely a correllation there! Lots of protein = Constipation and bloating! I have gone once in the last two days. NOT a good feeling! Like I said, Iam going to try the Miralax and the fiber and will post my results.....

  2. Hey. I am preop are there anything you can suggest to do that will be helpful. Also what is your success so far.

    I am still VERY much a work in progress and so new at being sleeved that I am not sure about suggestions. Everyone is so different. I can tell you even though I have lost about 19 pounds since the actual surgery on 4/2 and 26 pounds since the last week in March.....it is a process. To feel "emotionally" starved and not be able to see immediate results is something that I deal with. I probably consumed anywhere from 2000 to 3000 calories a day before surgery. Now I consume approx 500-600...you would think I would be 10 pounds by now! LOL! But I have to continually remind myself...it took me YEARS to get the weight on...it is going to take time to get it off. That is my saving grace....

    not sure if this is what you were looking for...

  3. Hello,

    I am 2.5 weeks post op and currently getting in anywhere from 45-65 grams of Protein...depending on the day :) I noticed on the days that I am in the 60-65 Protein range I tend to get constipated. I also noticed that the days when I only get about 45 grams of protein, I don't have this problem and after a couple of days of "low protein" I will lose about 2 to 4 lbs. When I am able to get in the 60-65 grams there is no weight loss.

    Any ideas on whats going on?

  4. NUT sample meal is:

    Breakfast - 3 to 5 oz of hot cocoa with skim milk

    lunch - 3 to 5 oz of fat free cream Soup

    dinner - 3 to 5 oz fat free cream soup

    Yesterday I had a Protein Shake for breakfast and followed the sample for lunch and dinner. Problem is even after the 5 oz of soup I am still hungry. I also split one Protein shake after lunch and after dinner.

    With the soup I eat and Protein shakes I had approx 550 calories.

    How many calories should I be consuming at this point? I am still hungry and shaky throughout the day but dont want to overeat.

  5. I just read that last comment and it makes sense what u are saying. The pain is in my lower right shoulder blade....feels exactly like I swolled a piece of half chewed food and it got stuck....but I haven't. At first it was only when I drank (for first couple days I started drinking anything)... Now it is constant and only laying in hot bath makes it better....I only submerge half my body... Not my surgical wounds.... Are you saying this will get better on it's own or do I need to talk to my doctor about it?

    I can totally relate to what you are going through! I am just 5 days post op and have the same pain in the lower right portion of my back. It feels like someone is stabbing me in the back and is so severe it takes my breath away sometimes. It used to only happen when I drank something but now when I lie down, I feel it the most. I found that if I lean to the left or lean to the right, it subsides a bit. I said all of that to say that I am almost sure it is gas. I hope so at least. As far as pain after surgery, I can relate to that too...today is my first day of virtually no pain. All we can do is be confident in our decision and move forward. There is no turning back, no matter what we do. I am still in the process of accepting these facts myself. But when I think about how my great grandmother, both grandfathers died of heart attacks/strokes and my mother having had two strokes at only 59 years old...and her quality of life now...all most likely attributed to being overweight.... I am hopeful that I have given myself a chance at not ending up that way. I know it WILL get better!Good luck in your journey Shelby21

  6. I am being sleeved next Tuesday and yesterday I caught a severe chest cold. I don't want to take any medicine because of this upcoming surgery but I'm wondering if they will even do it if I don't get over it. I have waited do long all my tickets are bought this would be a set back if I can't go.

    I was sleeved on Monday 4/2/12 and I had bronchitis. I still have it, but it is slowly going away. Hope this helps.

  7. Hello Everyone,

    I have been lurking for a couple of months and decided pretty quickly that the VSG was the surgery for me.

    I was sleeved on Monday 4/2/12 and was just released this afternoon. I must say...what an experience! I had NO idea I would experience so much pain. Between the pain and nausea I was in agony! I threw up 3 times..dry heaving.

    I have had 4 previous surgeries (not wls related) including a hysterectomy and have never experienced the kind of pain I did right after surgery. The pain was shocking ... My surgeon said my liver looked fine due to the preop diet and my surgery went very smoothly. My one saving grace is my dr. Dr Morris Washington. I would not trade him for ANYTHING in the world :)

    Anyway, I am glad it is over and hopefully it will be worth the hell I went through on Monday.

    I have been sip, sip, sipping all day with just a small bit of pain and virtually no nauseau. Not sure how much weight I have lost, if any at all....

    We will see...I will keep you all updated.

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