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LAP-BAND Patients
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    SexySlim got a reaction from Bos123 in Mexico   
    People please do your research. The surgeon that invented the lapband practices in Mexico and so does a surgeon that was named one if the top 25 bariatric surgeons in the WORLD. So just thinking US surgeons are the gold standard is hog wash.
  2. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from Bos123 in Mexico   
    People please do your research. The surgeon that invented the lapband practices in Mexico and so does a surgeon that was named one if the top 25 bariatric surgeons in the WORLD. So just thinking US surgeons are the gold standard is hog wash.
  3. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from mylifeinpink in Mexico   
    1) doesn't have insurance
    2) has insurance but don't want to do the 3 or 6 month diet and requirements
    3) want to be sleeved by a Mexican surgeon with more experience than a US surgeon
    4) self-pay is cheaper than the US self-pay
    5) hospital stay is longer
    6) doesn't meet US insurance requirements (BMI and/or comorbidities)
  4. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from amytug in Mexico   
    To the OP do your research and take as long as you feel comfortable. You will find a lot of open people on these and other boards that will share their experiences, good and bad. You need to find a surgeon you can trust with your life. My surgeon had one death due to pulmonary embolism. Well guess what, anyone that has any type of surgery can die of PE. There were also a lot of rumors and drama flying around about my surgeon around the time I had my surgery. He called me and we talked for 20 minutes and I was confident in my choice. I went with his CREDENTIALS. You will also find a lot of people trying to use scare tactics just because they know someone who knew someone that allegedly died from surgery in Mexico. I'm sure you've had people that told you you don't even need surgery and you can just lose the weight the right way with diet and exercise. Same concept. It's your body, your life, your decision. Trying to find a surgeon with 0 complications, 0 deaths, 0 pain, 0 nausea will be impossible. Surgery is an art not a science. Good luck with whomever you choose.
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    SexySlim reacted to clk in Mexico   
    There's a very real opinion in America, particularly among those affiliated with the healthcare industry, that the only place in the entire world to receive adequate healthcare is America.
    As someone who has lived overseas for much of the last nine years, I'd have to point out there there is perfectly adequate and quite often SUPERIOR care elsewhere. America's system is so bogged down with bureaucratic restrictions and liability concerns that oftentimes finding a good doctor just to help you get over routine illnesses can be a problem.
    Search out the word "leak" on this forum and tell me how many US surgeons vs. Mexican surgeons you find in those posts. No, that's not proof of superior care or more experience. But in my time here on VST and on OH I have seen only a bare handful of complications from Mexico and the vast majority of them were stateside doctors.
    The most important factor is RESEARCH. Do not assume that a US doctor knows more and will perform excellently simply because he's a US doctor. Do not assume that a Mexican doctor is safe just because someone else said so. Do your research.
    And if you choose to have the surgery know that leaks and other complications are a very real risk, regardless of surgeon, and can happen to anyone. They're rare but that is no consolation if you're the person in a medically induced coma for weeks because of a problem.
    And I, for one, could have gone to any doctor I wanted as I was self-pay and money wasn't a concern. I researched three: Dr. Curry in Cincy, Dr. Nick in Plano and Dr. Aceves. I opted to fly all the way from Germany to see Dr. Aceves because his team was wonderful, he has nothing but glowing reviews here and on OH (or did in 2010) and he has an excellent record of skillfully performing this surgery. My great experience is one that has been shared by every other patient of his I've seen. I can only name a few stateside docs that get the same glowing recommends Dr. Aceves gets (Dr. Cirangle comes to mind) which in and of itself, says something for bedside manner if nothing else.
  6. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from amytug in Mexico   
    To the OP do your research and take as long as you feel comfortable. You will find a lot of open people on these and other boards that will share their experiences, good and bad. You need to find a surgeon you can trust with your life. My surgeon had one death due to pulmonary embolism. Well guess what, anyone that has any type of surgery can die of PE. There were also a lot of rumors and drama flying around about my surgeon around the time I had my surgery. He called me and we talked for 20 minutes and I was confident in my choice. I went with his CREDENTIALS. You will also find a lot of people trying to use scare tactics just because they know someone who knew someone that allegedly died from surgery in Mexico. I'm sure you've had people that told you you don't even need surgery and you can just lose the weight the right way with diet and exercise. Same concept. It's your body, your life, your decision. Trying to find a surgeon with 0 complications, 0 deaths, 0 pain, 0 nausea will be impossible. Surgery is an art not a science. Good luck with whomever you choose.
  7. Like
    SexySlim reacted to CCCross in Mexico   
  8. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from Bos123 in Mexico   
    People please do your research. The surgeon that invented the lapband practices in Mexico and so does a surgeon that was named one if the top 25 bariatric surgeons in the WORLD. So just thinking US surgeons are the gold standard is hog wash.
  9. Like
    SexySlim reacted to peacequeen in What Not To Do With Your Sleeve   
    I decided to post here since some of the new folks may have alot of questions they need answers to. I'm no expert, mind you, but I am over 10 months having my sleeve. I have been through most of it..had a leak, a stricture and have had my share of heartaches during this whole process. To date I've lost 91 pounds. Keeping that in mind, I'll tell you I could be much better off by now if I had done what I was told. If you think the sleeve will fix emotional eating,,you are very wrong. I met the Labor day challenge but have not met the halloween challenge and here is why. I'll get the excuses out of the way..had family problems, a very defiant and stubborn but much loved special needs child, had serious illnesses in my family including a tiny newborn who developed IVH and a sister who was involved in a bad car accident (lost my parents in a car accident so this was especially stressful), have 2 sons in college we are struggling getting through school due to my husbands layoffs from work, my stepdaughter got pregnant,,,again and she's only 18 and alone..there's enough drama with that one that caused alot of sleepless nights so insomnia sets in, losing my hair by the hands full, still can't buy another house since we lost the one we had when I became disabled with an autoimmune disease,,recently went to a sleep study where not only did I find out my sleep apnea has not improved but they found issues with my heart. So off to the cardiologist I go..waiting on the tests results. My whole body aches and I went into deep depression which I've struggled with for years but it has gotten bad. So there is a starting list of reasons for screwing up..the list could go on and on. I turned to my favorite fixer,,food. I've eaten out at fast food restaurants, drank sodas, eaten pizza, candy, ice cream..living that lifestyle like I didn't ever have surgery. What I got was more depression, anxiety and only 8 pounds of weightloss since Labor day. You may think,,well hey you still lost weight but that's only because my stomach is not quite large enough to hold alot..if I was further out who knows how much I could hold and how much I could gain. I spent 3 hours at the bariatric center yesterday having melt downs and they rushed me into see the psychiatrist as well as the nutritionist. After talking to them and saying everything out loud..I woke this morning as it is a day of reckoning for me. I WILL start over, I will succeed and accomplish what I set out to do. Please hear me people, if you have emotional eating problems..get help. I've been in therapy for years but have talked around relating my problems to eating and vice versa. I knew I had the problem but always have excuses and that just doesn't work. You will not succeed if you do what I did. You will not be happy with the results. Take charge and do this thing full force and keep in mind that you have to make lifestyle changes. You cannot continue to eat whatever you want and expect good results. I am usually a positive person and try to keep upbeat and laid back. I pat people on the back and say it'll be ok but I just can't do that anymore. So if you decide you want to have this surgery you need to prepare yourself and make the changes that come with it.
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    SexySlim got a reaction from 4ALongerLife in Anyone Else Have A Goal Size?   
    Yeah sizes are crazy! I'm really hippy so I always have the gap in the waist. I can fit a 14 dress but barely zip up a 18 pencil skirt.
    And let's talk about frame sizes. According to my wrist size I have a small frame. I find that hard to accept and laughable. I guess I've just always carried a lotta weight on this small frame. I weighed 90 lbs in 2nd grade!
    And speaking of shopping, I am soooo happy I can shop on the regular side. My top has always been smaller so I was already in a regular XL. I can wear L now. I have turned into a little online shopping addict. Help me!
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    SexySlim got a reaction from SkinnyMinnie2Be in What's Your New Addiction?   
    Definitely online shopping
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    SexySlim got a reaction from lizv123 in Frankenstorm   
    Soooo I got a generator!!! I got really lucky. I went to lowes at 6 am and they still didn't have any. This one lady called Home Depot and they had a few left they said come now! So I got one. I'm so glad I have gas so I can still cook and take hot showers.
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    SexySlim got a reaction from lizv123 in Frankenstorm   
    Soooo I got a generator!!! I got really lucky. I went to lowes at 6 am and they still didn't have any. This one lady called Home Depot and they had a few left they said come now! So I got one. I'm so glad I have gas so I can still cook and take hot showers.
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    SexySlim reacted to sirensiren in Bmi 20! Sleeved With Dr. Kelly Last November   
    Hi friends, I have not been on here in some time because I honestly haven't had a reason to be...
    I know a lot of people drop off and do not check in because these forums are of no real use to them once they move on with their lives, but I just want to chime in as someone a year out from surgery.
    Dr. Kelly keeps in regular contact with me to see how my health is, and to say my results with him have surpassed expectations is an understatement!
    I no longer suffer with the emotional ups and downs that I used to have associated with my meals. I am completely capable of choosing what is healthiest to eat, and eating that (AMAZING! I used to eat a package of oreos for a night time snack routinely). Not only is sugar and crap less enticing, it just does not taste the same. Feeling full is no longer quite the same feeling it was, of feeling "stuffed"- this is a hard concept to grasp until you actually get VSG.
    After surgery, I hired a personal trainer and let them know about the surgery. I am now muscular yet curvy, I actually have "abs"- I actually model and have been asked to compete in fitness competitions! A year ago, I was obese!
    I write this to let you know, though everyone gets different results for a variety of reasons, a huge part of why I am so happy with my surgery was Dr. Kelly. He was in contact with my regardless of who my coordinator was, when I had concerns he called me immediately, and followed up via e-mail. My surgery was a mere 38 minutes, and though I had lots of gas pain as I recovered, I truly had an amazingly easy recovery.
    If you are considering him, or any other surgeon, do your research- but I can tell you, this was by far the best decision I have ever mede with my body. I went in with so much fear, and now if I could tell everyone considering VSG to get it, I would. I will never die of obesity complications like people in my family, I will never have to avoid vacations or places because I'm obese and cannot do certain things, I will never have to worry about the size of seats, or feel guilty because of how much I ate.
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    SexySlim reacted to delta_girl in Am I Loosing Fast Enough? (Got The Sleeve At 154#)   
    I don't think that vssupermodel's story is anybody's business unless she wants to share. There is no protocol here that requires she prove herself to us nor anyone else. She does not owe us anything and we shouldn't feel entitled to details about her history. She is unique in her history and her rationaile compared to vast majority here. That is OK. I wouldn't compare this to the promo spammer employees from that doctor's office that convened here recently with their highly questionable motives.
    When my husband died in March 2011 from an accident I dropped 40 lbs in three months. I wanted a lapband at that point so badly I could have cried.It took the death of my loved one to finally get me to drop weight. I wanted it to last but was so afraid the weight would come back. Then, three months after my husband's death my brother was killed. I gained 60 lbs back over the next several months. Totally opposite ways to handle grief and stress.
    If I could have had a bariatric procedure preformed when I was at 178, you better believe I would have done it!
    There has been an over 400% increase in the number of bariatric procedures performed just in the last few years. If it is an area of medicine that is growing that quickly, then it just might be that the definitions for qualification may be changing and becoming more broad. In another ten years it is possible that this is a routine surgery for cosmetic purposes. Face lifts, tummy tucks, etc. aren't just for burn victims and they are major surgery as well.
  16. Like
    SexySlim reacted to caliah in Watching 20/20-Feeding Tube Diet   
    Hi all, yes I watched 20/20 too on the feeding tube, I was upset because people are using it to lose weight. My grandson is 3 years old he was run over on the sidewalk while being pushed in his stroller by his grandfather had MAJOR damage is paralyzed from the waist down among many other things he also eats through a feeding tube not because he chose too but because he HAS too!! Id give anything for him to eat by mouth. I personally think people are disrespecting the real use of this machine. I think that is just too extreme theres many other ways to lose 10 or 20 lbs!!
    Sent from my HTC Glacier using VST
  17. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from UTGal99 in Watching 20/20-Feeding Tube Diet   
    So I thought I had seen it all! There is a doctor in Florida that puts a feeding tube in your nose and you pump nutrients into it 24 hours/day. You induce ketosis by getting 800 calories/day. I think I'm happy with my sleeve thanks lol!
  18. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from simply.torri in Pole Dancing   
    I've done a few pole and chair classes. Let me tell you it is a workout and you will sweat! I went at my heaviest 288 lbs. one of the instructors was over 300 lbs when she started and she's down to 180. She is the reason I joined. She can do all the pole tricks and can hang upside down. You definitely have to stick with it to build your upper body strength. I haven't been in a while but it's definitely a fun workout. And definitely buy the platform shoes. Better leg and calf shaping.
  19. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from UTGal99 in Watching 20/20-Feeding Tube Diet   
    So I thought I had seen it all! There is a doctor in Florida that puts a feeding tube in your nose and you pump nutrients into it 24 hours/day. You induce ketosis by getting 800 calories/day. I think I'm happy with my sleeve thanks lol!
  20. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from UTGal99 in Watching 20/20-Feeding Tube Diet   
    So I thought I had seen it all! There is a doctor in Florida that puts a feeding tube in your nose and you pump nutrients into it 24 hours/day. You induce ketosis by getting 800 calories/day. I think I'm happy with my sleeve thanks lol!
  21. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from UTGal99 in Watching 20/20-Feeding Tube Diet   
    So I thought I had seen it all! There is a doctor in Florida that puts a feeding tube in your nose and you pump nutrients into it 24 hours/day. You induce ketosis by getting 800 calories/day. I think I'm happy with my sleeve thanks lol!
  22. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from Afro_Cyster in Anyone Have Any Complications Going To Mexico For Surgery   
    I think you will see more of the US patients with complications than Mexico patients. The Mexican surgeons have been doing this surgery longer. On that note I was sleeved by Dr. Kelly and I would do it over again 10,000 times. I am not being paid to say this. Actually I haven't spoken to him since my surgery. I should shoot him an email to tell him my progress a lot of Americans are misinformed about Medical Tourism. I'm glad I did my research and have no regrets!
  23. Like
    SexySlim reacted to Sleeved&Hopeful in 6 Month Surgiversary 9/28/2012 Pics   
    Good job lady! Looking in shape and fab!
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    SexySlim reacted to DreamsOfSkinny in 6 Month Surgiversary 9/28/2012 Pics   
    Congrats on your loss! You can see the difference.
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    SexySlim reacted to tsmyle in 6 Month Surgiversary 9/28/2012 Pics   
    WOW... congrats!! best wishes to u on ur continuation...

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