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Everything posted by SexySlim

  1. SexySlim

    Daniel Fast...

    I have done the Daniel fast before (pre-op). I know beans are allowed, those have protein. Also nuts. I think brown rice has protein too. I think you will be fine because 1) it's not for a long amount of time to worry about muscle loss and 2) you will be eating healthy nutritious food all while growing closer to God. That's worth it to me.
  2. SexySlim

    Do You Still Diet?

    I didn't to lose my first (current) 50 lbs. But now that I have been stalled for 7 weeks I might need to. Grant it, I already eat pretty healthy, but I work out a lot and I would just stick to 3 meals/day, no snacks, 9 cups of water, and make sure all of my meals had protein. Not really sure what "diet' I want to try. The whole reason I wanted this surgery is so that I would never have to diet again.
  3. I'm in my 5th month and have been going up and down the same 2 lbs for like 7 weeks now. I slipped into an old habbit yesterday and ate a bunch of sugar. I felt like I was back at square 1 watching what I eat and not losing, so I said what's the point. Luckily I shook that off and am back on track today. I have been working out (not consistently) since 6 weeks out. I started back doing my 5 am workouts this morning. Hopefully that will give me the boost I need. Hang in there buddy!
  4. SexySlim


    Doctors aren't begging anyone to try it because no drug company can market it to make money off of it. I told my doctor I used it and he gave me a pat on the back and said do what works for you. Everyone is different. But all doctors aren't open minded like that. Most of them are just brainwashed drug pushers.
  5. SexySlim


    HCG is not a gimmick or magic hormone. It's the hormone excreted during pregnancy. Read Pounds and Inches if you want the scientific details.
  6. SexySlim


    HCG does work, but you must get the real hormone. The FDA took all of the homeopathic products off the market. I did HCG throught a clinic in 2009 and lost 50 lbs. I kept it off for about a year, and it did take work to keep it off. Gained it all back in a matter of months when I got on antidepressants. I don't think it's worth investing in for pre-op. Just follow your doctor's orders. I have considered doing it post-op. I've been in a 6 week stall and am really tempted to order some from India. I think getting the weight off is easier than keeping it off, and the sleeve will help me maintain. I'm down 50 lbs but want to lose 40-50 more.
  7. SexySlim

    Week 20 (5 Months Post Op)

    Congratulations on another loss! I guess my loss last week was a fluke, I went up 1.8 lbs so I'm still at my dreaded stall
  8. You can actually buy clip in tracks, or make your own. They are like $100 but I made my own for under $40. My friend told me about it and there are several youtube videos out that show you how to make them and put them in. You just buy the pack of 100% human hair, thread, a needle, and wig clips. I actually wore mine on Saturday to a wedding. You wash, comb, and style them just like they are your own. In response to the general thread, I already had thin hair. I'm in my 5th month and am noticing more shedding. The front of my hair is very thin and I can see my scalp when I brush my hair back. I know this is partly because of genetics. I started taking Biotin this week. I hope it reduces the shedding.
  9. SexySlim

    I Wonder What Celebrities Are Sleeved?!?

    Yeah I think Oprah is too rich to care. She was already under a microscope all of those other times she dropped weight using a fad diet. I think she is happy and comfortable in her body now.
  10. SexySlim

    Ladies What Is Your Type?

    I always thought I was a pear, maybe a spoon? idk I'm 5'11" I set my own goal weight of 190, but honestly I don't remember ever being under 200 lbs and I've always been at least a size 16 since high school. I have a defined waist and large hips and thighs. My upper body is pretty normal looking. I can wear L tops now, from XL. I know I will still have hips when I get to goal, and I want to keep them (so does my boyfriend lol).
  11. SexySlim


    Yep! Trust me, it's an ongoing learning process. Sometimes I still eat big/normal sized bites, but then I'm full in like 5 minutes and everyone else is still enjoying their meal and I'm sitting there twittling my tumbs So if you eat slow and tiny, then you can enjoy your meal with everybody. But I'm single so most of the time I'm eating alone so getting full in 5 minutes is fine with me when I'm by myself at home.
  12. SexySlim


    Anytime I think. I'm in my 5th month.
  13. SexySlim


    Mine didn't come from my mouth. It was coming from my throat. I also threw up the slime one time (only time I got sick 3 weeks out), it had the food particles in it though. So it wasn't like normal vomit, it was just clear slime and chopped up food.
  14. Good post! I'm a scientist This guy explains it, and he also has some other great articles on his site. Enjoy! http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/of-whooshes-and-squishy-fat.html
  15. SexySlim


    It happens when you eat too fast or your bites are too big. I didn't realize I had been doing it until this past Saturday. The consistency is thicker than saliva but thinner than mucous. I was eating and driving and hadn't eaten in like 10 hours (long story), so I didn't realize how fast I was eating.
  16. SexySlim

    Week 19 With Hair Loss :(

    I'm noticing a lot of hair loss too, and my hair is very thin in the front already. Thanks genetics I finally broke my stall and lost 3.2 lbs this week. I didn't do anything different to break it, I just kept on trucking. I'm hoping I'm back to consistent losses. I'm still doing Zumba and my elliptical. I just got sucked into an infomercial and ordered Tap Out XT. It's kinda like Insanity, I think I'm insane for trying it. Good luck next week, I hope you make it to onederland!
  17. SexySlim

    Olympic Bodies Are Inspiring!

    Mobile productivity killer! Lmao!!! I love it. So accurate.
  18. Surprisingly, I didn't. I say surprisingly because pre-sleeve, every other "diet" I've been on I always stall after 2 weeks and then quit. I lost consistently for 3 months, and then only lost 3.6 lbs the whole month of July. So I call that a stall in my book. BTW I only weigh once/week. I did take progress pictures and have lost A LOT of inches. So I'm not letting this slow loss discourage me. My body will get with the program eventually I want my overall average to be 10 lbs/month, and I'm down 50 in 4 months, so I'm ahead of the curve.
  19. SexySlim

    Restaurant Week (Or My $57 Lesson Learned)

    I hardly ever cook these days because everytime I go out to eat, I instantly have 4 meals. Today's lunch is a slider I had left over from Sunday! I think part of my stall is because I've been eating out a lot lately. I'm seeing a new guy that loves to take me out But my portions have stayed tiny. idk, I need to get back to the basics.
  20. SexySlim

    Week 18

    Good job! It's good that you are consistently losing. I'm still at a stall, ugh! I guess I'm shrinking because I keep getting compliments, but I want to see the numbers come down! I read that when you stall it's your body remembering a weight you were at for a long time. I don't remember being 238 for a long time, but I guess I was. I'm going to keep on truckin and hope my body stops resisting. Good luck next week!
  21. So sorry for your loss. I lost my dad 3 weeks after I was sleeved. I will say that the sleeve saved me from emotional eating. I was sleeved in Mexico with no complications. I only had blood work done 4 months post-op. Hopefully you will have another job/insurance in place by then. I am praying that you will be fine. *hugs*
  22. SexySlim

    Week 17 With Bathing Suit Picture

    Good job! You look great! I'm only down 0.6 lbs this week. I'm in the stall from hell. I've only lost 4 lbs this whole month. I've been working out a lot this week, I'm probably not eating enough to sustain my workouts. I hope I'm not stalled for long. I still want to lose 40 more lbs.
  23. SexySlim

    I'm Gonna Miss

    Chipotle and Five Guys
  24. SexySlim

    I Wonder What Celebrities Are Sleeved?!?

    What about Chaka Khan? She dropped those 80 pounds mighty fast. Ijs.

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