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Everything posted by Joiebean

  1. Joiebean

    Insides Feel Weird

    Very weird. I was finally able to lay down last night (fully....not in a recliner) without my incisions hurting. I always considered myself having a pretty large tolerance for pain, but I think it is turning out that I am not as tough as I thought I was. Slept in my bed for the first time last night since surgery. Laying on my back was fine, but when I tried to roll over on either of my sides, I found I had to bunch up the blankets to support my stomach cause of that weird feeling.
  2. Joiebean

    Alcohol After 6 Weeks Out?

    Can someone explain this a little further? Other than the fact that we don't have as much food as we previously did to soak up the alcohol, how is it different on the body once you are healed? (I might be missing the obvious here....wouldn't be the first time
  3. Today was a really good day. I'd been having a tough time of it so far...trying to get all the liquids in, certainely couldn't figure out anything to eat. My husband, who has been wonderful taking care of me, went back to work today (first day since my surgery) and my father came to spend the day with me. And he really helped me take the next step. I gave him the diet book that the hospital gave me and he helped me really rationalize how to get my protein in, and we went to the grocery store, got foods and he and I cooked, pureed, and came up with some great ways and realistic ways for me to actually do this. Today was a really turning point for me. I really feel empowered that I can do this. I really moved around today too. First day without a nap since surgery. May seem small, but that's a big thing for me. Still on painkillers for the stomach muscle that was stitched together during surgery, but other than that, I feel pretty darn good! Just wanted to share!
  4. Joiebean

    Insides Feel Weird

    Called the doc today and he said it was nothing to worry about. Thanks everyone for responding to my post. I was having one of those panicking nights last night, thinking that my insides were moving around inside. You all make me feel so much better.
  5. Joiebean

    Ohhhhh Yeah! Whoo Hoo!

    Hi there!!! That's awesome!! 18 lbs! I'm just about 17lbs now. Its amazing isn't it?? And we were both really nervous!!
  6. Okay, my surgery is January 17th. I am not a prude at all, but I'm really uncomfortable with the idea of a catheter being put in. It just feels like being violated....I know its a doctor and all...and its normal and to them its like an elbow...but to me...that's the only part I'm really nervous about. Can anyone provide some help here with how to handle this part? I talked to the doc's assistant and i don't really have an option.
  7. Joiebean

    Urgent ..

    My surgeon told me the same thing. If you start getting this feeling, its probably dehydration and you seriously need to either get some fluids in or (and he said this directly) come back to the hospital to get them through an IV. I believe the way most insurance companies work is they will cover an ER (even not in your network) if it is an emergency and this IS an emergency. Usually you have a copay that goes with it, but if you're doc won't see you, you need to go to the hospital. Let us know what happened!
  8. That's wonderful!! Keep it going! This is exactly the reason we are doing this right?? Way to go!
  9. Joiebean

    Absolutely The Worst Experience

    Precious cargo, i know exactly what you are going through. I had surgery last Tuesday and came home on Thursday night, so I'm just a few days ahead of you. I DEFINITELY regretted it the first day, but the nurse kept reassuring me that everyone at that point, cause they are in soooo much pain, says the same thing. I was throwing up too (dry heaving) from the morphine and my surgeon even said that I set back my recovery time because of it, but, you know what?? I'm getting better and it doesn't nearly hurt as much as it did, although I am still really sore and have had my bad moments (see another of my topics I posted, OMG!) We all do! This phase is completely normal. Just keep venting on here and looking for support. Everyone on here is great and they definitely helped get me through my bad moment that came right at the same time you are at right now. Have you lost anything yet?
  10. THis sucks!! I can have Clear liquids and soft foods this week, but the only problem is all soft foods on the list are milk products and I can't tolerate them. THey REALLY upset my stomach. I'm getting to the psychological part of it now that i haven't eaten in a freakin week and EVERYthing on TV looks awesome. I know this is just a phase and it will pass, but it's just frustrating that I still have to stick with clear liquids cause nothing else works. I'm basically living on crystal light, popsicles, Jello and wonton Soup broth. I'm afraid to try the shakes again cause i can't take that pain anymore....even though if I make it with Water it shouldn't hurt (like it did when I made it with milk). Anyone else going through this??
  11. I am five days out and feeling the same thing. I like the idea of a tank top. But I think its normal.
  12. So just got home last night around 7pm from the hospital. All of the nurses in the hospital were great, except the one woman who was pregnant and just couldn't help me as much as I needed (when getting out of bed, etc). But I only had her one night and didn't see her again. All of the techs and nurses were so nice and caring. They really made my transition smooth. The worst part was waking up after surgery and being soooo nauseous and nothing they gave me would make it go away. About a day later it finally dawned on everyone (including me) that I am allergic to morphine since I threw up everytime i hit the little button for pain meds. THAT was really painful; violent dry-heaving. Again though the nurses were great and kept giving me other nausea medicine that would make me pass out until they could figure out what to give me (I'm allergic to Lortab too) After consulting with the docs, they finally found a combination of painkillers that worked really well and from there on out it was easy sailing. I have to say, I was ready to leave the hospital, but at the same time was soooo comfortable and painfree that I kinda wanted to stay. They gave me the option of staying another night but i decided to come home and start the next phase of recovery. No kidding though about how fast your stomach gets filled up. As soon as I was able to get full liquids down comfortably at the hospital, they let me go. At home I'm using the nonfat yogert with some protein powder mixed in and I added a little Truvia to it along with my crushed pill. Actually was okay...kinda tasted like chocolate pudding. but damn....I only made about 1/3 cup and could only get about 1/2 down before I was full. Incisions are healing fine. The one that the doc did most of the work from though, on my left side, hurts the most. I will admit that during that first night and first day....I reallllly was questioning whether this was the right thing to do. The nurses were so sweet and assured me that everyone's first day is like this (minus the vomitting). No starts the first week at home. Its funny though. My husband has been drinking coffee and eating snacks (cookies and toast) and I thought I would have been dying for some of it...but I really don't have the craving nor desire to eat that (partially cause I know how much pain that would cause and the other part...i just don't want it...that's a first).
  13. Granted I just got home and started eating...but I got Stoneyfield LowFat plain and mixed in one scoop of chocolate protein powder, with some Truvia for sweetness. I also added one of the crushed pills in it too and it was pretty good.
  14. Getting nervous for Tuesday! I hope everythingwill be fine....just getting anxious and nervous. How is everyone else feeling?
  15. Joiebean


    Hell, i just can't wait to fit into my old 'skinny' jeans. Not the new type of skinny jeans with the narrow leg. I mean the ones I had in college that were my favorite and I haven't fit into since 2002.
  16. Wow, thank you for all the support everyone! I find out today what time I report to the hospital tomorrow. I just found out last night that my husbands Aunt and Uncle (really close to them, but they live a few hours away) had it done not to long ago. They didn't tell anyone. His uncle actually got ordained to marry us in 2008....so they are very special...and very thorough thinkers. Between everyone here and them, I am really feeling great support. My husband is of course here for me too, but if you haven't been through this, its hard to understand the mental part. THanks everyone! And my best to you all! "See you" on the other side of surgery!!
  17. My surgery is a week from Tuesday (January 17th). I'm really excited and nervous all at the same time. It feels so surreal still. I suppose it won't feel real until I'm actually in the hospital gown, in the bed. I'm really NOT looking forward to waking up in pain though. I'm sensitive to anesthesia and tend to throw up after general. Really nervous about that, and the pain that will go with it, cause it definitely engages your core. I'm hoping that the nurses and doctors can manage all that and I don't feel like absolute death after. But I have to keep my eye on the prize and know that will pass. Today I am planning on organizing all of my clothes and getting my 'last week of fat clothes" all lined up, so that I don't have to fight with my wardrobe this week and then will be rid of it forever!! Woohoo. I have this favorite pair of jeans from college (well before low rise was the big thing...they are appropriate for a 30-something to wear) but I absolutely CAN NOT WAIT to fit back into them. They are a size 10 I think. It will be a 'glorious day in the neighborhood' the day I put those on and they fit. I will definitely be rocking them to work, even though they 'frown' upon jeans on anyday except Friday. God I am so happy that the last time I will have to wear my fat jeans to work on Friday will be this Friday. I know I'm rambling, but this is the constant circle of thoughts that is going through my mind in anticipation of next week. whew....... Fortunately most everyone is supportive. My brother is in the midst of cancer treatment (stage 3 melanoma) and so my family is really focused on that. My husband is being fantastic, even though he has never been overweight (he is 6'3 and had trouble GAINING weight...damn guy but I am fighting the feeling that I am stealing my brother's thunder. Every time I mention it to him I feel like he is thinking "why are we talking about you, when I have CANCER" and I'm definitely scared for him, but he still has really good treatment options and all of the surgery has taken the majority of it away. I'm actually so tired of worrying about everyone else (and we don't even have kids!) that I asked that no one visit me in the hospital. My mother was ex-communicated from the family when I was 17, so as the youngest and only female, I ended up playing the matriarch. Its a lot of responsibility and really exhausting, especially when they all expect you to care but then act like you are unbelievably bothersome. Especially when they never ask about me or my life and when I bring it up, they act like I'm self-centered. But then you can't choose your family right? My friends are all really supportive and there is a definite give and take with them (hence why they are my friends.) And since I am doing this surgery for me (and my husband sees how my role in my family is exhausting and totally understands) he supports my decision in asking everyone to NOT come to the hospital. I just want to be able to feel like crap and not have to worry about the others in the room. Fortunately they are all fine with it. I'm just rambling, but it helps to get this stuff out beforehand. I'm sure a lot of you understand my spiraling thoughts
  18. I'm really excited but anxious about surgery on Tuesday. I wish it would just get here already so I didn't have to wait anymore. Its the weirdest thing though....consciously I feel fine, but apparently subconsiously I have some real anxiety. I haven't slept well this past week (also getting used to the CPAP machine) and last night apparently I shot straight up in bed having a panic attack (which I totally don't remember, but woke up my husband.) I mean there is a lot going on; getting everything at work done, that damn mouse in our attic that I can hear at night, my brother having cancer, my father moving into the area.....but I really haven't felt anxiety ridden at all. Just tired of waiting till Tuesday. Anyone else experience this type of subconscious anxiety??
  19. THank you everyone. @overboard...I'm doing the same thing. I have gone out and bought everything I might need. I just want it to get here already. And I am so DONE with being the chubby girl. But i feel like I still have SOOO much to do before Tuesday. My nephews bday dinner is tonight, my niece's bday (my husbands side) is tomorrow and I am constantly worried that I messed up pre-op stuff (like getting my blood pulled too soon.) And that I am going to get there Tuesday and they are going to say "nope, we can't do it" And after everything I have been through, all the pre-op stuff, all the appts, getting all my work done, figuring out how to take time off, just everything, it will be devastating if I can't get it done. I'm just really tense. Btw congrats with the 60 lbs lost! That's fantastic! I can't wait until I start losing weight.
  20. Joiebean

    I Cant Do This

    I can't say I've been the best either, and I definitely went through the food funerals, as they call it. And it really was a psychological thing for me....that I would "never enjoy food the way i do now, again" but then a couple days ago, it just clicked that I was done with that. And tonight I was allllll about Chinese for dinner and even called in my order. THen I started thinking about what I'm planning on doing tonight (packing up my fat clothes) and it just hit me......Am I seriously going to make myself bigger with all this Chinese WHILE I am packing up my fat clothes...it just seemed so wrong. So I called and cancelled the order. It was just one little step, but I felt very empowered after. You will get there. Its a big thing to change the way you think. So give yourself a break and celebrate the little victories. My surgery is Tuesday and I have actually gained a couple lbs over the LONG process because of doing this. But my thinking is, it took me all that, to get here. I started just incorporating shakes and small changes over the last week just to get used to them and ESPECIALLY so that I know what I like beforehand and I'm not trying to figure out what tastes good AFTER I have surgery. I hope these little tips help. Keep up with coming on here and posting all your victories, even if it is just saying NO to chinese food Have faith in yourself!
  21. Joiebean


    I've read that surgeons really differ in their pre-op diet. My surgeon didn't require a diet. He wanted me to lose 10 lbs but really only mandated that I do clear liquids the day before surgery. Since the very beginning of the process I've gained about 7lbs and I'm kinda worried, but then I was this weight at my last appt with him, so I can't imagine that he wouldn't change his mind now....I certainely hope not. My surgery is Tuesday so we'll see.
  22. Wow, we are very similar. My BMI is like 40.5 and my surgery is on the 17th as well. Fortunately my surgeon doesn't have a liquid diet requirement, just the day before surgery I can only have Clear liquids. However, I am starting the Protein shakes today as a supplement to lunch and Snacks, just to get used to them over the next week. I figure if we get used to them now, then maybe it won't be so bad afterwards. and 2 thoughts come to mind, 1) these things are kinda gross, so it'll give us time to figure out recipes ahead of time, but then 2) we'll probably want something that actually has taste to it and these will taste awesome afterwards......got me. But i figure if we start with it now, it won't be so shocking afterwards. Stick with it and post on here if you start to feel weak and the food demons start a-calling :-) Use this as your venting place. I'll be here to listen! We are going through this together!
  23. My surgery is a week from Tuesday (January 17th). I'm really excited and nervous all at the same time. It feels so surreal still. I suppose it won't feel real until I'm actually in the hospital gown, in the bed. I'm really NOT looking forward to waking up in pain though. I'm sensitive to anesthesia and tend to throw up after general. Really nervous about that, and the pain that will go with it, cause it definitely engages your core. I'm hoping that the nurses and doctors can manage all that and I don't feel like absolute death after. But I have to keep my eye on the prize and know that will pass. Today I am planning on organizing all of my clothes and getting my 'last week of fat clothes" all lined up, so that I don't have to fight with my wardrobe this week and then will be rid of it forever!! Woohoo. I have this favorite pair of jeans from college (well before low rise was the big thing...they are appropriate for a 30-something to wear) but I absolutely CAN NOT WAIT to fit back into them. They are a size 10 I think. It will be a 'glorious day in the neighborhood' the day I put those on and they fit. I will definitely be rocking them to work, even though they 'frown' upon jeans on anyday except Friday. God I am so happy that the last time I will have to wear my fat jeans to work on Friday will be this Friday. I know I'm rambling, but this is the constant circle of thoughts that is going through my mind in anticipation of next week. whew....... Fortunately most everyone is supportive. My brother is in the midst of cancer treatment (stage 3 melanoma) and so my family is really focused on that. My husband is being fantastic, even though he has never been overweight (he is 6'3 and had trouble GAINING weight...damn guy but I am fighting the feeling that I am stealing my brother's thunder. Every time I mention it to him I feel like he is thinking "why are we talking about you, when I have CANCER" and I'm definitely scared for him, but he still has really good treatment options and all of the surgery has taken the majority of it away. I'm actually so tired of worrying about everyone else (and we don't even have kids!) that I asked that no one visit me in the hospital. My mother was ex-communicated from the family when I was 17, so as the youngest and only female, I ended up playing the matriarch. Its a lot of responsibility and really exhausting, especially when they all expect you to care but then act like you are unbelievably bothersome. Especially when they never ask about me or my life and when I bring it up, they act like I'm self-centered. But then you can't choose your family right? My friends are all really supportive and there is a definite give and take with them (hence why they are my friends.) And since I am doing this surgery for me (and my husband sees how my role in my family is exhausting and totally understands) he supports my decision in asking everyone to NOT come to the hospital. I just want to be able to feel like crap and not have to worry about the others in the room. Fortunately they are all fine with it. I'm just rambling, but it helps to get this stuff out beforehand. I'm sure a lot of you understand my spiraling thoughts
  24. Joiebean


    thanks everyone. I talked to a friend about it and she said you could request a female nurse to do it too which makes me a little more comfortable. I suppose if I'm not even awake for it, I won't be able to be embarrassed. I know it seems weird, cause usually I'm not really modest (I played sports and changed on the field-Rugby players don't get locker rooms, lol), but this just gives me the heebee-geebees!
  25. I think its a pretty personal decision about who you tell. I decided to tell my close family and friends and my boss. I pretty much knew going into it who would support me and who would question my decision so I thought about how I was going to tell them for awhile before I did. I came up with something similar to this "I've decided to get the Vertical Sleeve surgery. It is similar to gastric bypass (which I added because no one knew what a sleeve was) but without the re-routing that bypass requires. I'm happy to answer any questions you have about it and discuss your concerns, but will not entertain any judgement of my decision, so I ask that before you ask me any questions, you consider whether they are questions or judgements." Even though it sounds really technical (I even said this to my father and brother) it laid the ground work that, while I am happy to discuss it with them, I won't tolerate judgement. So when they started to sound judgemental, I could point it out much easier because I introduced that caveat right in the beginning. It also made them evaluate their thoughts more thoroughly before asking me. All in all, while there have been a few judgemental comments, I know who really has my back and is rooting for me.

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